After you create a content search using the New-ComplianceSearch cmdlet and run it using the Start-ComplianceSearch cmdlet, you assign a search action to the search using the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet.

This example exports the results returned by the content search named "Case 321 All Sites". The search results are compressed and exported to a single ZIP file. If the search included any Exchange locations, the search results are exported as one PST file per mailbox.

Download Content Search Results Powershell

Download Zip 🔥 🔥

To specify the format for Exchange search results, use the ExchangeArchiveFormat parameter. To specify the format for SharePoint and OneDrive search results, use the SharePointArchiveFormat parameter.

The Report switch specifies the action for the content search is to export a report about the results (information about each item instead of the full set of results) that match the search criteria. You don't need to specify a value with this switch.

Use the Get-ComplianceSearch cmdlet to view estimate compliance searches in Exchange Server 2016 or later and in the Microsoft Purview compliance portal. After you use the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet to define a preview action for the compliance search, use the Get-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet to view the results of the compliance search.

Hi all,

How do you view the full search results of a compliance mailboxes search, preferred in csv format? 

I perform a search by subject and want to view all results before performing delete.

The content search functionality is realized through a custom cmdlet (Search-FileContent) implemented in F# based on the solution (I have only changed the original solution to accept an array of strings for the full paths) provided in this blog post. This speeds up the performance significantly as compared to Select-String through the usage of parallel asynchronous tasks.

The UI also support some options:

The first step is to prepare the search results for exporting. When you prepare results, they are uploaded to a Microsoft-provided Azure Storage location in the Microsoft cloud. Content from mailboxes and sites is uploaded at a maximum rate of 2 GB per hour.

One PST file for each mailbox: Exports one PST file for each user mailbox that contains search results. Any results from the user's archive mailbox are included in the same PST file. This option reproduces the mailbox folder structure from the source mailbox.

One PST file containing all messages: Exports a single PST file (named Exchange.pst) that contains the search results from all source mailboxes included in the search. This option reproduces the mailbox folder structure for each message.

One PST file containing all messages in a single folder: Exports search results to a single PST file where all messages are located in a single, top-level folder. This option lets reviewers review items in chronological order (items are sorted by sent date) without having to navigate the original mailbox folder structure for each item.

Individual messages: Exports search results as individual email messages, using the .msg format. If you select this option, email search results are exported to a folder in the file system. The folder path for individual messages is the same as the one used if you exported the results to PST files.

Click the Include versions for SharePoint documents checkbox to export all versions of SharePoint documents. This option appears only if the content sources of the search include SharePoint or OneDrive for Business sites.

Click the Export files in a compressed (zipped) folder checkbox to export search results to compressed folders. This option is available only when you choose to export Exchange items as individual messages and when the search results include SharePoint or OneDrive documents. This option is primarily used to work around the 260 character limit in Windows file path names when items are exported. See the "Filenames of exported items" in the More information section.

The search results are prepared for downloading, which means they're being uploaded to the Azure Storage location in the Microsoft cloud. When the search results are ready for download, the Download exported results link is displayed under Export results to a computer in the details pane.

The Windows() metod returns another COM object, ShellWindows, which represents a collection of the currently open File Explorer and Internet Explorer windows. Enumerating these collections with their native methods is tricky, but fortunately PowerShell will enumerate the collection if you wrap in an array operator, @($Shell.Winndows()). Then we have a collection open windows. Even with multiple Explorer windnows open, assuming you only have one with search results, it's easy enough to find by examininng the underlying FolderItem's path property:

with that window, we use the associated Folder object's Itmes() method to get the FolderItems that correspond the the files in your search results. Because Items() returns another COM collection object, we use the array operator again:

2. The maximum search results when using search queries

When we use the Search-Mailbox cmdlet + a search query, meaning using the -SearchQuery parameter, the results are limited to a maximum of 10,000 results.

WARNING: The Search-Mailbox cmdlet returns up to 10000 results per mailbox if a search query is specified. To return more than 10000 results, use the New-MailboxSearch cmdlet or the In-Place eDiscovery & Hold console in the Exchange Administration Center.

What are unindexed items in eDiscovery? This question often arises among business leaders and decision makers, especially those managing large volumes of data. Unindexed items can significantly impact the efficiency and accuracy of content searches, leading to potential consequences if crucial data is missed.

In this post, we will delve into the intricacies of unindexed items, exploring why certain files become unindexed or partially indexed. We'll also examine how these elements influence search results within an eDiscovery context.

In the world of eDiscovery, unindexed items can be a bit of a mystery. Unindexed items are partially indexed email items in Exchange Online that, for various reasons, cannot be fully processed for content searches. These reasons could include:

An unindexed item is essentially an incomplete piece of data within your organization's information repository. Despite being only partially indexed, these appear as 'unindexed' in content search results reports which may lead to confusion and potential inaccuracies during critical discovery stages.

These files are only partially indexed and often appear as 'unindexed' in content search reports due to incomplete processing. This inconsistency can lead to important information slipping through the cracks during critical discovery stages.

I have spent a LOT of time searching for a way to do this. I have saved searches within Splunk Enterprise 9.x (the cloud instance) and want to be able to grab these CSV's to a windows directory to then import into a 3rd party toolset. There are a LOT of google results and massively outdated Splunk community posts which just clouds the issue.

Actions govern what happens when you run a content search. Normally, after creating a search, you execute an action to execute a preview search, followed by an export action when the search returns the set of items you need. Behind the scenes, the New-ComplianceSearch cmdlet sets up a search and the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet associates an action with the search. The Start-ComplianceSearch cmdlet then starts the search.

The compliance search purge action is only supported for content searches executed against Exchange Online mailboxes. The Purge action is also only accessible to users who hold the Organization Management role for the compliance center. Up to recently, it was only possible to soft-delete mailbox items, which means that a user could recover the item. This is OK if you want to allow users to recover items deleted in error, but not if you want to permanently remove items like malware or messages sent in error. The Search-Mailbox cmdlet gets a lot of use in these scenarios because it is very good at removing mailbox items.

First, create a content search with PowerShell or through the Microsoft Purview Compliance portal (the easiest approach). Make sure that the search finds the items that you want to remove and limit it to Exchange Online mailboxes. Now add the purge action by running the New-ComplianceSearchAction cmdlet to add the purge action and set the purge type to HardDelete:

The question is how to remove some but not all the OneDrive documents found by a content search. This article demonstrates how to use PowerShell to view the set of files, and then select files to remove.

The script described here is designed to handle the tedious process of taking report data for a content search and use it to drive a document deletion process. There is no equivalent in the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center currently. To run the script, you need cmdlets from the Exchange Online (connected to the compliance endpoint), SharePoint Online, and PnP modules. Lastly, an administrator must grant consent to use SharePoint PnP Module cmdlets in the tenant. All these conditions must be met prior to working with this script.

PowerShell is a great way to automate tasks in SharePoint Online. With PowerShell, you can quickly find the information you need from your SharePoint Online environment. At times, You may need to export search results for further analysis or to use in other applications. In this blog post, we will show you how to use PowerShell to search for content in SharePoint Online and export the search results to a CSV.

Using Keyword query to execute search and export results to CSV with CSOM is explained in my other post: How to Search SharePoint Online using PowerShell-Keyword Query?, Now, I need to get the List Item ID of the latest item created in a SharePoint Online list: e24fc04721

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