No illegal or vulgar content, including (but not limited to) the discussion or sharing of pirated material and sexual content (r/commanderkeen is not listed as a NSFW subreddit). Posting illegal or vulgar content will not be tolerated.

In an attempt to help keep debates on r/commanderkeen as civil as possible: discussion of real-world politics/religion will not be tolerated. However, discussion of in-game politics/religion is permitted, provided that real-world politics/religion does not spill into those discussions.

Download Commander Keen

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Original archive (, 238k) - The main download file above (DOSBOX_KEEN.ZIP) is pre-configured to work DOSBox. This file,, is the original and may require installation / setup.

Standard Galactic Alphabet (keen-standard-galactic-alphabet.jpg, 62k) - The official reference to translate the Standard Galactic Alphabet "language" (substitution cipher) used on signs in the Keen games.

Also, the above 16-color CGA demo has worse graphics quality than the original 4-color CGA version(s). For others: keen4 also has an EGA version which is higher quality than CGA and both also include a soundblaster option instead of pc speaker. e24fc04721

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