Maintaining the BusyBox image has also been an ongoing priority at Docker. In fact, our very first container demo used BusyBox back in 2013! Users have downloaded it over one billion times, making BusyBox one of our most popular images.

Lastly, always choose the variant which best fits your needs. You can use either busybox:uclibc, busybox:glibc, or busybox:musl as required. Options one and three are statically compiled, while glibc stems from Debian.

Download Busybox Docker Image

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BusyBox is an essential tool for developers who love simplistic Linux. It lets you create powerful, customized Linux executables within a stripped-down (yet accommodating) Linux environment. Use cases are diverse, and the BusyBox image helps reduce bloat.

Often, an embedded appliance can consist of nothing but a statically-linked copy of busybox, an init script that mounts procfs, sysfs, &c. with busybox-provided tools, and then the actual application being invoked. With docker setting up the filesystem namespace, even that init script isn't necessarily needed.

As a concrete example the official redis image doesn't run redis as root and so it cannot access the filesystem. If you were running redis with disk backup (in appendonly mode for example) you would need to open up that disk permission for it.

I just started using BusyBox with docker, but so far it has been convenient to use with the --rm command to create unsaved instances with common built in utilities like ping, and yeah just ping so far :/

Build the Dockerfile with a new image tag:docker build -t go-server .Create and run new container from your image by running :docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm -it go-serverThe -p 8080:8080 forwards the 8080 port from the container to your local machineYou can send a curl request to :8080/, or even visit it on your browser:curl -v :8080/* Trying ::1...* TCP_NODELAY set* Connected to localhost (::1) port 8080 (#0)> GET / HTTP/1.1> Host: localhost:8080> User-Agent: curl/7.64.1> Accept: */*>< HTTP/1.1 200 OK< Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2021 09:31:38 GMT< Content-Length: 12< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8