This celestial globe was used as navigational instrument in the early 20th century. Such globes helped navigators make astronomical calculations by showing the place of stars on the sphere of the sky. This globe has brass horizon and meridian rings and is set inside a wooden desk box, which has instructions for how to use the globe glued inside its lid. The globe itself does not show constellations, but instead marks only the bright stars that would be most useful for navigators.

The drafting of this New Constitution, which was commenced on the 29th day of February, 1976, was, by the Grace of God, completed on the 29th day of February, 1980. The New Constitution was promulgated on the 29th day of March, 1980.

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SAMUEL OLATUNJI AJANLEKOKO,ALEXANDER ABIODUN BADA, ALFRED FOLABI BABATUNDE OWOAJE the duly appointed Trustees of CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST MAKOKO VILLAGE YABA have this day been registered as a corporate body, subject to the below mentioned conditions and directions.

THIS CERTIFICATE is liable to cancellation should the objects or the rules of the body as set out in the annexures hereto be changed without the previous consent in writing of the Governor General or should the body at any time permit or condone any divergence from or breach of such objects and rules.


the 29th day of March, 1980 and duly executed for and on behalf of CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST, NIGERIA DIOCESE (hereinafter referred to as "THE CHURCH") by persons whose names are set out in the first Schedule to this Deed having been authorized to do so by the Reverend Pastor Prophet Founder in whom resides the authority of the Church.

WHEREAS the Church has its National (Diocesan) Headquarters at 12/15 Church Street, Makoko, Yaba, Lagos State and the world-wide International Headquarters of Celestial Church of Christ is at Mission House, Ketu, Lagos State.

AND WHEREAS the Church was duly incorporated in Nigeria on the twenty-fourth day of November 1958 under the Land (Perpetual Succession) Ordinance CAP. 107,as a Spiritual Community of Christian believers and worshippers.

AND WHEREAS the Constitution under which it was incorporated was by a notice dated the 28th day of March, 1980 amended and replaced by this New Constitution which is of a more comprehensive nature based on the set of rules, regulations and Christian tenets forming the body of worship of the Church and of its evangelical mission of redemption.

BE IT ENACTED and it is hereby enacted that the New Constitution of the Church to be known as "CONSTITUTION OF CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST (NIGERIA DIOCESE)" as set out in the Second Schedule to this Deed is hereby inaugurated.

1. The Name of' the Church is "Celestial Church of Christ (Nigeria Diocese)". Celestial Church of Christ (Nigeria Diocese) is part of the one spiritual, world-wide, united, indivisible Holy Church which came into the world from heaven by DIVINE ORDER on the 29th of September 1947 in PORTO NOVO, REPUBLIC OF BENIN (formerly REPUBLIC OF DAHOMEY) through a single individual, a man who is the founder of the Church, the Reverend Pastor Prophet Founder SAMUEL BILEHOU JOSEPH OSHOFFA. The Church is a Diocese of the world-wide Celestial Church of Christ with National (Diocesan) Headquarter-, at 12/15 Church Street, Makoko, YABA, LAGOS STATE, the Supreme Headquarters in Porto Novo, Republic of Benin and with International Headquarters at Mission House, KETU, I.AGOS STATE, FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF NIGERIA.

"It is the wish of God to send you on an errand of preaching to the world. Many nominal Christians there are who, when confronted by difficulties and problems of this world, they run after fetish priests and other powers of darkness for all kinds of assistance. Consequently, on their death, they cannot see Christ because, by their action, Satan has left his spiritual mark on them. To assist you in your work so that men may listen to and follow you, miraculous works of Holy divine healing will be carried out by you in the name of Jesus Christ. These works of divine healing and God's spiritual mark on you will testify to the fact that God sent you". Thus was born the world-wide CELESTIAL CHURCH OF CHRIST.

3. The name of the Church came down from Heaven by divine revelation through MR. ALEXANDER YANGA, who was at that time undergoing spiritual healing at the residence of the Pastor Founder and who was held in trance for seven days. At the end of the seventh day, he asked for a piece of chalk and wrote the name of the Church on the wall thus.. "EGLISE DU CHRISTLANISME CELESTE", meaning "Celestial Church of Christ".

4. Apart from also being a prophet, the Founder was allowed by DIVINE ORDER to use the name "EPASTORAL" in angelic language, which was also translated for him' as "PASTOR". This was after he had spent the first five years since the birth of the Church as "EVANGELIST".

He is thus Reverend Pastor Prophet Founder (hereinafter referred to as "Pastor"), whose unquestionable authority on earth on all matters of the Church symbolizes the oneness, unity and indivisibility of the Church. "Pastor" shall refer not only to the present Pastor but also to his successors in eternity.

10. Herewith the English Translation of the history of Celestial Church of Christ as told by the Reverend Pastor Prophet Founder S. B. J. OSHOFFA during evening service on Wednesday, 18th January 1969 at MAKOKO, the headquarters Church of Celestial Church of Christ, Nigeria Diocese. The History was related in place of the regular sermon for the Church service.

11. "It is a thing of pleasure that I am still alive today twenty one years and some months after the birth of Our Church. "Right here today at MAKOKO, the Headquarters Church of Celestial Church of Christ in Nigeria, I have been asked to give a short history of the Church for posterity. But before doing so, I shall start by giving a short history of myself to clarify matters.

12. "My father was a Methodist born and bred in Dahomey (now Republic of Benin). His Father, OJO, and his mother, KOSHINA, came from Abeokuta in Nigeria to Dasatre where they settled. The artificial boundary between Nigeria and Dahomey set up by Europeans meant that my father was - a Dahomean. His name was OSHOFFA (this is obtained from 'OJU KI ISE OFA TI OTA LE TA BANI KA SUBU, or, for short, 'OJU KO SO FA", which was shortened further to OSOFA' in Yoruba' language; and it means, in English, 'the human eye is not a missile that an enemy can fire at one to make one fall'). He had many wives each of whom bore him up to five to six children. All the children were, however, female and only one survived. This made him entreat God according to Methodist doctrine: '0 Lord if, thou would give me a boy, I shall give him up to thy service just as Hannah and Elkana did". As a result, I was born in 1909 in Porto Novo of a Nigerian mother named ALAKE IYAFO from IMEKO Egbado Division,' Abeokuta Province. I was named SAMUEL and also BILEWU (BILEAIYEBAWU KOGBE, SUGBON MO MO WIPE MO TI TORO RE LODO OLORUN) which means 'if you prefer to live in this world, then you are welcome but if you prefer to live above in heaven, then you are equally welcome to go, but I know I specially requested for you from God'.

13. "In fulfilment of my father's vow to God, I was sent at the age of seven for God's service to a Methodist Catechist MOSES YANSUNU, father of Evangelist NATHANIEL YANSUNU of our Church. Because my father was not happy with the way I was treated he brought me back home and later sent me at the age of thirteen to stay with Revd. Bishop David Hodonu Loco, the Methodist Bishop of Porto Novo, formerly of Methodist Church, Olowogbowo, Lagos, Nigeria. I was there with some other children. After a number of years, Rev. D. H. Loco was replaced by Bishop Garner from London. The new Bishop ordered that we pupils should participate in making blocks for a new College building. We all refused and so he sent us all back to our parents. When I got back home, my father admonished me that I was different from the others because he had specially requested for me from God and so I had to do the work. Whereupon he took me back to the Bishop, but the Bishop would not reverse his decision. Whereupon, my father said there was no alternative but that I should learn to be a carpenter like himself.

14. "I became proficient as a carpenter. I was good at roofing buildings, wood planing and working with ebony which I bought regularly from a friend. I kept on working happily as a carpenter until my father died on June 15th, 1939.

15. "After my father's death, I continued to bear the burden until December 1946 when I decided that I would henceforth trade in ebony. I would myself go into the forest to purchase ebony and bring this into the town to sell to carpenters. I began this trade, going into the forest areas in search of ebony. I bought it cheaply and brought it to town to sell at a premium. I continued this lucrative trade until one such trip in May 1947 during the floods. As usual I had my Bible with me. I also loved much to pray.

16. "On the 23rd May 1947, the day of the eclipse of the sun, as I was praying in the forest on this trip, I heard a voice and could not open my eyes. The voice I beard was 'LULI', and the same voice told me 'This means The Grace of Jesus Christ'. When I opened my eyes, I saw a white monkey with two teeth each top and bottom with winged hands and feet like those of a bat. When it wants to fly, it flaps its wings forward. But it was stationary. I saw a bird with yellow feet, yellow beak and long tail. It would sometimes fan out its tail like a peacock does, and it was rnulti-colored. It was also stationary. I also saw a short snake about one foot long. As it stood stationary, it was coiled and its mouth was puffed like a cobra. When I heard this voice, I noticed I felt quite different from my normal self. I now found myself toying with the snake. The bird stood for a time and then went into the bush. The monkey also flew away and I then noticed that there was a complete change in me. 152ee80cbc

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