We have some sites we need to bypass so that the traffic comes from our own IP address ranges. When those sites are behind AWS Elastic Load Balancers or Azure Frontdoor we're suffering frequent steering failures.

OurSite.Example.com is a CNAME record that resolves to ELB-Frontdoor-Unique-ID.CloudService.com, ELB-Frontdoor-Unique-ID.CloudService.com itself resolves to a generic ELB-Frontdoor.CloudService.com address, and ultimately ends up with one or more IP addresses.

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Our current workaround is to add the IP addresses at the end of the lookup chain to the bypass list, but given they change all the time and can vary depending on user location and a whole pile of other factors this isn't a permanent fix and leaves us with unwanted entries on the bypass list.


I have a feeling that the traffic flow might differ in the cases where it isn't working based on different operating systems, DNS servers or something else. Are you able to take packet captures when it works vs when it doesn't? Are you observing this behavior on the same operating system(s), versions and locations?

Based on further investigation of the logs what seems to be happening is that the Netskope client is losing the record of the DNS lookup that lets it link the initial domain name in the bypass policy to the intermediate CNAMEs or ultimate IP address.

I've seen a client that was just failing to get to OurSite.Example.com but all the Netskope client logs were showing was tunnelled traffic to the eventual IP Addresses. Flushing the local DNS cache didn't make any difference, but running a DNS lookup via the command line for OurSite.Example.com immediately fixed it.

@ChrisParr what client version of Netskope and what browsers? I'm wondering if individual browser DNS settings are leading to the client not seeing the DNS query. I'd be happy to take a look at client logs but ultimately getting PCAPs of the inner and outer tunnel when the issue occurs vs when it's working will show the difference but I understand that can be challenging to nail down.

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Hi. I have this same problem. Our original admin account was created with the same domain as our SSO domain, so now there is now way to log in with that user anymore. We are always redirected to the IdP and logged in with our own users.

When you say "set up as it says in the docs"; do you mean that SSO bypass needs to be set up as described in the documentation (I cannot find any documentation dealing with this topic) or do you mean that when you set it up according to the docs there is no way to bypass SSO?

I have the same issue and am now unable to sign-in to our Jira instance. The issue with this direction is that if you are following the Azure AD integration guide it makes no mention of needing an account that has a domain outside of your org. Either there needs to be a stand alone account that is not domain specific or there should be a bypass URL to get back in. I can't even login now to create a support request to get help. Please help!

Please create a support ticket from a different Atlassian Account (outside the verified domain). Please include in the ticket the email address of the admin account (on which you cannot log in) and our support team will assist you.

When you enable SSO for your Atlassian Cloud products, you are advised to create a temporary side admin account with an email address that has a different domain, as your main email domain becomes claimed by the SSO provider.

Is there a way to bypass the MyCloud interface when accessing media files? I have uploaded some photos and videos to a public folder and would like to be able to send them and/or stream them without using the MyCloud web app. Anytime I select a video in the web app it just starts downloading, rather than streaming.

One option is for the clients to use the My Cloud mobile app for Android or iOS to access the content. The app should prompt the user to play the video using the mobile device media player. Video should start playing as it is downloaded. Using the mobile app may involve setting up specific user accounts and generating user codes (both via the My Cloud Dashboard > Cloud Access section). It may also involve setting up user permissions for that user to prevent them from accessing other media/data on the My Cloud device.

I decided to use a free and fast method.Using Google Cloud's free trial, I created a virtual machine with Ubuntu 18.04 LTS server on a USA server. I installed Squid on it and made following configs on squid.conf to allow my home network:

After restarting the squid service on the server, I entered proxy configuration on my computer (Ubuntu Desktop 18.04 LTS) in Firefox, and I was able to go through proxy. I confirmed it with a few whatismyip sites. I can also connect to US Netflix servers.

The problem is, I can not connect to my ISP's restricted sites through a proxy. For some of them I get the ISP's restricted message (they refuse DNS lookups) and for some I just can't connect. I guess I'm missing something or totally misunderstood the idea.

Seems like your ISP is intercepting proxied connections too. You'll have to encrypt the connection between your computer and the proxy server. But why reinvent the wheel? I'll give you a better alternative.

You could remove squid altogether, and use OpenSSH's dynamic forwarding feature (I assume sshd is already installed in your gcloud server, which it should be). This works by starting a local SOCKS proxy server, and forwarding any traffic to your SSH server, which in turn forwards the traffic to the destination server. As SSH connections are encrypted by default, you don't have to worry about eavesdropping/interception.

You can then configure whatever programs you want to use this proxy server. Just specify the proxy type as SOCKS5, proxy server IP as and proxy server port as 1080. (Make sure to proxy DNS queries too).

I am testing a real-time content inspection policy (Block upload) in conditional access app control. The policy is setup to block the upload of any files containing an SSN into a browser session app. The problem is the policy fails to block the upload although it logs a match anytime I try uploading a file into the app. I have tried with both Microsoft edge and Google chrome. Below is a screen shot. I will like to know what "Bypass session control" also means since that is what I suspect might be the clue to resolving the issue.

I first used the template (Block upload based on real-time content inspection) and then created it from scratch. Both had the same result (didn't block the upload). And yes, the application is perfectly onboarded (shows connected) in MCAS

Never mind, I found a solution to the problem. The session is being bypassed because the app is using an Oauth code login flow. Hence enabling "Treat access token and code requests as app logins" on the configuration page of the app rectified the issue.

IMPORTANT: Bypassed sites only apply to locations that use the Explicit Proxy and WSS Agent access methods to connect to Cloud SWG. Symantec Endpoint Protection's (SEP) Cloud and Web access Protection enabled in PAC file mode (previously known as SEP WTR) is considered an explicit access method. Bypassed sites will not be effective for IPSEC (see notes below on how to bypass traffic for IPSEC connections) or Proxy Forwarding/Chaining to Cloud SWG.

Is there anyway to avoid syncing to Adobe? I am using the camera on my iPhone (yes, I am not a photographer) and Lightroom Classic on my MacBook Pro Laptop (OS: Catalina), and more than half the times I attempt to sync, it doesn't work in that it skips at least one photo -- usually more. The missing photos are on the iPhone, but the ones that are missing don't get to the Adobe cloud. The ones that get there work fine; they sync back down into my laptop version of LRC where I develop them. But I have called Adobe 4 times in the last few months and the solution for syncing all the photos on my iPhone (XS) is different each time. I really don't want to do that anymore. Is there anyway I can just hook up my iPhone to my laptop after taking the pictures and get them into LRC directly? I don't care about having anything on Adobe.com.

Although you can plug the iPhone into the Mac, when you import from Lightroom Classic and select the phone it sees only the pictures in the iPhone Camera Roll, not the pictures stored by the Lightroom app.

Making this more complex is that you must know how to use the Export As command in the Lightroom phone app to export them as DNG (if you want to transfer Lightroom app edits) or Original/raw (if you don't need to transfer edits). It also helps if you are familiar with how to use the iOS Files app to navigate folders on your iPhone.

The link between your iPhone and Lightroom Classic is the Adobe Cloud, if you wish to do this without downloading the images first. That said, you can manually downloasd your images to your computer and then upload into Lightroom.

Thanks. You said, "you can manually downloasd your images to your computer and then upload into Lightroom." that is good to know. The second part of the question is how to do that: HOW to manually download images to my computer.

If the photos were taken using the camera in the Lightroom app, then the photos are in raw format, stored in the Adobe cloud, and can be exported from Lightroom. If this is how you captured the photos, then when you export them from Lightroom using Export As, you have to pick a folder to export them to. Where is the folder that you chose? 152ee80cbc

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