Officially Brain Burst 2039 (2039, Burein Bsuto 2039(N Zero San Ky)), also known by its filename, BB2039.exe, is a secret application which allows a person to make time seemingly stop by "accelerating" their brainwaves.

In order to install Brain Burst, the person needs to be invited by another Burst Linker and be sent an invitation through the Neuro Linker. Each Burst Linker can only invite one other person to the game, and if the invitation fails, they cannot invite another person.[note 1] There are some specific conditions for the installation to be completed successfully, which are having the Neuro Linker on starting shortly after birth, and certain brain speed reaction. If all of the conditions are not met, then the installation fails. The Burst Linker who invited the person becomes their guardian and has a close connection with him/her.

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When Brain Burst is uninstalled, the person's memories pertaining to it are completely erased. In addition, Brain Burst cannot be reinstalled once uninstalled as Brain Burst recognizes players by their brain waves, not by their Linker.

In a study published recently in the Journal of Neuroscience, UCLA neurology professor Paul Thompson and colleagues used a new type of brain-imaging scanner to show that intelligence is strongly influenced by the quality of the brain's axons, or wiring that sends signals throughout the brain. The faster the signaling, the faster the brain processes information. And since the integrity of the brain's wiring is influenced by genes, the genes we inherit play a far greater role in intelligence than was previously thought.

Thompson and his colleagues scanned the brains of 23 sets of identical twins and 23 sets of fraternal twins. Since identical twins share the same genes while fraternal twins share about half their genes, the researchers were able to compare each group to show that myelin integrity was determined genetically in many parts of the brain that are key for intelligence. These include the parietal lobes, which are responsible for spatial reasoning, visual processing and logic, and the corpus callosum, which pulls together information from both sides of the body.

"HARDI measures water diffusion," said Thompson, who is also a member of the UCLA Laboratory of Neuro-Imaging. "If the water diffuses rapidly in a specific direction, it tells us that the brain has very fast connections. If it diffuses more broadly, that's an indication of slower signaling, and lower intelligence."

Because the myelination of brain circuits follows an inverted U-shaped trajectory, peaking in middle age and then slowly beginning to decline, Thompson believes identifying the genes that promote high-integrity myelin is critical to forestalling brain diseases like multiple sclerosis and autism, which have been linked to the breakdown of myelin.

Here, we developed a two-photon microscope for effective high-speed imaging of GCaMP6 indicators14,18 during parallel wide-field single-photon excitation of the inhibitory opsin archaerhodopsin (Arch)19 in the intact mouse brain in vivo. The optical system is based on phase modulation of the excitation light20,21,22,23,24 and performs imaging with a camera by simultaneously projecting near diffraction-limited stationary laser spots only onto cells expressing the calcium indicator (scanless imaging).

We developed a microscope based on patterned illumination using phase modulation that for the first time allows simultaneous, fast functional imaging and optogenetic photoinhibition in the intact mammalian brain. Two-photon imaging through patterned illumination has been previously applied to perform calcium imaging in vitro, in small organisms21,22,33,34,35,36 or in the mouse brain in vivo37,38. Here, our aim was to develop an efficient yet simple microscope design to achieve high-speed imaging of neuronal activity in the intact mouse brain while allowing simultaneous optogenetic manipulation of specific neuronal networks. When coupled with genetically encoded GCaMP6 indicators, this optical system allows mapping of suprathreshold activity of neurons with subcellular spatial resolution and high temporal resolution during the optogenetic manipulation. We validated this approach in anesthetized mice in vivo investigating the role of a specific class of interneurons, the PV-positive cells, in the modulation of the spatial and temporal profile of network dynamics in superficial cortical layers.

In vivo optogenetics is usually coupled with readout strategies that include intracellular and extracellular electrophysiological recordings39,40,41, functional magnetic resonance (fMR)42, positron emission tomography (PET)43, voltage-sensitive dye (VSD)44, intrinsic45 and calcium46 imaging. However, fMRI, PET, VSD and intrinsic imaging do not reach cellular resolution, while current in vivo electrophysiological approaches cannot record from the large numbers of closely-spaced individual cells that comprise local brain networks. In this respect, calcium imaging, in particular LSTPM, is an unique approach because it allows monitoring the activity of multiple nearby neurons within a given microcircuit, with subcellular resolution2. However, developing an all-optical system to couple fast two-photon calcium imaging with single-photon optogenetic manipulation in vivo is a challenging task for the reasons detailed below.

In addition to random-access microscopy, alternative approaches have been developed to increase the acquisition speed in functional fluorescence imaging, including, among others, light-sheet microscopy53, wide-field temporally focused excitation54, and light-field microscopy55. Light-sheet microscopy has been applied to large-scale functional imaging56,57,58,59 and rapid imaging of entire fixed mammalian brains60,61. Similarly, wide-field temporally focused54 and light-field55 imaging approaches have been used to perform brain-wide and whole-animal functional imaging, respectively. Parallel scanless approaches have also been developed to perform fast functional imaging, in particular in three dimensions. For example, combining structured illumination using wavefront engineering with volume projection imaging, it was possible to illuminate and collect light simultaneously from different focal planes both in vitro and in vivo36. Moreover, a hybrid design in which a conventional laser-scanning multiphoton microscope was combined with a 3D scanning-line temporal-focusing system was used to perform functional and structural volumetric imaging62. Many of the approaches described above may achieve and even surpass the speed performances of the system described in this manuscript. However, in contrast to the present work, most of these previous studies (but see ref. 56) were performed in rather transparent samples such as larval zebrafish36,55,57, Caenorhabditis elegans54,55, bioengineered neural tissue in vitro62, and mouse brain slices36, and many of these approaches still await validation in the highly scattering mammalian brain in vivo.

How to cite this article: Bovetti, S. et al. Simultaneous high-speed imaging and optogenetic inhibition in the intact mouse brain. Sci. Rep. 7, 40041; doi: 10.1038/srep40041 (2017).

A variable charge time that depends on the enemy/armour type you are bursting. For example bursting a poxwalker should take almost no time and bursting a monstrosity should take the same time it does now.

What I would like is for brain burst to deal half the damage overtime instead of all at the end. So even if someone kill the target before the end you would still have helped instead of wasted your time.

Because the brain is very complex, every brain injury is different. Some symptoms may appear right away, while others may not show up for days or weeks after the concussion. Sometimes the injury makes it hard for people to recognize or to admit that they are having problems.

In rare cases, a dangerous collection of blood (hematoma) may form on the brain after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body that may squeeze the brain against the skull. Call 9-1-1 right away or contact your doctor or emergency department if you have one or more of the following danger signs after a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body:

Because concussions are often missed or misdiagnosed among older adults, be especially alert if you know that an older adult has fallen or has a fall-related injury, such as a hip fracture. Older adults may have a higher risk of serious complications from a concussion, such as bleeding on the brain. Headaches that get worse or increased confusion are signs of this complication. If they occur, see a doctor right away. Older adults often take blood thinners; if they do, they should be seen immediately by a health care provider if they have a bump or blow to the head or body even if they do not have any of the symptoms listed above.

If you already had a medical condition at the time of your concussion (such as chronic headaches), it may take longer for you to recover from the concussion. Anxiety and depression may also make it harder to adjust to the symptoms of a concussion. While you are healing, you should be very careful to avoid doing anything that could cause a bump, blow, or jolt to the head or body. On rare occasions, receiving another concussion before the brain has healed can result in brain swelling, permanent brain damage, and even death, particularly among children and teens.

Several groups help people and their families deal with concussion and more serious brain injuries. They provide information and put people in touch with local resources, such as support groups, rehabilitation services, and a variety of health care professionals.

Hi so this is the situation, me and my boyfriend had an argument and I slapped him really hard in the face twice that caused him to fall down and lost his vision for about 2 minutes or 3?, then after that he felt bad head ache and a bit dizzy and he vomitted. What do you think happen? he has concussion? or a brain injury? I am already panicking, hope someone can answer me. 17dc91bb1f

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