Chad is owner and publisher at Harrington Interactive Media and serves as a deacon of teaching at Harpeth Christian Church in Franklin, Tennessee. He holds degrees from Ozark Christian College and Asbury Theological Seminary and is a coauthor of The Revolutionary Disciple and Dedicated and the author of Your Spiritual Formation Plan.

Chesterton has been vital for my spiritual development so I must include his Orthodoxy. For me, he lays out the basics of the gospel in this book, and he lands in a refreshing place about the role of beauty and mirth in the life of a Christian. Journey with Chesterton, a friend and mentor of sorts for C.S. Lewis, as you read this intriguing book.

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A short classic on Christian community, Life Together provides the basics of how we must live together as disciples of Jesus. This little book serves as a sort of handbook to get you ready to enter into a deeper life of fellowship with other Christians. Bonhoeffer wrote this from the perspective of a member of the underground church in Nazi Germany, but his principles still translate well to our lives today.

Jim Cymbala, pastor of the Brooklyn Tabernacle, recounts the story of what God did in the hearts and lives of the people at his church to bring, indeed, Fresh Wind, Fresh Fire to his church through the Holy Spirit. Be inspired to pray with your church to do something special as you read the story of one church that experienced a revival among its people through prayer.

In 2013, the year Dallas Willard passed on to the next life, I read every book he wrote, and this was the most impactful book for me. In Hearing God, Willard helps Christians discern how to cultivate a conversational relationship with God. I had never heard anyone articulate with such clarity, conviction, and practical sense how this can be done. My life is forever changed because of what God did in me as a result of reading this book.

This is one of the best primers on core spiritual disciplines of the Christian life. Mentored by Dallas Willard, Richard Foster offers a modern classic on how to activate your faith through formation practices. His writing balances both the practical and theological to give everyday Christians an introduction into important disciplines of the faith. Celebration of Discipline helps Christians enjoy encountering God through practices that often involve sacrifice, even pain. Encountering God is indeed worth celebrating, and Foster helps readers do just that.

Life comes quickly, which can involve great pain and heartache. John Mark Hicks tells his stories of loss, pain, and heartache in Anchors for the Soul. This makes my list because the book will be relevant and vital for most Christians at one point or another. It just so happened that within a year of publishing this book for Dr. Hicks, I experienced a tragedy of my own when our daughter Katharine was stillborn. This resource, along with its accompanying video course, helped me navigate my family through the pain of loss. This resource also equips Christians to love others who are currently experiencing any form of loss.

These are many of the books that were precisely what the doctor had ordered when I read them. I hope at least a few of them will be that for you as you determine the next book to help you along your discipleship journey.

In what ways would you like to deepen your Christian walk? Be challenged to grow spiritually by seeking wisdom. The following nonfiction books have impacted thousands of readers with insight, encouragement, and conversation. From pursuing a vibrant prayer life to embracing what it means to trust in God, the opportunities for greater Christian flourishing are ripe for the harvest.

A Praying Life has encouraged thousands of Christians to pursue a vibrant prayer life full of joy and power. A life of prayer invites you to a life of connection to God. When Jesus describes the intimacy that He seeks with us, He talks about joining us for dinner (Revelation 3:20). This book reminds readers that prayer is simply making conversation with God a rhythm of life.

The path to healing begins with coming to grips with the causes of our indifference. While there may be many causes (and many permutations of causes), I want to pose three questions that may help diagnose the possible issues underlying our apathy.

One possible cause of spiritual indifference is the choice to walk in sinful disobedience to God in some area of life. If we are unremorseful or unrepentant about our sin, we likely will find ourselves feeling cold, distant, and disinterested. Our experience of apathy, then, may be God allowing our fellowship with him to cool in order to snap us out of our sinful stupor and draw us to him in repentance. David writes,

David interprets the emotional, physical, and spiritual exhaustion he feels as the result of his silence regarding his sin. In a similar way, the source of our listlessness may not be as mysterious as we might think. Those who are cold to God are allowed by him to grow still colder.

What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture. (xix)

For those of you unfamiliar with my family, it is helpful to know that my husband grew up in the Amazon rainforest, in a remote village with the very primitive, indigenous Yanomam Indians. My father-in-law was also born and raised there and continues to care for and minister to the Yanomam people. The following is a true story, posted originally on his blog here.

Bautista was an ex-witchdoctor. He accepted the gospel of Jesus Christ many years ago when my parents first started working with his tribe back in the early 1950s. Although still a young man when they arrived to his village, he was a witchdoctor of considerable fame.

Well, that was more interesting than just having a book of ugly cartoons for the boys, but to be honest, this was pretty low priority for me. We are extremely busy in the jungle and I did not see any sense in this book. But one day while I was talking with Bautista, Keila remembered the book and ran upstairs to get it. She handed the book to me.

This was huge! I ran upstairs and got our youngest son, who did happen to like the pokeman cartoons (his aunt sent him VHS tapes of them). When he got downstairs, I had Bautista flip through the book again, explaining to my son what he knew about these ugly little pictures.

Well, he made a believer out of Stephen! He went back upstairs and came back down with his prized tape and while we watched, destroyed it. Bautista looked on with curiosity, not really understanding what Stephen had just done. I quickly brought him up to speed and thanked him for helping to open our eyes.

Hundreds of stories, movies, books, and influences all around us exert spiritual leverage, and we are so unaware! The devil seeks to get a foothold or a stronghold through what seems innocent, fun, or even beneficial. The devil is a liar. He deceives. He is a master at taking truth and distorting it, corrupting what is good.

There will be so many times when we are unaware of the spiritual influences imbued in something seemingly innocent (like Pokemon). We must be on guard. We must be discerning. We must be prayerful.

Carl McColman is the author of a variety of books all related to spiritual living. Explore topics such as Christian mysticism, Celtic wisdom, monastic spirituality and contemplative prayer with Carl as your guide.

Join JennyLyne on her misadventures through a neighbor's garden, laundry line, and mango tree. Through these experiences, JennyLyne learns about Jesus' love in addition to how forgiveness impacts us all. This is the first story in a series of books for children regarding forgiveness.

This is a collection of 52 stories combining real life experiences and spiritual principles. Previously included in our monthly blog distribution, these selections are no longer available on the website as stand alone entries. Purchase your copy to relive your favorite stories with Biblical application.

Forgiving and grieving go beyond theoretical concepts. Know you need to forgive, but you just can't seem to figure out how? Grieving but feel like everyone thinks you should be "over it" by now? This book is for you.

Breaking the Burdensome Yoke walks the reader through the why, what, and how aspects of forgiveness and grief. These are active processes, and yet, we often get stuck along the way. Those that have already read the book are saying things like, "I didn't know I needed to forgive that; This helped me understand my grief better; and Everyone needs this book!"

Behind Enemy Lines takes a look at the power of the Holy Spirit and how we walk in victory rather than defeat and how that often creates questions among those we encounter. You will be reminded of your identity in Christ and be guided toward applying biblical principles of doing like Jesus did. You will uncover practical insights for participating in what God is doing in and through His children when they submit to His will.

"Before we delve into the process of forgiving, we need to know why we are doing this work. The Lord commanded us to forgive; therefore, we don't have the luxury to dig in our heels and remain in unforgiveness without impeding our relationship with God...Much like the servant in Matthew 18:24, we owed a debt that could not possibly be repaid. Jesus paid our debt through His sacrifice on the Cross....He expects us to extend to others the same forgiveness that we have received from Him." (Breaking the Burdensome Yoke pp.22-23) 152ee80cbc

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