The scent of another animal, such as a cat, can sometimes scare mice away. Again, their goal is to avoid danger, so the smell of a cat or their litter box may cause the pest to go elsewhere. The scent of another mouse also may alert them to avoid an unfriendly neighbor.

High-pitched noises may affect rodents, but research has shown the effects are often overcome within a day or so, regardless of whether the frequency is variable, intermittent, or random. There are sound-based deterrents available, however, you will need a consistent power source for these to work properly. While people may not notice the sounds, other animals, such as household pets, may find them irritating. Consumer reviews indicate that not all of these products work as advertised, and they have not been adopted by pest control professionals despite decades of availability. Look for an EPA establishment number on the label to ensure the product complies with EPA device regulations.

Download Cat Sound To Scare Rats

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I live in an old soviet style flat and it appears a mouse or a rat has made himself cozy below my window sill in a trench between brick walls. There is no way to access that trench unless I demolish my sill. I can hear that fucker doing its business (scratching or whatnot) from time to time and it is starting to get annoying. Perhaps I may be able to poison it with fumes of somesort, but I do not want to dead rat under my sill. I would instead like to scare that idiot off with sounds and I am asking for advice here. According to wiki, mice can hear from 900 Hz to 79k Hz.

What do you think is the optimal sound frequency for such a task ? I do not wish to bother my neighbours or myself, I want to go full amplitude here, I myself pretty much lose all sound hearing at 19k Hz.

I've got a bit problem with rats, they are destroying my garden. I don't want to kill them, just keep them away. So, I would like to build a rats repellent circuit. I've read a lot on the topic; some say it works, some say it's pure fantasy. I'll like to try

Whether or not it will work is a different question, I doubt it. If you were hungry how much noise would it take to drive you away from food? I don't think you will be able to generate the volume you require and, even if it works initially, the rats will probably adjust to the noise. Rats are supposed to be smart. If you are going to have a go then rather than scanning smoothly through a range you might be better trying random bursts to startle them.

Maybe you could catch one and do some experiments before going wholesale for a solution.

If you have enough rats to destroy a big garden you should be thinking about shooting them or trapping them.

Sound from ultrasound is the name given here to the generation of audible sound from modulated ultrasound without using an active receiver. This happens when the modulated ultrasound passes through a nonlinear medium which acts, intentionally or unintentionally, as a demodulator. Since the early 1960s, researchers have been experimenting with creating directive low-frequency sound from nonlinear interaction of an aimed beam of ultrasound waves produced by a parametric array using heterodyning. U...

I like the comment that propane gas exploders and strobe lights can be annoying to humans. There is also a comment that there is no evidence that deer can hear ultrasonic devices attached to vehicles. I was sceptical about these devices on cars, but I fitted a pair to my vehicle and I am beginning to be converted (they are passive devices the flow of air when the car moves is supposed to generate ultrasound).

Yes I have: the problem is that all around my garden there is absolutely nothing to eat. The first year on which I planted something, there were no rats. Then they start to increase year by year. Interesting thing about the deers!

Elephants are almost deaf, the big ears are for cooling and they keep out most of the sound.

It could be that your cat is being lazy and not dealing with mice. Elephants are afraid of mice so that might explain why you don't have any.

If you don't believe elephants are afraid of mice look up Mythbusters on youtube.

Of course, if you have a rodent problem, you should go ahead and hire the rat pest control experts to be on the safe side. However, if you wish to try out a few sounds and smells as a preventative measure to deter the rats near your property then give these a try: tag_hash_107

The thought of using smell to repel rats might not appeal to you at first, however, the good news is that most of the smells that rats hate, are actually rather pleasant to humans. Here are a few examples:

Otherwise, prevention tactics can be very useful in making your home unattractive to rats, such as a thorough de-clutter and deep cleaning, isolating food and water sources, and sealing small cracks and potential entry points around your home (to name a few).

Ultrasonic pest repellers are electronic devices that emit high-frequency sounds designed to repel, injure or kill household pests, such as rodents and insects. Whether they're actually effective at doing so has been disputed by testing labs and the U.S. Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Humans have been using sound to scare away pests for quite some time. Ancient Chinese civilizations were some of the first people to use sensory repellent devices because of how simple and safe these methods can be. On early Chinese farms it was common to find mechanically operated repellent devices powered by wind and water that generated movement, vibrations and sounds to scare away rodents and other small animals.

Sonic repellents are designed to emit high-frequency sounds that will frighten or drive away rats and other rodents. The theory is that these high-frequency sounds, which we cannot perceive, are so distressing to rodents that they will leave the area. The devices can work with batteries or by being plugged into a wall outlet.

When it comes to rats, you cannot go wrong with traps and poisons. These two methods have proven themselves to be very effective, very cheap, and very easy to use. They are great when dealing with small to medium sized infestations, but when rat populations reach a certain size, you will need the help of more powerful tools and methods. This is where we can help you. As a pest control company, we have the training, products and equipment needed to deal with rat infestations of any size. Contact us today if you would like to know more or set up an appointment.

There are many electronic CAT Repellents on the market such as THIS, and THIS that omit a sound , as well as many others including THESE sort that just omit water. BUT, be aware that they each can also repel Dogs and Foxes. If you do not have an outdoor electrical socket, there are also various BATTERY ones available such as THIS and THIS, which is available in mains OR battery.

Also available are RAT and MICE repellents. These work on the same principal as the Cat deterrents, using sound. They can be plugged in anywhere, such as a shed or garage that you store your bird feed in. There are also several GARDEN deterrents also available that run off batteries, so you can place them anywhere in the garden, such as by the bird tables, seed feeders, ground feeders etc. HERE is one example, various are available.

Be aware that they are ultrasound, which does not pass through solid objects and so if putting them in a house, you may require more units, such as one in the kitchen and one in the parlour. Also if you buy a Rat/Mouse deterrent it will affect Rodent Pets, such as Gerbils, Hamsters and Chinchillas etc.

Cheers Birdie Wild, I've bookmarked it as it sounds good if a bit expensive as you say. We have two jack russels that maybe we should train up as they are getting lazy, years ago the one we had would sit outside and wait over a hole, but these two get it too easy!

Some time ago here at Monotony TV we created the sound of owls hooting to help you to relax. This particular owl hooting sound has been on YouTube for 3 years (at time of writing this post). Many people have enjoyed using this sound to relax to, or fall asleep to. However, every so often there would be a comment or feedback, stating that this particular sound helped to get rid of rats or mice! 

Now, we all watch nature programs on many different animals, we all know that owls hunt mice and other rodents, also on the other side of the coin, those rodents are scared of owls. So with that in mind, we created a video to help you to get rid of unwanted vermin.

There are are a number of high frequency devices that can be used to deter or scare away rodents. However, it has been found that these devices often only work for a short period of time. A better approach to getting rid of rodents humanely, is to use a sound that naturally scares a rodent in the wild. The video in this post uses the sound of owls hooting and as we all know, rodents are naturally scared of birds or prey such as owls.

There are are a number of high frequency devices that can be used to deter or scare away rodents. However, it has been found that these devices often only work for a short period of time. A better approach to getting rid of rodents humanely, is to use a sound that naturally scares a rodent in the wild. The video in this post uses the sound of owls hooting and as we all know, rodents are naturally scared of birds or prey such as owls."}}]} How to Get Rid of Mice and Rats HumanelyIt would appear that the sound of an owl hooting, will make smaller rodents move elsewhere. So if you have a problem with mice, rats or any other small rodent, then this could be the sound that you need to use. If say for example, you have a store room and you know that mice or rats are coming in and sampling your food, then you will benefit from playing this sound to them during the silent hours. The reason for using this particular video as oppose to the one mentioned above, is that we have deliberately allowed adverts to play at certain intervals. This will create the effect that, not only are there owls in the vicinity, but also other forms of activity going on. If you do have mice or other rodents in you building, you will notice that they are most active in the small hours when all is very quiet. 

One person commented; they were constantly kept awake at night, by the sound of mice or rats constantly scratching and clattering about, as they were trying hard to drop off to sleep. 2351a5e196

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