The Texas Bucket List Bobblehead & Big Stuffie Bonanza is a perfect excuse to check off some things on your bucket list! So take Shane with you and hit the roads, capture lots of pictures, and share them with us!

In the beginning of mining booms, accident andfreaks of chance are popularly supposed to playthe leading rle. A mule, for instance, playedfairy godmother when it let fly its heels and kickeda nub off a ledge of fabulous richness in gold.A man threw a rock at a jack rabbit, and thenrealized that the rock was heavier than it shouldbe; sought its mates and found a mine. Or aman takes an inadvertent slide down a ledge andlands upon a bonanza.

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Bill Dale knew rock. He had spent two years,more or less, prospecting on the southern slopeof Parowan, because there was a "break" runningacross, and because, in the lower end of awash that had many feeders wrinkled into themountainside, he had picked up a few pieces of"float" carrying free gold in such quantity thatit would mean a real bonanza if he found it "inplace," which means in a continuous vein leadingto the main body that produced it.

Four heads went together, at that, and if Billhad been listening at the keyhole he wouldn't haveheard much. They were a careful quartette, andthey had worked in harmony through the complexitiesof several "deals."

Bill saw Jim Lambert again the next day. Jimwas in the store, looking boredly impatient to beserved. The storekeeper's signal to Bill, of tiltedhead and lowered eyelid did not pass unobserved.Bill followed him back among the piled boxes ofcanned goods, and Jim idled over to a pile of overallsand inspected them carefully while he triedto listen.

There were hot cakes as good as Bill could havemade, and bacon and coffee and potatoes slicedraw and fried just right. The eyes of Mr. Rayfieldglistened when he saw them, and Bill drewhis underlip between his teeth when he looked atthe girl's flushed face bent solicitously over thecoffee she was pouring; it was so like a daydreamcome true that he could scarcely trust himself tospeak, for fear his tone would not be so normalas he meant it to be. But he had his part toplay nevertheless.

"They was a growlin' an' a grumblin' fromthat dorg, Mr. Dale. "But if anny one wishedto enter the tent, he changed his wish, I'm thinkin'.An' it might 'a' been Mr. Rayfield wantin' adrink from the bucket, fer I heard him tellin' thatother how he was like to make a trip to the springin the night, but recalled the canteen not bein'empty. He got no drink from the bucket befoorsun-up, that I c'ld swear to, Mr. Dale."

Bill could not remember afterwards just whenor how Doris first found her pleasures apart fromhim. He saw that "nice" women were becomingher friends, and of course there were littleparties and purely feminine gatherings to whichDoris went with avid enjoyment. She would sitand tell Bill all about them afterwards, and Billwould listen bewilderingly to detailed descriptionsof gowns and refreshments and scores andprizes, and to gossip not quite so harmless.

Beyond that point, however, Bill continued toflounder in doubts. He hated himself for evenspeculating upon the dishonesty of Walter andJohn, although he had found them a bit touchy,a shade jealous of their authority and their judgment.Walter had assumed executive control;John, as treasurer, had the responsibility ofkeeping the accounts impeccable. Bill had attendedthe annual stockholders' meeting, on thelast afternoon of the year, and he had been almostawed by the meticulousness of John Emmett'sfinancial report. It had sounded like somecarefully compiled government statistics, and Billhad been compelled to sit and listen to a carefulreading.

"If Bill took enough stock in the yarn to listento it, there's just one thing for me to do. I'mresponsible for the Company's funds. I thinkI shall demand that you bring an auditor to examinethe books."

Knowing all that, Doris stayed, holding herhead up proudly, as was her privilege. She hadher house-party, and could be seen merrymaking[239]on the broad porches, with colored lights andmusic and dancing, on cool nights after the dayshad been hot. Parowan was not invited to thosefrolics, but must view the colored lights and listento the music from a distance.

"You saw it coming," he said mildly. "I keptpreaching retrenchment, you know, when our orebegan to pinch out. Hopeful Bill wouldn't listen."He glanced swiftly at the committee of six."So the result that I warned you of has cometo pass. We have no ore, no money, and somedebts. The boys haven't had their wages this payday,Bill." His tone was maddeningly reproachful.It implied that Bill was to blame for all this.Bill accepted the challenge.

He needn't have worried about their going rightout. The first A headed straight down to thebank, and the second A was presently at his heels.The workmen of Parowan Consolidated had listenedto ugly rumors too long to take chances. 9af72c28ce

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