That whole plot in season 5 where they had him have an affair with Ms. Hatzilakos really didn't need to happen. Even though all they did was make out, it was still very gross and unnecessary. It was cute and all when he and Spike eventually got back together, but that whole thing kind of tainted their relationship for me. I just have very little sympathy for cheaters and I don't understand why they had to do his character like that :(

I can't be the only one experiencing this, surely. I'm talking survivors that obviously have their speeds boosted to ~107-110% or who intermittently increase. I hadn't run into any over the past year, but I've seen about 3 this past week that I'm 100% convinced were cheating, and a few more than were very questionable.

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the way he goes around the corner into the shack so fast is incredibly suspect. make a report if it was a cheater they will be banned. if not well no harm done. there has been a rise of cheating again, despite the downplay of it here.

Not possible. Game had just started, and he started clicking at me to chase him. I basically hard tunneled him all game, and there were a lot of questionable moments. I'm also pretty sure his vaults were sped up. Here's another blatantly cheated moment. The biggest tell is how bad his pathing is, but and how he never seems to lose distance.

That's what MFT+Hope looks like if you have PERFECT pathing. This guy spent the entire game loosely walking around tiles and taking wide paths around snares, and still making every vault. The fact we even have to debate if this is cheating or not is a problem and shows just how much MFT corrupted people's minds.

I also have 6k hours, and that was 100% cheating. It is IMPOSSIBLE to make it all the way to shack window, even with just MFT, with perfect pathing, if the killer catches you on backside of shack where I caught him. The fact he runs such a wide arc around my snare and still manages to make the window is just the slap on the face. I made sure to hug him tight before M1ing the rest of the game. I still got the 4k because his teammates wanted to take hits for a blatant cheater, but there should be no question. I think if this thread proves anything, it's the brainrot that MFT has introduced in people's minds.

You can clearly see in the videos that he speeds up every time he rounds a corner (which is something cheaters do to try and hide the fact they're cheating). It could not be more obvious that this Ace is hacking but like you said, it seems MFT has completely skewed peoples' perceptions of what's normal in this game.

Yeah true, tbh subtle cheaters are hard to spot sometimes, I just had a very subtle cheater actually, at lwast in game. He was an ace with zero Loudout and kept getting broken, maybe with for the people. I was running all.aura huntress. Me being stupid didn't put 2 and 2 together until I made a video explaining the clip I took which showed him healing in the sky, so far away I barely seen him. And this guy did NOTHING ELSE. I find him as the last survivor and still he never randomly got better at looping, not faster and didn't even disappear the guy sucked. So idk what he was even doing all game with cheats.

There definitely has been some subtle and obvious cheaters lately, I'm still disappointed the most obvious one on NA that makes content out of them hacking against streamers and LGBTQ members has not been banned yet even though they have been called out and exposed, and you can literally look up their youtube to see for yourself.

If the spike is dying and looks brown, trim the stem at the base of the plant. In the image below, I am trimming the flower spike of my Cymbidium. As this orchid blooms annually, I will have to wait until next year for more flower spikes to grow. After the flowers fall off the stem starts to die, the stalk is ready to be cut at the base.

If the flower spike is a healthy green color, one option is to find the node just below the lowest flower and prune it about an inch above the node. Another flower spike may emerge, though the flowers will be smaller and less plentiful than they were previously.

Another option is to trim the spike near the base, with the option of leaving just a couple of nodes. Usually, within 2-3 months new growth will appear and buds will form. Remember that younger or weaker plants may not re-bloom. Phalaenopsis with branching stalks will grow up from the base. It never hurts to trim 2 nodes above the base of the plant and hope for the best. If the stalk dies, you can always trim it down of the stalk dies.

Moreover, you can see the two control buttons on the left downside of your screen first is a slide, and the second is a short spike. You can use the slide button when the ball is far away. The spike button is used when the ball is close to the net. On the right side of the screen, you can see two buttons receive and a long spike. You can press the receive icon to receive a nearby ball.

The new study examining usage of Chegg by STEM students comes amid rising concern about the potential for increased cheating as classes have moved online en masse and amid debate about the appropriateness of using remote proctoring technology. Proponents of remote proctoring software argue that the migration of courses online provides new opportunities and motivations for students to cheat, while opponents argue for the need to protect student privacy and not to contribute to their anxiety by adopting a surveillance approach.

The study also follows a recent article in Forbes about Chegg titled "This $12 Billion Company Is Getting Rich Off Students Cheating Their Way Through Covid." Forbes interviewed 52 students who used Chegg's study service. Not including the six students supplied by Chegg, all but four of the others said they use Chegg to cheat.

"We do need to improve the awareness of professors that there are sites like Chegg out there," said Lancaster. "It is far from the only one, but it's the one we based this particular study on because we can see the numbers, whereas some sites operate entirely behind closed doors so we have no idea who a student is communicating with when they're meant to be doing work on their own. We need to get rid of the view that I've heard communicated by professors that these sites either don't really exist, their students would never cheat, or that these students are only cheating themselves. Ultimately, yes, they are cheating themselves if they get to a position where they can't continue with their course because they just lack the core foundational learning that they need, but beyond that they're cheating and being completely unfair to all the other students who are doing their own work."

The challenges around cheating using Chegg and similar websites also came up Thursday during a conference on an unrelated topic organized by the American Physical Society. Robert Birgeneau, a physicist and former chancellor of the University of California, Berkeley, described an incident last semester in which a student in a 600-person undergraduate physics class he was co-teaching posted a midterm exam on Chegg less than five minutes into the test -- "so a half an hour later the answers to all the problems were available on Chegg."

"We went through an elaborate process to deal with this, first of all discovering who the students were who were cheating, but then secondly threatening to sue Chegg, because they stole our intellectual property by posting the exam," Birgeneau said. "Then Chegg agreed to cooperate with us, so we then sent them two days in advance of our next exam the exams themselves and then they blocked all attempts. Then it turned out one of our students told us, however, there's another website in India."

Douglas Harrison, vice president and dean of the school of cybersecurity and information technology at the University of Maryland Global Campus, an online institution, said the spike in Chegg usership uncovered by Lancaster was concerning. But he said "one big unanswered question is how does that spike compare to the overall number of students whose learning moved online" after the pandemic started?

Shown to the left in this exposure of the bright star Antares, diffraction spikes are artifacts that show themselves on brighter stars in our images when the beams of light entering the objective end (the business end) of your lens run into an obstacle and are interfered with and bent, causing the light to spread out.

My web server gets inexplicable memory spikes every once in a while (before eventually crashing) and I can't figure out what is causing it or how to solve it. I've spent the whole morning looking at error and access logs and I can't find anything unusual.

As a cheat, I have left top running through a terminal sorted by memory usage. This way, when the server crashes, it leaves my terminal at the last top screen which can at least tell me which process is the likely culprit.

Just got the mamba 3's today and the spikes came permanently attached to the shoe. Was just wondering why nike did this since you would think you would need to remove/change spikes depending on the surface, condtions etc... Spikes are pretty sick otherwise.

Fixed spikes are lighter and faster. But at meets where they check spikes (Albuquerque, for example), you need to use a little deceit if you want to wear them. I'm a sprinter using the Adidas SP Prime (the "Tyson Gay shoe" worn by Tyson, Yohan Blake, VCB, and a bunch more because it's the fastest thing ever made) which has fixed spikes. So when I race I bring 2 pair of spikes. I show them the Adidas Accelerator (my training spike) with 3/16" removable spikes. Then when I get past the imspection, I put on the SP Prime with the nonremovable spikes.

I've never ran in permanent pins, but it's my understanding that the lack of a spike well allows to the spike to be attached with a wider base to the plate, creating better pressure distribution across the plate. 006ab0faaa

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