Thank you, your advice is very helpful for me. I got the same error with shaning. the root cause is i didn't start tcp input that pointing to geoevent simulator port. once tcp input started, the simulator working as well. thanks

Target and budget simulators collect and analyze data from ad auctions you participated in, and estimate how your ads might have performed in terms of key metrics like cost, conversions, conversion values, impressions, and clicks if you had set a different CPA target, impression share target, ROAS target, or budget.

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Target CPA simulators are available for Search, Display, Shopping, and App campaigns. Target ROAS is available for Search campaigns. Target impression share, Maximize conversions, Maximize conversion value, and Maximize clicks simulators are available only for Search campaigns.

With a portfolio strategy, you can attach multiple campaigns and ad groups to a single bid strategy. If you're using a portfolio Target CPA bid strategy, you can find the Target CPA simulator in the "Shared Library".

In this tutorial, you send an email to yourself from the console so that you can check to see if you received it. For further experimentation or load testing, see Using the mailbox simulator manually.

Amazon SES includes a mailbox simulator that you can use to test how your application handles different email sending scenarios. The mailbox simulator is useful when, for example, you want to test an email sending application without creating fictitious email addresses, or when you want to find your system's maximum throughput without impacting your daily sending quota.

Emails that you send to the mailbox simulator are limited by your account's maximum sending rate, but they don't affect your daily sending quota. For example, if your account is authorized to send 10,000 messages per 24-hour period, and you send 100 messages to the mailbox simulator, you can still send up to 10,000 messages to regular recipients without reaching your sending quota.

Emails that you send to the mailbox simulator don't impact your email deliverability or reputation metrics. For example, if you send a large number of messages to the bounce address of the email simulator, it doesn't display a message warning you that your bounce rate is too high on the reputation metrics console page.

For billing purposes, emails that you send to the Amazon SES mailbox simulator are the same as any other email you send using Amazon SES. In other words, we bill you the same amount for messages that you send to the mailbox simulator as for those that you send to regular recipients.

The mailbox simulator supports labeling, which enables you to send emails to the same mailbox simulator address in multiple ways, or to see how your application handles Variable Envelope Return Path (VERP). For example, you can send an email to and to see if your application can match a bounce message with the email address that caused the bounce.

When you send an email to a mailbox simulator address, you must send it through Amazon SES, by using the AWS CLI, an AWS SDK, the Amazon SES console, the Amazon SES SMTP interface, or the Amazon SES API. The mailbox simulator doesn't respond to emails that it receives from external sources.

The Amazon SES mailbox simulator doesn't include an address for testing Reject events. However, you can test Reject events by using a European Institute for Computer Antivirus Research (EICAR) test file. This file is an industry-standard method of testing antivirus software in a safe manner. To create an EICAR test file, paste the following text into a file:

This is an electronic circuit simulator. When the applet starts up you will seean animated schematic of a simple LRC circuit. The greencolor indicates positive voltage. The gray color indicates ground. A red color indicates negative voltage. The moving yellow dots indicate current.

You can use the IPN simulator tool to send test IPN messages from the PayPal sandbox to the URL at which your listener is running. The IPN simulator allows you to verify that your listener is receiving IPN messages and handling them correctly. IPN simulator notifications include a test_ipn variable, which is not found in live IPN messages, so the IPN test messages can be distinguished from the real IPN messages.

Note: For each type of IPN message, the simulator displays the most commonly used fields. To see all possible fields, click Show All Fields at the bottom of the form.

The default messages sent by the IPN simulator are valid. If your IPN listener receives the test message, you know the listener is properly installed on your web server. If your listener responds correctly to such a message, your listener should next receive a VERIFIED response message. If you do not receive any message, or if you receive an INVALID message from PayPal after responding to the original test IPN message, see IPN Simulator troubleshooting.

These troubleshooting tips can be helpful in situations where the IPN simulator is displaying an IPN sent successfully message, but you are not able to validate that the message content was received and/or you are receiving an HTTP status of INVALID, rather than the expected VERIFIED status.

The 24-foot NADS-1 simulator is on a six-legged base that rotates up to 330 and moves across the 64-foot square bay floor to simulate driving motions such as accelerating, lane changing, and skidding. There are 23 brakes on the large crossbeam that spans the room, while 42 hydrostatic bearings ride on a thin film of oil across smooth metal belts.

While I understand what simulation and emulation mean in general, I almost always get confused about them. Assume that I create a piece of software that mimics existing hardware/software, what should I call it? A simulator or an emulator?

Simulator mimics the activity of something that it is simulating. It "appears"(a lot can go with this "appears", depending on the context) to be the same as the thing being simulated. For example the flight simulator "appears" to be a real flight to the user, although it does not transport you from one place to another.

It's a difference in focus. Emulators1 focus on recreating the behavior of a system, with no regard for how the system functions internally. Simulators2 focus on modeling the components of a system. You use an emulator when you care mostly about what a system does, and a simulator when you care about how it does it.

In short: an emulator is designed to copy some features of the orginial and can even replace it in the real environment. A simulator is not desgined to copy the features of the original, but only to appear similar to the original to human beings. Without the features of the orginal, the simulator cannot replace it in the real environment.

A simulator is used in another thinking context, e.g a plane simulator, a car simulator, etc. The simulation will take care only of some aspect of the actual thing, usually those related to how a human being will perceive and control it. The simulator will not perform the functions of the real stuff, and cannot be sustituted to it. The plane simulator will not fly or carry someone, it's not its purpose at all. The simulator is not intended to work, but to appear to the pilot somehow like the actual thing for purposes other than its normal ones, e.g. to allow ground training (including in unusual situations like all-engine failure). So simulator definition would be: something that can appear to human, to some extend, like the original, but cannot replace it for actual use. In addition the pilot will know that the simulator is a simulator.

I don't think we'll see any ROM simulator, because ROM are not interacting with human beings, nor we'll see any plane emulator, because planes cannot have a replacement performing the same functions in the real world.

In my view the model inside an emulator or a simulator can be anything, and has not to be similar to the model of the original. A ROM emulator model will likely be software instead of hardware, MS Flight Simulator cannot be more software than it is.

Note that the plane simulator will have also to simulate the earth, the sun, the wind, etc, which are not part of the plane, so a plane simulator will have to mimic some aspects of the plane, as well as the environment of the plane because it is not used in this actual environment, but in a training room.

To understand the difference between a simulator and an emulator, keep in mind that a simulator tries to mimic the behavior of a real device. For example, in the case of the iOS Simulator, it simulates the real behavior of an actual iPhone/iPad device. However, the Simulator itself uses the various libraries installed on the Mac (such as QuickTime) to perform its rendering so that the effect looks the same as an actual iPhone. In addition, applications tested on the Simulator are compiled into x86 code, which is the byte-code understood by the Simulator. A real iPhone device, conversely, uses ARM-based code.

Simulators are commonplace when referring to software that tries to mimic real life actions, such as driving or flying. Gran Turismo and Microsoft Flight Simulator spring to mind as classic examples of simulators.

So if I want to run my old Super Mario Bros game on my PC I use an SNES emulator, because it is using the same or similar computer code (processes) to run the game, and uses the same or similar materials (silicon chip).However, if I want to fly a Boeing 747 jet on my PC I use a flight simulator because it uses completely different processes from the original (there are no actual wings, lift or aerodynamics involved!).

BUT flight simulator is used for a real thing - it trains pilots, gives them skill up and knowledge and it replaces expensive real planes and saves much of money. And we cannot just say a plane-emulator because we have inner feeling that this is much more than that, so we call it simulator :) Plane simulator could contain emulated radar or transponder that is true. 006ab0faaa

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