Instructions on building and testing Chart.js can be found in the documentation. Before submitting an issue or a pull request, please take a moment to look over the contributing guidelines first. For support, please post questions on Stack Overflow with the chart.js tag.

I want to use angular-chart.js so I followed the installation instructions first I downloaded the latest version from github of Charts.js and then I downloaded the latest version of angular-charts.js from github -chart.js.

Download Chart.js 2.9.4


I think you have downloaded the wrong Chart.js, this error: chart.js:4 Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined(anonymous function)... comes from the missing of require function that works natively only for node.js, to work on browser it should use browsefy or equivalent. Therefore I supose you don't have the production chart.js, as you can see on the snippet, using the CND for both angularjs, chart.js and angular-chart, it worked perfectly.

Can I avoid multiple script loadings for multiple charts when loading the chart.js script once via content file? As far I have tested this should work.

I guess I just need to load the javascript once and then create a new canvas for every chart.

I checked the pagespeed today.

I inserted 6 radar charts into one post to illustrate 4 different properties.

The local file delivery of chart.js adds 63kb of zipped data transfer.

The calculation of all charts adds in sum up additional 200 ms of CPU time.

You can install vue-chartjs over yarn or npm or pnpm. However, you also need to add chart.js as a dependency to your project because Chart.js is a peerDependency. This way you can have full control over the versioning of Chart.js.

Hi. I am trying to set up a simple chart.js chart on my website for testing. This requires a javascript script to run on a page. I have not been able to set up the script on the website successfully. I have however got a chart displayed on the webpage but in a way that I do not understand why it works this way and how to make it work properly.

I am using the example script from chart.js so the script itself is fine. The above scenario is almost certainly going to throw up issues in the future, such as trying to make the chart dynamically respond to data inputted by a user. Not to mention the fact that the script has to run on every page in my website because it is in the Theme customisation area (at least I think it is the case that it runs on all pages).

I am using Moodle 3.2.4 (build 20170714). I would like to use chart.js to add interactive charts for trainee visualization of course concepts into the html content areas of my tab displays. I can see that chart.js has been added to Moodle 3.2, but I have not been able to figure out how to access it and use it. 

In your work I do see a path call to core\ chart and maybe that gives me a hint as to how access chart.js. I have been trying to call chart.js from the /amd folder without success. That is why I created a folder for RGraph.js, which resides outside my moodle site at the root of my system, to which I have been making calls inside my javascript. Maybe if I look inside the moodle core area I will see paths that will give me access to the chart.js. I'd much rather be using chart.js, as it is part of moodle, whereas RGraph.js is not.

"Maybe if I look inside the moodle core area I will see paths that will give me access to the chart.js." - No need really to know the paths. You just provide the information in a variable to each one of the lines you want to use that start with $chart-> and and then use the echo $OUTPUT->render($chart) and Moodle will automatically do the rest.

I am reasonably sure that both chart.js and RGraph.js could both be used to create a Generico filter bundle, or a PoodLL3 widget, that would let you create a chart anywhere you can open a Moodle editor.

Hi all, I am trying to modify the XY chart widget but I cannot modify the TW.ChartLibrary package as I do not have access to it. I have created a new XY chart extension based on the existing one (see attached zip file) and I want to know whether it is possible for me to integrate the APIs of highchart.js, d3.js or chart.js into my JavaScript code so that I can modify the extension correctly without touching the TW.ChartLibrary package. If integration is possible, how can I do so?

Not sure if this has ever been answered, but make sure that if you are opening your widget in the Editor (3 panel page) that you also open the widget in the platform and go to the Dependencies related list at the bottom. Select edit and move chart.js over to the right side and save. Widgets by default don't have chart.js as a dependency.

I have installed a compatible version of chart.js and ng2-chart (below) into my own Angular application, but I am encountering this problem wherein the chart only displays the desired data for 1 month in a year-long period.

Secondly, it is not clear how this is an ASP.NET Core problem. It seems more like a design problem. I think the first step is reading the chart.js bar chart documentation. Then design a data interface that matches the chart.js bar chart data interface. 006ab0faaa

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