You can use Intent.ACTION_DIAL instead of Intent.ACTION_CALL. This shows the dialer with the number already entered, but allows the user to decide whether to actually make the call or not. ACTION_DIAL does not require the CALL_PHONE permission.

And if you want you can override onRequestPermissionsResult to give user better experience if you write same code with else block here your user will not need to click on your button again after you give permission it will directly call.

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Important: Only certain devices and carriers support recording calls. This feature isn't available on Pixel. Some laws require all people on the call to consent to being recorded. Before the call begins, call participants are notified that the call is recorded.

To protect the privacy of all users, when you start recording, both parties are notified with a disclosure that the call is being recorded. When you stop recording, both parties are notified with a disclosure that the call is no longer being recorded.

The Call forwarding option is typically used to forward calls to voice mail or to a number other than your mobile number. When you set call forwarding settings in Skype for Business, all incoming calls are automatically forwarded to the destination you choose.

After the timeout, if the user does not interact with the phone, it will return to the screen the user was previously using (for example the lock screen, or whichever app was being used prior to initiating Emergency SOS if the phone is not locked). With the Emergency SOS prompt, the user will be prompted to call 9-1-1 but the phone will not call 9-1-1 automatically. The interface may look different depending on the device (pictured above, center, is a Samsung Galaxy S22 and pictured above, right, is a Google Pixel 6).

As Android phones are updated, these default feature changes should provide relief from the rash of unintended emergency calls internationally that have been largely attributed to this feature through May and June.

I realise proper AA integration for 3CX is not currently possible as Goolge has not allowed it yet, but I wondering if anyone else has a method of at least answering a call. On incoming call the music/podcast volume drops, so I know there is a 3CX call coming in, but I've no way to answer (no on-screen pickup/reject buttons) and I've no idea if I would get successful audio if I did manage to answer. I have dozens of users asking about this.

Can I use FaceTime to video call my friends that use an Android phone, or there is a specific app that both of us need to use, because when I am calling iPhone friends, I can use FaceTime. Can I use FaceTime to call an Android phone, or do I need to use Google Duo? I don't want to use Messenger since it keeps on crashing. I need to be able to video call some of my friends that use a Samsung Galaxy S7, what apps can I use, and can I use FaceTime?

Facetime is best suited for social and casual video calls and interactions. For business meetings, I would recommend using tools like R-HUB web video conferencing servers. It provides 30 way HD video conferencing.

Android mobile device has a variety of call options. Some of the typical options are Blocking numbers, Call alerts and ringtones, Answering and ending calls, Quick decline messages, and Call display while using apps.

For Galaxy Foldable devices, you can see the caller's name and number, and you can also answer or reject the call from the cover screen. Speaker mode is supported while folded, and Bluetooth headsets are also available when they are connected.

If paired to an iPhone, Blaze lets you accept or reject incoming phone calls. When you receive a phone call notification, tap the green phone icon to accept the call, or tap the red phone icon to reject the call.

If paired to an iPhone or Android phone, your Fitbit device lets you accept or reject incoming phone calls. If your phone is running an older version of the Android OS, you can reject, but not accept, calls on your device.

The sample app starts on the Single Account Mode screen. A default scope,, is provided by default, which is used when reading your own profile data during the Microsoft Graph API call. The URL for the Microsoft Graph API call is provided by default. You can change both of these if you wish.

In, the code to sign out a user is in initializeUI(), in the signOutButton click handler. Signing a user out is an asynchronous operation. Signing the user out also clears the token cache for that account. A callback is created to update the UI once the user account is signed out:

To present the fewest number of prompts to the user, you'll typically get a token silently. Then, if there's an error, attempt to get a token interactively. The first time the app calls signIn(), it effectively acts as a call to acquireToken(), which will prompt the user for credentials.

The code to load an account is in in loadAccount(). Loading the user's account is an asynchronous operation, so callbacks to handle when the account loads, changes, or an error occurs is passed to MSAL. The following code also handles onAccountChanged(), which occurs when an account is removed, the user changes to another account, and so on.

When a user is signed in, the call to Microsoft Graph is made via an HTTP request by callGraphAPI() which is defined in This function is a wrapper that simplifies the sample by doing some tasks such as getting the access token from the authenticationResult and packaging the call to the MSGraphRequestWrapper, and displaying the results of the call.

Multiple account apps usually call getAccounts() to select the account to use for MSAL operations. The code to load an account is in the file, in loadAccounts(). Loading the user's account is an asynchronous operation. So a callback handles the situations when the account is loaded, changes, or an error occurs.

Multiple account apps should typically acquire tokens interactively, that is with UI that involves the user, with a call to acquireToken(). The code to get a token interactively is in the file in initializeUI(), in the callGraphApiInteractiveButton click handler:

Apps shouldn't require the user to sign in every time they request a token. If the user has already signed in, acquireTokenSilentAsync() allows apps to request tokens without prompting the user, as shown in the file, ininitializeUI() in the callGraphApiSilentButton click handler:

The code to remove an account, and any cached tokens for the account, is in the file in initializeUI() in the handler for the remove account button. Before you can remove an account, you need an account object, which you obtain from MSAL methods like getAccounts() and acquireToken(). Because removing an account is an asynchronous operation, the onRemoved callback is supplied to update the UI.

The Cloud Functions for Firebase client SDKs let you call functions directly froma Firebase app. To call a function from your app in this way, write and deployan HTTP Callable function in Cloud Functions, andthen add client logic to call the function from your app.

It's important to keep in mind that HTTP callable functions are similar butnot identical to HTTP functions. To use HTTP callable functions you mustuse the client SDK for your platform together with thebackend API (or implement the protocol). Callables have these keydifference from HTTP functions:

If you want to add similar functionality to an app built on an unsupportedplatform, see the Protocol Specification for https.onCall. The rest of this guide providesinstructions on how to write, deploy, and callan HTTP callable function for Apple platforms, Android, web, C++, and Unity.

Distance between the location of the callable function and the locationof the calling client can create network latency. To optimize performance,consider specifying the function location whereapplicable, and make sure to align the callable's location with the locationset when you initialize the SDKon the client side.

To return data after an asynchronous operation, return a promise. The datareturned by the promise is sent back to the client. For example, youcould return sanitized text that the callable function wrote to the Realtime Database:

To ensure the client gets useful error details, return errors from a callableby throwing (or returning a Promise rejected with) an instance offunctions.https.HttpsError.The error has a code attribute that can be one of the values listedat functions.https.HttpsError.The errors also have a string message, which defaultsto an empty string. They can also have an optional details field with anarbitrary value. If an error other than HttpsError is thrown from your functions,your client instead receives an error with the message INTERNAL and the codeinternal.

After you save a completed callable function within index.js, itis deployed along with all other functions when you run firebase deploy.To deploy only the callable, use the --only argument as shown to performpartial deploys:

If the error returned by the function is of type function.https.HttpsError,then the client receives the error code, message, and details from theserver error. Otherwise, the error contains the message INTERNAL and thecode INTERNAL. See guidance for how tohandle errors in your callable function.

After installing latest FP4 update, I experience a problem when receiving a call in the Signal App while seing a Youtube video; the screen goes black and buttons do not work. So I have to disconnect the battery and restart the device.

The build number is FP4.TP1V.C.073.20230905

Android version is 13

Sign up for a 14-day free trial to see how you can make phone calls, have video meetings, and send instant + SMS/MMS text messages, all from a single app. Or, take a self-guided interactive tour of the app first! 2351a5e196

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