Threads and top level comments here should be related to audiobooks. This can include stories recordings of books or other less traditional style audiobooks such as those told via podcast, radio dramas or other audio media.

We welcome authors, narrators etc giving away copies of books, or promoting their books. However to avoid the spamming of books by a small group we are limiting these posts to once per week per reddit user.

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I recently rediscovered my love of audiobooks. My current job allows me to listen to audiobooks, podcasts, etc. while I work. At first, everything was going well. I was getting through my backlog of audiobooks from monthly credits.

I love audiobooks. I listen to them to while i'm working, or driving, or playing video games (not all three of those at once of course), and they are a great way to consume stories. Some of these are of course higher quality than others. What's been the best one you've listened to? This can include what you thought of the story, but not just that. How was the voice acting, and editing, and maybe even sound effects?

Hello! I've recently been disappointed by the decreasing number of audiobooks available at my library, so I'm looking into other places to get them. However, I can't figure out the best place to get them. I know Audible exists, but a subscription service like that concerns me, because any book you buy through there could become unavailable in the future if it gets taken off Audible.

I'm seeking a recommendation for an iPhone app for my wife to listen to some old audiobooks that I already own in mp3 format (I have the files stored on my computer and can move them onto her iPhone with the "Files" app). I currently have the BookPlayer app for her, but it has lost her current spot and jumped to the beginning of her book twice in the last 24 hours, so I'd like to switch to a more reliable app. Here's my requirements:

I have a large audiobook collection at which I would like to point my Plex server at. I also use Calibre to catalog all the audiobooks. The books are organized by author and then title. Some authors who have several series might be nested. So the organization of the books begins in a root folder called Audiobooks, and nested within are authors, series (optional), book by title. All books have mp3 formats. Each book folder contains mp3 book files and a jpg cover and a books description in a text file.

Android have a neat Free and Open Source audiobook player called Voice. It's perfect. I can import and play any audiobooks from my folders no hassle, no ads, no paywall. Compared to the default apps on iOS you seem to can't play any imported audiobooks at all unless you pay to get the copy from Apple or Amazon or some Amazon wannabe competitor. Are there any audiobook player on iOS that lets you just import books from folders or google drive???

Hello, I am looking for recommendations for audiobooks about economics - I am a relative beginner in understanding economics, but would love to learn more about both micro and macro economics (and any other kinds, if they exist). Any recommendations are very much appreciated!

Doing this I've noticed a very interesting phenomena but I can't work out if I'm just imagining it, so I'd be very interested if anyone else has experienced the same thing. When listening on 2x speed the narrator sounds really speeded up and unnatural. However I've noticed that sometimes, when I'm in the flow, the narrator stops sounding speeded up and sounds like they are speaking normally. When this happens my brain seems to slip into and out of the condition, and I can only maintain it for say five or ten seconds before losing it. If this is a real phenomenon (and not just my imagination) it would be great to be able to switch this mode of my brain on all the time listening to audiobooks. Anyone else experienced this? Anyone able to consistently listen to 2x speed without it sounding really fast?

Had this urge to try out audiobooks. Found a free app that lets me listen to audios of public domain books. The app also has this section where I can read the texts of said books. I like reading the text while listening to the audio, but I wanna try just listening. Trying to do so, but having a hard time.

Now ... the playing's the thing ... Currently the only two Android audiobook players (I know of) that play nice with Libby or Overdrive audiobooks - at least in terms of "chapter" recognition, all players can "play" the book - are:

I don't mean to be "plugging" one player over another, but SmartAudiobook Player, while being the clearly most popular android player, currently just doesn't work well with Overdrive/Libby audiobooks if you want or need a useful Table of Contents or you like to use your sleep timer set for the "end of chapter" ? or you need to keep track of your position if you alternate between audio and print versions of the book.

By the way, if you want to switch players or try new ones, I presume you know you DON'T NEED TO CREATE NEW BOOKS FOR ANOTHER PLAYER. They can all use the same audiobooks in the same folder. When you install a new player you have to choose or set up a "library" folder. Just choose the one where your books are already stored. Sometimes a player may add an extra txt or json file to your book folders to keep track of the last position listened to, but they don't interfere with or change the other players' "bookmarks". They get along fine.

In a non-inflammatory way, why do you like to listen to audiobooks? I've heard a few before but I just don't enjoy them nearly as much as I do reading itself. I would love to hear the opinions of followers of this sub as to why/where you like to listen to them?

Any suggestions of an Audiobook Subscription service that has unlimited audiobooks? I go through audio books so fast (usually a book within 2-3 days), and I don't want to buy every book I listen to. My library just has way too long of wait/hold times for books on Libby. Everyone I want to read is like a 2 month wait.

I have not been able to read as much as I would like and I wont be able to in the coming months because I will be pretty busy so instead I want to begin to listen to more audiobooks. I have tried amazons free trial twice and listened to a few but $14.95/month for one credit seems a little bit pricey so I would like to find a cheaper alternative. I see that the kindle version of books is usually a little bit cheaper, is it worth buying a kindle for it? Besides amazon where can you get audio books?

Does anyone else feel weird about audiobooks? I hope I'm not alone and I'd love any insight on it. Or maybe just reassurance that I should still feel proud of my reading challenge progress with the audiobooks.

Are there any tips or tricks to get the most out of audiobooks? I listen to a lot of podcasts and have no problems following along, but when I try to listen to audiobooks I all-too-often find myself zoning out. I'm guessing with podcasts, because it's more of a conversation - whether between hosts and/or guests, or with one host talking to the audience - there's more natural inflection, pacing and it's more engaging, where with audiobooks, especially one being read by someone other than the author, they're just reading to you and it sounds more like they're droning on.

Hi - my son and I have been enjoying listening to Roald Dahl's books and Pinocchio on Libby. Is there a list of age appropriate audiobooks I can introduce a 6 yr old to? Or are there any favorites that you would recommend?

So I thought that listening to an audiobook would work for me. But when do you listen to audiobooks? What do you do while listening? Do you just sit there listening? Do you just stare into blank space while listening? Do you draw?

Edit: After reading some of your comments, I decided to listen while scrolling through reddit before bed. This didn't work because my eyes kept wandering up and staring into blank space for some reason and there was no point in trying to multitask so I ditched reddit. I ended up listening for over 1.5 hours and I'm honestly pretty proud of myself. I usually listen to music as I'm falling asleep but replacing it with an audiobook was 500x better.

I work a fair amount, so recently, I've listened to a couple non-Halo audiobooks to see if it's something for me. While listening, I was afraid of missing details, lore, clever nods to things. It was a series that was new to me, so maybe that didn't help much. I found myself rewinding and skipping back a lot. It's even possible I hard a hard time attaching myself to the material and what I was hearing because I was trying to conceptualize story elements and characters in my head that I was 100% unfamiliar with. I also don't think the books that I listened to were very high quality either, so that probably didn't help.

I have a bunch of spare audible credits and have been trying to read more fantasy lately. So if there are any with really exceptional Audiobooks let me know. For example, the canon Star Wars books always have extremely well-produced audiobooks. i know finding anything of that caliber might be few and far between, but really just anything that y'all think is good.

I just set up a Hoopla account and I'm excited to try listening to books while I paint but I've reached a moral dilemma - do I count these as read on my Goodreads? Do you feel like audiobooks count as reading because you've still taken in the content, or do you reserve that spot for books you've actually physically read?

For years I have enjoyed the old (Nigel Planer/Celia Imrie/Stephen Briggs) audiobooks, listening to them in the car, first in order 1->41, then following each story arc according to the reading order guide.

I love espionage but the Bourne series are my best point of reference. I believe the excitement, action, CIA conspiracies and plot twists are the key elements of a good espionage movie/book. Can anyone recommend audiobooks (with good voiceovers - i.g. tinker, tailor, soldier, spy was horrible to listen to) that have a similar kind of excitement and gives you the feeling of being a super agent who is in constant complex situations? 17dc91bb1f

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