Hello to the Canvas community. I was wondering if there is a way to import Quizzes from a Word document into Canvas Quizzes. I am aware of Respondus. That program is very dated and I have had a lot of issues with it not working right. There is a new Beta Quiz LTI however, it doesn't allow me to import the Quiz unless its a QTI format. I have tried every way I know to try and bring the info from the Quiz Word documents in with the Quiz LTI and cannot seem to get it to function right. Currently instructors are manually creating or copying their quiz questions into Canvas which, seems tedious. Is there a better way to do this process? Any info from the community would be helpful..

I have not tried it in this context, but in the past I have used quiz generator sites (like this and this) to turn a Word doc into a quiz bank for Blackboard. Since Canvas will import Bb quiz files (right?), this might be a workaround. Would love to know if anyone tries it.

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@david_summer , I did some checking around and as of right now this isn't on the road map for the new quizzing tool. My recommendation is to comment and vote on this feature idea - -create-question-banks-from-msword

Hi @cobal_3333 . This question comes up rather frequently. The short answer is no, at least not directly. There is an open idea for this feature that you might consider voting for, -create-question-banks-from-msword" modifiedtitle="true" t.... The longer answer is that you can use Respondus to go from the Word file to a format that can be imported into Canvas. This process was described nicely by @James in this post, I need to convert a Microsoft document quiz to Canvas.

In order to generate a Canvas quiz, you will need a properly formatted text file to drop into the converter tool. A quick guide is located below if you need to format your questions. A more thorough set of directions can be found in this extended document

While the quiz upload will often be very fast, there is an additional processing step that can take up to several minutes. The status will probably appear under "Current Jobs" after upload. Once the quiz import is marked as "Completed", the imported quiz should be available under Quizzes. It will import as both a quiz and a question bank.

If the imported quiz does not appear after several minutes, there may be an error in your quiz file or a bug in text2qti tool. When Canvas encounters an invalid quiz file, it tends to fail silently; instead of reporting an error in the quiz file, it just never creates a quiz based on the invalid file. text2qti can detect a number of potential issues, but not everything.

I like the word bank option in new quizzes fill in the blank questions, and I think it could work well to replace some drag-and-drop matching questions I originally created in Moodle, but I am running into a problem. For each blank in a multi-blank question I have to include at least two potential answers, the right one and a wrong one (distractor). I understand if there were just one blank in the question why distractor answers are necessary, but I plan to have 5 or 6 sentences each with a blank to fill with a different verb form to be dragged from a word bank. I don't want to have 10 or 12 words in the word bank; I only want the 5 or 6 real answers, particularly since for this quiz there are only 6 relevant verb forms. It is frustrating to be forced to have twice too many options at the bottom of the box--not to mention distracting for the students.

If I could figure out how to do this--and if we could get RTF into these fill in the blank questions--I could do everything I need to do in my Greek quizzes. As it is now, I wish we had not switched from Moodle to Canvas because I am having to reinvent all the quizzes and tests I carefully created last year.

Yes, that would work. And the students could either type the answers or cut and paste (my quizzes are for Greek class, and not all the students are equally good at typing it). It is probably a better work around than my current compromise of having half the potential answers consist of a ".".

@JoshuaHarper Thank you for reaching out to your community for support! If I understand your question correctly, you are getting stuck with having to create extra answers that you do not want in a new quiz fill in the blank question using a word bank correct? You should be able to delete any extra "blank" spaces for answers and limit the number of options by clicking the trash can to the right of the answer box. Here is what it looks like if this is the style of question. you are using. Feel free to reach back out if you are still having some trouble.

My question has multiple blanks (usually 8-12 blanks), but when I use the word-bank option it requires at least two answer options per blank. It defaults to 3 answer options, and I can delete extra answer options by clicking on the trash can, but if I delete all but one option per blank, then I get an error message when I go to save the question. What I would like would be to create a word bank with exactly as many words in it as there are blanks in my question. 12 blanks = 12 words in the word bank. As it is now, 12 blanks requires at least 24 options in the word bank.

@HeatherAhern What's more, the word bank was not shuffling the answers among the various questions in the multiple-fill-in-the-blank question: they were all in order at the bottom of the box. And a student informed me that when he accidentally clicked on the blank without dragging an answer into position it showed him the two options just for that blank, which in this case were the correct answer and a period. So, I have switched the questions to open entry with a cut-and-paste word bank because the word bank is just not working correctly for me in New Quizzes.

Exact same issue for me. Seams really silly to not automatically make the answers for the other blanks in the question the distractors. Distractors should be at the question level, not at the blank level in a multiple blank option - especially since all the word banks for each question are all sitting together in that bar below anyway.

I looked at doing the drop down option to remove the typing, but given I have 1 word that is used twice that doesn't clearly convey that an answer exists twice (because in the drop down one is 'wrong' even if it's the same word.)

Were you ever able to find a solution for this? Currently in the same situation where I want there to not be distractors in the question and I want to answers to shuffle so they are not in order for the word bank. I have yet to figure out how to do this if it is possible. If you (or someone else) has figured this out, any insights would be appreciated. Thanks!

No permanent solution yet. The best workaround (as suggested by others in this thread) is to make a word bank yourself as part of the question text and have students cut-and-paste (or type in) the correct answers in each blank. I'm not impressed by New Quizzes--these little quirks make it much less useful than it is touted as being.

Needless to say, both of these features significantly streamline the process of providing accommodations to students, allowing faculty to focus more energy on their course content and less time constantly adjusting quiz settings for each student with an accommodation.

For example, the ability to use quizzes to create an ungraded, anonymous survey is no longer available in New Quizzes. While faculty at other institutions have experimented with various workarounds, we recommend simply using Qualtrics, a free program available to all DU faculty and staff, for any surveys (especially anonymous surveys) you would like your students to complete.

7. Point the browse location to the unzipped folder from step 3 as shown above. The list of randomly named folders in this directory are for each quiz in the exported course. Navigate into one of the folders to reveal a file with an .xml extension with the same name as the folder:

10. Now the Print feature of Respondus can be used to generate text to copy/paste into a word processor program or save a Microsoft Word file. This is found on the Preview and Publish tab at the top:

1. Follow these instructions from the Canvas Guides to export quiz content: Export Quiz Content.

** Please note that Canvas currently does not support the export of question groups linked to questions banked in a quiz.

1. While a document is open within Respondus, select the Preview + Publish tab.

2. Decide how you would like the document to be formatted under Print Options.

3. When you have finished making changes, choose to either print or save to file.

4. Additional changes to formatting can be made using a word processor.

In New Quizzes, when building a Fill in the Blank question with multiple word bank choices, distractor words display in a separate section for instructors. Also, word choices can be used more than once when Allow Word Bank Choices to be Reused is selected and duplicate answer choices are graded correctly. Additionally, for students, Fill in the Blank questions with multiple word banks display all word bank choices in the answer blank drop-down menu.

When building a New Quiz with a Fill in the Blank question with a word bank answer type, enter the correct answers in the Correct Answer field [1]. Word Bank Distractors can be added separately [2]. To reuse word bank choices, click the Allow word bank choices to be reused checkbox [3]. ff782bc1db

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