In this section, we shall examine the field of communication to serve as a foundation to what follows in thecourse. Principally, we shall define communication; outline its elements, principles, and its importance inacademic and life in general. We shall also briefly examine the various types of communication.

At the end of this topic, you should be able to: a) Define communication b) Discuss the elements that constitute communication c) Explain the importance of communication in academics and in life in general d) Outline the important principles of communication e) Discuss the various types of communication

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Communication is central to human life. You cannot avoid communication and you will engage incommunication nearly every minute of every day in your life. In addition, communication plays a major rolein every aspect of your life. Effective communication therefore both enhances your daily life and at thesame time solves problems in your professional and personal life. Communication experts believe that poorcommunication is at the root of many of our problems.

g) Noise Noise is any interference in encoding or decoding process that reduces the clarity of a message. Noise can be in the form of: i) Physical noise , which can be in form of distracting sounds or sights. Such noise is usually easier to prevent in a speaking or listening situation. For example, closing doors to a noisy room, wearing ear plugs etc. ii) Psychological/noise , mental and emotional interferences that distract communication, such as daydreaming, pain, hunger and the like. iii) Semantic noise , which is the use of expressions that are unknown to the receiver or are too complex in grammatical structure. They include language differences, inattention and misunderstanding caused by different interpretations of a word or an expression. Cultural diversity can also lead to semantic noise.

1.6 Communication according to direction of flowCommunications creates links between people for different functions or purposes. If several links aremissing, broken or not aligned properly, the communication becomes wobbly and may eventually break.The following are communication situations that represent a different flow of communication depending onthe purpose:

vii) Grapevine communication This refers to informal communication within a company/organization, where information spread bypasses the formal communication structure. It spreads in random ways, irrespective of the authority levels.

Both the receiver and communicator could harbor strongly felt emotions that could prevent almostanything from being communicated. Such emotions could entirely distort the communication and should beavoided.

Our personality traits/behaviors can affect the behavior of others in a communication situation. We may notbe able to change the personalities of others, but at least we should be prepared to consider our ownpersonality to see if change in behavior may result in more satisfactory relationships, thus bettercommunication.

In this section, we shall examine reading as an important communication skill that you as a universitystudent will be constantly engaged in as you research, conduct routine study as well as during revision forexaminations. We shall therefore be concerned with how you can develop effective reading skills that youcan use in your university studies and life after college.

 It can be used at the preliminary stages of selecting texts for research or selecting reserved and supplementary literature. It helps determine which texts merit more careful and thorough reading and which specific parts of those texts are worth spending time on. It can be used as an exercise for improving speed and therefore performance and for coping with high quantity work. It can enable a reader cover a lot of material in a short time, therefore saving time. It is one of those skills used in the reading for the main idea only when the supporting details or other extraneous materials are not important.

IntroductionCommunication is a key element in any human activity. Communication is a learnedskill. However, while most people are born with the physical ability to talk, not allcan communicate well unless they make special efforts to develop and refine thiscommunication skill. Very often, we take the ease with which we communicate witheach other for granted, so much so that we sometimes forget how complex thecommunication process actually is. Communication takes place when we aresupposedly at the same level of understanding and comprehension as otherinterlocutors. Common forms of communication include speaking, writing, gestures,touch, using pictures and broadcasting. Communication is therefore not what is saidwhether verbally or non-verbally, but what is understood.What is communication?

Communication is the process of meaningful interaction among human beings. Thebasic steps of communication are: the forming of communicative intent, messagecomposition, message encoding, and transmission of signal, reception of signal,message decoding and finally interpretation of the message by the recipient.

Non-VerbalNon-verbal communication is a type of communication that employs gestures andbody language. The term "body language" is sometimes used to denote non-verbalcommunications. "Body Language" is the communication of personal feelings,emotions, attitudes, and thoughts through body-movements such as gestures,postures, facial expressions, touch, smell, walking styles and positions among

Hands and arms are used by most of us to communicate our thoughts. People rubarms together, keep their arms closed, and clinch the fists. All these tell what theperson has in his mind involuntary. It is a way that people non-verbally communicatepositive expectations. Hands clenched together seems to be a confident gesture assome people who use it are often smiling and sound happy. However, if the handsare clenched too tightly, it is indicative of frustration or hostile attitude.Eye Gestures/facial expressionFacial expression, offers the most readily observable group of gestures. We focusour eyes on the face more often than on any other part of the body, and theexpressions we see there have widely accepted meanings.If a prospect's eyes are downcast and face turned away, you're being shut out,however, if the mouth move, he is probably considering your presentation. If hiseyes engage yours for several seconds at a time with a slight, one-sided smileextending at least to nose level, he is weighing your proposal. It is only when yousee 'eye to eye' with another person that a real basis for communication can beestablished. Other forms of nonverbal communication include: Touch, smell,distance. 2351a5e196

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