Yes so the solutions function should assign a random word from the vector to codeword and then iterate through and generate the number of underscores for that index, so I would only have to change it once in the vector rather than change the number of underscores in the switch statement!

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My reviewer rejected it saying that a traditional cache has at least the container and the log inside and the virtual logbook doesn't count. Apparently the paper with the url is closest to a "codeword cache" aka, a cache that contains an onbject or codeword to verify the find.

A code word cache is a cach that, instead of a logbook, has a number, word or identifying mark that you send to the owner as proof you found it. While yours technically isn't a codeword cache, its similar enough that I can see why the reviewer rejected it.

This is the original cache type consisting of (at a bare minimum) a container and a logbook. The cache may be filled with objects for trade. Normally you'll find a Tupperware-style container, ammo box, or bucket filled with goodies, or smaller container ("microcache") too small to contain items except for a logbook. The coordinates listed on the traditional cache page are the exact location of the cache. A container with just an object or codeword for verification, and no logbook, generally, does not qualify as a traditional cache.

I would say it has been better on average but still exists. Nothing new has been added or changed. I also found out the lines being serviced in my area were not Comcast but Frontier adding Fiber Optic lines. We now have another option in my area and is cheaper then my existing plan. It seems that will be my next option now that they offer up to a 2 Gig plan. They too have issues but at least there is an option. The other advantage to Frontier at this time would be symmetrical speeds like 1Gig Down and 1Gig Upload. As far as the problems go the are many reasons why you would get errors on DOCSIS, like many other forms of high speed data transmission, they are susceptible to interference. Many things can contribute to the interference but me personally can only eliminate so many things before it becomes a provider side issue. I would say in my case I am not a typical user compared to most and due to my hobby(Online Gaming) I tend to notice or pay close attention to things like latency and packet loss where someone web browsing, streaming, downloading, etc. would not notice. Also checking MD5, SH-256, etc. checksums on files have been an issues as well, thou it is always a good idea to check files after download on any connection, which was not issue before. All in all my issue is still there and I resigned myself that it will not change until either enough people in my area notice it or I switch providers. Good Luck chasing down those codeword errors.

So the first time Quentyn and his entourage encounter the Brazen Beast guards at the door to the palace, they accepted Quentyn's code word of "Dog". But the second time, in front of the door where the Dragons were being held, the sarjeant (who was wearing the Basilisk mask) did not accept the "dog" codeword. Instead he immediately tried to draw his sword and attack. So my question is why did the codeword not work?

I'm writing a general LZW decoder c++ program and I'm having trouble finding documentation on the length (in bits) of codewords used. Some articles I've found say that codewords are 12bits long, while others say 16bits, while still others say that variable bit length is used. So which is it? It would make sense to me that bit length is variable since that would give the best compression (i.e. initially start with 9 bits, then move to 10 when necessary, then move to 11 etc...). But I can't find any "official" documentation on what the industry standard is.

For example, if I were to open up Microsoft Paint and create a simple 100x100pixel all black image and save it as a Tiff. The image is saved in the Tiff using LZW compression. So in this scenario when I'm parsing the LZW codewords, should I read in 9bits, 12bits, or 16bits for the first codeword? and how would I know which to use?

A codeword is a second tier of security beyond your login name and password. Codewords are assigned only to company representatives with authority to make changes beyond normal maintenance, such as adding cards through card maintenance.

At the time of account setup, provide your Customer Service Representative (CSR) with a list of users and their access levels for codeword assignment. Ongoing codeword additions and changes should be made by an authorized representative such as your program administrator, using the Codeword Maintenance feature. Note that you can apply multiple codewords to a single customer ID.

We study the codeword distribution for a conscience-type competitive learning algorithm, frequency sensitive competitive learning (FSCL), using one-dimensional input data. We prove that the asymptotic codeword density in the limit of large number of codewords is given by a power law of the form Q(x)=C.P(x)(alpha), where P(x) is the input data density and alpha depends on the algorithm and the form of the distortion measure to be minimized. We further show that the algorithm can be adjusted to minimize any L(p) distortion measure with p ranging in (0,2].

Brady recently wrote a white paper for broadband providers titled, "DOCSIS Codeword Errors and Their Effect on RF Impairments". In this first Ask a Broadband Expert blog, Brady answers three frequently asked questions about codeword errors with excerpts from the white paper. And, once you realize the importance of tracking uncorrectable and correctable codeword errors, check out our TruVizion diagnostics application for a great way to do that.

Brady: Data transmitted between the CMTS and the modem is split into codewords that are usually 16 to 256 bytes in length. Each codeword contains extra data, called Forward Error Correction (FEC) that allows the original codeword to be rebuilt if the data is in error. When a subscriber is using a device, such as a PC or iPad, and transmits data over a DOCSIS cable modem, the FEC kicks in. There are two functions to the FEC protocol, the encoder and the decoder. The cable modem and CMTS act as both interchangeably, depending on data direction.

Correctable codeword errors refer to damaged codewords that can be repaired using the FEC data explained above. If the decoder finds that any bits in the codeword were corrupted it will use the extra correction data to attempt to fix the corrupted bits. If the bits can be repaired, then the decoder reports back with a correctable codeword, because the codeword was saved thanks to the forward error correction. This means the subscriber never knew that any RF impairment occurred. However, even with repairs, if a high number of correctable errors exist, this will also impede performance because the modem and CMTS are working to correct the data.

For a $[n,k,n-k+1]_q$ Reed Solomon code is there a polynomial time algorithm to find at least one minimum weight $(n-k+1)$ codeword? I searched in literature and I could not find one and hence I am suspecting there is a decision version of this problem which might be $\mathsf{NP}$-complete.

The solution holds for any MDS code. I'm assuming the code is given by its generator matrix $G$. In that case, simply convert $G$ into its reduced row echelon form $G'$. This will be a matrix of the form $G'=[I | A]$, where $I$ is the $k\times k$ identity matrix, and $A$ is $k\times (n-k)$. (Note here: since the code is MDS, every $k$ columns of $G$ are linearly independent, and there is no need to permute columns) It is now easy to see each and every row of $G'$ is a codeword of weight $d=n-k+1$. That is because each row is non-zero, has weight at most $n-k+1$, and is a codeword. The procedure described is certainly polynomial time.

Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) is a codeword scheme that enables victims of domestic abuse to discreetly ask for immediate help in participating pharmacies and Jobcentres (Jobs and Benefits Offices in Northern Ireland).

Since a genome is a discrete sequence, the elements of which belong to a set of four letters, the question as to whether or not there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences is unavoidable. The most common approach to answering this question is to propose a methodology to verify the existence of such a code. However, none of the methodologies proposed so far, although quite clever, has achieved that goal. In a recent work, we showed that DNA sequences can be identified as codewords in a class of cyclic error-correcting codes known as Hamming codes. In this paper, we show that a complete intron-exon gene, and even a plasmid genome, can be identified as a Hamming code codeword as well. Although this does not constitute a definitive proof that there is an error-correcting code underlying DNA sequences, it is the first evidence in this direction.

The coding theory community has proposed several methodologies to verify whether or not a particular DNA sequence, usually a protein coding sequence, has an underlying error-correcting code (ECC) [5] and [6]. In spite of their relevance, the results of earlier works do not provide the definitive answer. For instance, based on the procedure for determining whether or not the lac operon and cytochrome c gene can be identified as codewords of linear block codes, the answer is no [7]. Actually, we cannot even conclude that there is no linear block code in other DNA sequences. ff782bc1db

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