Compass Cloud is the latest exam delivery solution from Certiport. We created a new, fully online, lightweight, cloud-based application that can deliver all of our exams, including our Live-in-the-Application exams from Adobe, Autodesk, and Microsoft. We also created a new calendar scheduling tool which makes it easier than ever to manage your exam sessions and email notifications, a new calendar and administration tool for proctoring exams, along with a simplified exam launch pathway for Test Candidates.

Compass Cloud was developed as a way to eliminate the need of setting up and maintaining all the software required to perform local (native) delivery with Compass for Windows. With Compass Cloud, the exam software, locally installed software required for Live-in-the-Application delivery, and the exam content are all stored in the cloud, so you will only need to download and install the Compass Cloud app on every desired testing workstation, then schedule and confirm your first session through our website and you're good to go!

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With your authorization, Compass automatically scans your cloud assets against compliance policies, and the service evaluation items help you quickly manage the compliance status. You can download compliance reports in few clicks.

Nobody likes surprises when it comes to cost overruns. With OpsCompass monetary alert limits, you can set budgets for individual business units, automatically attribute costs to the units responsible for them, and get real-time alerts if a budget threshold is reached. This gives you a second set of eyes on your cloud spending so you can avoid surprises.

OpsCompass fills the cost gap between cloud resource changes and when the report showing this change is sent. With native tools and policy implementation, you can restrict spend at a desired threshold, but OpsCompass gives you the ability to actually address the resource before the money is spent.

Atlas Database is available in 80+ regions across AWS, Google Cloud, and Azure. You can even take advantage of multi-cloud and multi-region deployments, allowing you to target the providers and regions that best serve your users. Best-in-class automation and proven practices guarantee availability, scalability, and compliance with the most demanding data security and privacy standards.

Atlas Data Lake is a fully managed storage solution that provides the economics of cloud object storage and is optimized for analytical queries. Atlas Data Lake reformats, creates partition indexes, and partitions data as it is ingested, creating an isolated workload ready to support large and complex analytical queries. Rich analytical insights are delivered whilst not degrading the performance of your production application.

There is a mature market with many existing backup and disaster recovery solutions that support the protection of data in IT services delivered on-premises by backing up data to physical media. However, the way in which IT services are delivered is changing as organizations move to a hybrid delivery model. This is leading to emerging markets for solutions that protect data in SaaS (Software as a Service) and IaaS (infrastructure as a Service) as well as for solutions that use cloud services to secure the backed-up data. There is also a growing market offering enterprise BaaS (Backup as a Service) and DRaaS (Disaster Recovery as a Service).

Most of the existing vendors are adapting their solutions to this hybrid service delivery model, but there is still some way to go, especially around SaaS platforms. In addition, new vendors, including the cloud service providers themselves, now offer solutions to protect data in their cloud and to store backup data from other sources. For SaaS, most vendors now offer solutions for customers to back-up the data held in Microsoft Office 365. Some offer solutions that also cover Google Workspace and Salesforce, however, there is a lack of comprehensive coverage for data in other SaaS platforms. This is likely to become more of a problem with the increase in the variety of business solutions delivered as SaaS.

TechM's Cloud Oriented Maturity Posture Assessment for Security Services (COMPASS), a comprehensive approach in evaluating the pre-migration security landscape, offers a roadmap for secure implementation of the target cloud security landscape. It also provides guidance for managing Azure cloud security with continuous security and compliance monitoring.

Value Delivered: The holistic assessment will provide a risk based analysis to the stakeholders to aid the go/no-go decision for Azure cloud security controls. They'll also help channel the business requirements for the Azure cloud migration into effective and valuable security solutions.

Azure Cloud Security Assessment service is aimed at covering the entire lifecycle of cloud security requirements. Azure post migration security Assessment services provides analysis on interoperability, compliance and security posture evaluation for digital transformation.

Value Delivered: Azure Post Migration security assessment services are available to provide vital analysis on compatibility, priority and maturity level of the on-prem extended, cloud native and third party tools.The assessment services for continuous monitoring and reporting ensures the security posture is defense ready to mitigate advanced threats and meets the required compliance standards.

Compass Academy provides internships with on-the-job technical training, in areas such as cloud development, data engineering, machine learning, cyber security and DevSecOps, among others, with mentoring from Compass UOL professionals. In partnership with AWS, the company plans to add 50 new positions exclusively to AWS re/Start graduates in 2024.

The document focuses on benefits and risks that are associated with moving data and operations to the cloud. Its content includes considerations when choosing a cloud provider, cloud deployment models, cloud computing infrastructure requirements, and cloud adoption risks and mitigation strategies.

Success metrics act as the guiding light for organizations to measure how far they have evolved in cloud transformation programs. Metrics provide quantifiable parameters that organizations can use to measure the business value, such as Return on Investment (ROI), Cost savings (TCO), Reach (users gained) and efficiency gained (RTP, RPO, etc.). Getting the success metrics right from the onset ensures that the business sets off on the desired trajectory.

Success metrics give a clear picture of the extent to which the move to the cloud has met its business objectives. Success metrics are more than just KPI (Key Performance Indicators) and KRI (Key Risk Indicators) employed by an organization. KPIs and KRIs are one way to set up alerts and warning signs to ensure processes are working as intended, they are a mechanism through which success metrics can be achieved. Through KPI/KRIs leadership notes the areas that might require more attention or redress to achieve the overall business vision. For instance, Formula One (F1), F1 needed an easy and efficient way of managing its ever-expanding media archive while also providing real-time user analytics and feedback. Thus, they shifted over 4PB of data to the cloud. The consequent success metrics pointed to the real-time analysis and user engagement that happened in the live races using AI and ML and not the amount of data moved to the cloud.

While many organizations have and use success metrics in one way or another, most of them have a hard time knowing which success metrics to employ. There is an extensive tendency to use wrong metrics measuring only the technical aspects of the cloud transformation while overlooking other critical areas. Below is a description of some common organizational mistakes when measuring cloud transformation:

Transformation using the cloud depends on the organization's size, business strategy, and other business-specific considerations such as product mix, aspirations, etc. These factors will drive decisions like; What do we build? What is our customer journey? What is the rollout to users? Hence the metrics deployed should measure this progress to these questions. The KPIs should drive and influence behavior. Practices highlighted below are my observations from companies that did success metrics well:

Measuring your cloud transformation journey is vital to comprehend the business impact of the move to the cloud. The use of well-designed success metrics also goes a long way in ensuring the organization has a clear vision of this transition and the business value it adds. The adoption and usage of well-designed success metrics fall under a high priority for an organization that seeks to transform its digital presence to the cloud. An in-depth comparison of the before and after service delivery, efficiency, and profitability of the organization will be visible through the lenses of the right success metrics (from the impact to persona perspective). Thus, success metrics should always form part and parcel of the initial leadership considerations of a shift to the cloud.

Does your organization need to move to cloud? Understanding this is vital not only to make a business case from a technology or business standpoint, but also to prioritize the areas where you want to focus on.

It is important to recognize that the change management process begins even before the decision to move to cloud is made. The Adoption Readiness of key stakeholders from the HR organization as well as IT organization needs to be assessed.

While contemplating the move to cloud, the investments in legacy systems and the extent, nature of integration of the IT applications need to be factored in defining the sequencing, pace and timelines for the transformation journey. The ease of movement is a determinant in the eventual movement to the Cloud and is required to be assessed upfront. ff782bc1db

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