All you need to do is create an account and code away!What is a Code Playground?Code playgrounds are online platforms that let you build, test and share code with colleagues and the community. These playgrounds are breeding grounds for ideas and offer an easy way to share your ideas with the community.

Most code playgrounds are free to use but come with a paid tier offering advanced features. Some of the common code playgrounds features include:Feature-rich web editor(HTML, CSS and JavaScript) supporting auto-complete.Real-time preview window.Support for Sass, Less, HAML, Stylus and other processors.Support popular JavaScript libraries, including Vue.js, Angular, React, etc.Collaborative coding featuresFork Github repositoriesEasy sharing optionsCode validation and developer console toolHow can Code Playgrounds help you become a better programmer?Programming is all about practice. The more practice you do, the better you become. Code playgrounds provide the environment for practice, sharing and experimentation. It facilitates an easy way to get up with your project and share it with the world.Moreover, many code playgrounds have weekly challenges(for example, CodePen). These challenges are unique and let you solve problems, increasing your skills. In short, Code playgrounds provide a seamless way to do coding, especially for beginners.The 7 Best Code Playgrounds To Play With Code1. CodePenCodePen is a top-tier online code playground where you can create front-end Pens and full-blown projects for teams. CodePen has grown from a code playground to a more global social hub(with over 1.8+ million developers), where they host weekly challenges and offer a trending page where the community can inspire by some exciting work.

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To start, you need to sign in with GitHub or Google account and import your project. Next, invite your team members to collaborate in real time.You can also bring CodeSandbox to your IDE by using their extension. It is also available for iOS, iPad and iPhone, giving complete freedom from where and when you code.Like CodePen, CodeSandbox also offers a Featured section where you can find community projects.FeaturesSupports IntelliSensePrebuildsOrganize workflow with magic branch managementKeyboard shortcuts supportedLive preview as you codeCodeSandbox is free to use. However, you can take advantage of its Pro version, which offers advanced features such as private NPM package support, bigger storage, private sandbox, advanced permissions and centralized billing.

Despite being a simplistic code playground, it does offer social and collaboration features. By being minimal, it does benefit by providing faster loading times.FeaturesSimplistic and minimal layoutGood layout optionsLoads fastCSS Desk is free to use with no paid options.Which Code Playground Should you choose?Choosing a code playground is easy. You must look if the code playground supports the programming language you are working with. If it does, try it out to see its features, such as configurability, shareability and collaborativeness. We recommend CodePen as it is a great starting place if you're into web development. It offers an excellent interface, great community and good editor features.For JavaScript specific-projects, you can go with JSFiddle and JSBin. And, if you're looking for more programming language support, then Replit should get your attention.For learners, Sololearn is an excellent place to start. For a similar experience but no code playground option, you may also want to check out FreeCodeCamp.

Your search should not stop here. The web is full of options when it comes to code playgrounds. We suggest checking out Dabblet, PLAYCODE, Plunker, Glitch, Liveweaver and ESNextBin.Finally, remember code playgrounds are for experimenting, sharing your work and collaborating. So, which code playground do you want to try first? Comment below and let us know.

Same for me, Load/Save/View grayed out and this is a logical feature, after I tried a chat, I would like to continue at a later time at the same point. Maybe OpenAI is surprised by the usage of the playground and thought this is not worth the effort?

As well from me, this feature Load/Save/View would be very much appreciated!

At first I was thinking about how to create a package manager website for a custom programming language, looking at and But then you also want to have a "try" feature, if this package manager is for a language, so then it's like "code sandboxes" like and the robust for JS/TS.

That is, you have entire projects / folder structures like react apps hosted on this site. They get compiled with package dependencies and everything. These JS projects just run in the browser. This hints at how the rust playground works, using dynamically generated docker containers to run the rust code in an isolated way on the backend.

At this point, at least for CodeSandbox, it is basically like building a complete package of code, so the line between a package manager site and a code sandbox site is made blurry. Even on CodePen, you have URLs like /ettrics/pen/WRbGRN (/:user/pen/:id), which is basically a simple package, hardly different than NPMs /package/@babel/parser. So what I'm thinking is, what if you just took it the next step and made it host and run the code, like Vercel basically.

Is this the realm of Ethereum? Where you actually run code on their platform? (I am not familiar with Ethereum, though when it first came out I learned about their opcodes and how you get charged "gas" for running code in their VM, that's all I basically know). Or is there something before getting to that point, where it's like a package manager hosting site, plus a codepen / package / demo making site, plus running the code on the server?

I can see a world where a new programming language would have a website for package management, code playgrounds, and even hosting the code (which code playgrounds is already doing that it seems! Am I wrong there?). Building a whole Vercel is definitely no easy task, but maybe even building a codesandbox/codepen (for browser or server-side languages) would also be hard too, I'm not sure, what do you think?

How would you draw the line? I like the idea of having the playground/sandbox and the package management on the same website, but if I'm doing a playground for running code in both the browser and on the server-side, then how is that different from hosting and running the code "in production" like Vercel/Heroku? Is there a middle ground between code sandbox and Vercel which you could run the code and host the code, yet you aren't as robust as Vercel? Or what do you think?

To me I am confused how much further you can extend the concept of code playgrounds/sandboxes, and if it will end up being a general code hosting site like Vercel. Not sure yet. Looking for your perspective and/or experience/insight.

I am working on a custom programming language at the stage of building a roadmap/readme, and thinking through how to make a basic package manager and "try it out" code sandbox. But wondering how you could extend that, and what it could end up being.

I can run that example from the playground just fine. But if I save its html locally and then try to load that file in Chrome, the browser just stalls indefinitely with: Installed Plugin Version: Loading...

When I ran "Marker V3" code example in Google's Code Playground under "Maps V3" section, on local file, the code didn't execute. I had to add "http:" to script tag that loads Google maps in order to run the code locally.

The playground service is used by more than just the official Go project(Go by Example is one other instance)and we are happy for you to use it on your own site.All we ask is that youcontact us first (note this is a public mailing list),that you use a unique user agent in your requests (so we can identify you),and that your service is of benefit to the Go community.

I am a computer science professor and in one of my courses I teach basic HTML, CSS and some Javascript. I would like to introduce my students to code playgrounds such as jsfiddle or jsbin. Additionally, I would like to deliver final exams through a similar tool, so that we replace tests written on paper with tests performed, self-assessed and refined on a browser-based tool.

This means that I need to install a local copy of the playground tool on one of my servers. Do you know of any tool that provides their code (free or commercially, not relevant) for a local installation?

Hello, just a suggestion, if would awesome if we could execute code in the playground, not merely translate to JS. So beginners (like me) could visit the playground more often and play around with toy problems before transitioning to more advanced use.

The API Portal hosts an API code playground for every endpoint in the API definition. The API Code Playground shows how to call the endpoint using the SDK, along with the parameter description and live input validation. This helps the API consumer to get started quickly with using the API.

You can provide any values to the parameters that are reflected on the code sample dynamically. These input parameters also go through validation checks in case any wrong format for the parameter has been defined.

The Show Complete File options enables the user to see a more detailed code sample when selected which include namespace imports, error handling and authentication configuration. This is normally hidden to show a concise, readable sample code.

Reactive Code Samples show the user what the calling code would look like for a particular input. This lets user specify endpoint arguments in a language-agnostic way and get a language-specific code sample in return.

(optional) To enable syntax highlighting in a code bock, start typing the name of the desired programming language directly after the initial ```. Select the language from the auto-complete suggestions. ff782bc1db

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