It seems like Bubble is not automatically adjusting the popup position to be centered on the screen when they are also automatically stopping the scroll of the page (which will render the height of the page as that of the device from my understanding).

How are people adjusting their designs with use of popups to accommodate for this UX flaw? My first assumption was to add a spacer to the bottom of the popup, and to contain all elements in a group and style the group to have the border/shadow and remove it from the popup element itself (definitely not what I want to do).

Download Bubble To Bottom Of Screen


Does anybody have an easier fix? Perhaps a way to get the popup to actually just be centered vertically on the page so that there is an equal margin between the top and the bottom of the page instead of what Bubble is doing now which is just a large margin on the top and zero margin on the bottom.

Apparently the goal for Bubble is to make sure that the popup is centered horizontally and vertically. In that vertical center attempt, they do make changes to the top margin but not the bottom margin when the popup requires more height.

Because of that and the lack of interest in making the behavior more in line with what I and I assume most other users would expect, which is to make sure that the top and bottom margins are always the same (ie: the popup is always centered vertically), it is up to the developer themselves to figure out a workaround.

I'm probably the 572nd person to post/request help for this, but the Download Bubble scroll at the bottom dissapeared with newest Chrome update. Any solution before a few days ago is not working. I want the option to have the download bubble/scroll history at the bottom of the screen.

In early August, Google changed the way Chrome displays download notifications. Instead of files being shown as big rectangular buttons in a bar at the bottom of the screen, the information is now much more discreetly tucked in the upper right-hand corner. A single, small icon shows both your progress and completion status, along with a dropdown list of recent downloads when clicked on.

I regularly have black bar notifications on the screen telling me the system has performed an action I have requested, but I can't seem to dismiss them, or find any settings for them to reduce the onscreen time. They can loiter for minutes, usually covering the input box in messages.

With message effects, you can use bubble effects to change the way your message bubbles will look, or you can use full-screen effects to animate the screen. You can even add a Memoji sticker with bubble effects or full-screen effects.

After a recent Google Chrome update, the download panel appears from the top in a bubble, similar to the user interface of Firefox. But many users want to restore the classic download panel that appears at the bottom of the window.

One the changes is the download bubble instead of the classic download bar. The bubble appears at the top in the toolbar, while old download panel was popping up at the bottom. While the updated UI plays well with the new style of the browser, it makes the user to re-train their muscle memory.

From now on, when you download a flag, Chrome will use the classic download panel at the screen bottom. Clicking on the file name will open it in an associated app. Nothing will change to the functionality of the browser.

The download bubble is not the only user interface change Chrome has recently received. To match the style of Windows 11, the browser supports the Mica effect for the titlebar. Also, a new reader mode is in the works that allows viewing the regular website in a tab and its simplified version in the sidebar.

I am using Chrime Version 119.0.6045.105 (Official Buid) (arm64) and the option to disable the download bubble has been removed. Looks like this no longer has a work around since the option to disable is now gone.

My student did a good job and her code looked much like the two example solutions. But neither her code or the two example solutions enabled the helicopter sprite to bounce on its way down. It just dropped at an even pace until it dropped below the bottom of the screen.

I have floated images and inset boxes at the top of a container using float:right (or left) many times. Now, I need to float a div to the bottom right corner of another div with the normal text wrap that you get with float (text wrapped above and to the left only).

I thought this must be relatively easy even though float has no bottom value but I haven't been able to do it using a number of techniques and searching the web hasn't come up with anything other than using absolute positioning but this doesn't give the correct word wrap behaviour.

To clarify for those who may not have understood - this is what I am looking for: in publishing it is quite common to layout an inset (picture, table, figure, etc.) so that its bottom lines up with the bottom of the last line of text of a block (or page) with text flowing around the inset in a natural manner above and to the right or left depending on which side of the page the inset is on. In html/css it is trivial to use the float style to line up the top of an inset with the top of a block but to my surprise it appears impossible to line up the bottom of the text and inset despite it being a common layout task.

Before js kicks in I am using the position absolute approach, which works but allows text flow behind. Therefore I switch to position static to enable the strut approach.(header is the parent element, cutout is the one i want bottom right, and pipe is my strut)

If you're okay with only the bottom-most line of the text going to the side of the block (as opposed to completely around and underneath it, which you can't do without ending the block and starting a new one), it's not impossible to float a block to one of the bottom corners of a parent block. If you put some content in a paragraph tag within a block and want to float a link to the bottom right corner of the block, put the link within the paragraph block and set it to float: right, then put in a div tag with clear: both set just underneath the end of the paragraph tag. The last div is to make sure the parent tag surrounds the floated tags.

to achieve a similar effect you can do this: do not make the div float, but set it's display property to inline-block. then you can align it vertically however it pleases you. you just need to set parent's div property vertical-align to either top, bottom, middle or baseline

Currently this is not possible. There are different approaches to solve aligning content to the bottom edge (flex, grid, table, absolute). However these approaches don't respect float and thus the content does not flow around these elements.

A combination of floating and absolute positioning does the work for me. I was attempting to place the send time of a message at the bottom-right corner of the speech bubble. The time should never overlap the message body and it will not inflate the bubble unless it's really necessary.

.speech-bubble { font-size: 16px; max-width: 240px; margin: 10px; display: inline-block; background-color: #ccc; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px; position: relative;}.inline-time { float: right; padding-left: 10px; color: red;}.giant-text { font-size: 36px;}.tremendous-giant-text { font-size: 72px;}.absolute-time { position: absolute; color: green; right: 5px; bottom: 5px;}.hidden { visibility: hidden;}  This text is supposed to wrap the time <span> which always seats at the corner of this bubble. 13:55   Absolute positioning doesn't work because it doesn't care if the two pieces of text overlap. We want to float. 13:55   Easy, uh? 13:55   Well, not THAT easy 13:56   See? 13:56   The problem is, we can't tell the span to float to right AND bottom... 13:56   We can combinate float and absolute: use floated span to reserve space (the bubble will be inflated if necessary) so that the absoluted span is safe to go. 13:56   See? 13:56 13:56   Make the floated span invisible. 13:56   See? 13:56 13:56   The giant text here is to simulate images which are common in a typical chat app. Done! 13:56 13:56 

If you need relative alignment and DIV's still aren't give you what you want, just use tables and set valign = "bottom" in the cell you want the content aligned to the bottom. I know it's not a great answer to your question since DIV's are supposed to replace tables, but this is what I had to do recently with an image caption and it has worked flawlessly so far.

The absolute positioning fixes the div to the lowest part of the browser upon loading the page, but when you scroll down if the page is longer it does not scroll with you. I changed the positioning to be relative and it works perfect. The div goes straight to the bottom upon load so you won't actually see it until you get to the bottom.

The floated element gets a margin-top assigned that is equal to its container, its own height subtracted. This preserves the float, pushes the element to the bottom edge of its container and prevents text flowing below the element.

Try this CSS+Javascript solution. Start with a top right floating div. Then calculate the height for a zero-width div along the right edge to push your floating div to the bottom. This code may need some tweaking to get the right height.

While text messages are a fun and convenient way to keep in touch with family and friends, having to constantly open your messaging app to read and reply can get repetitive. With the Bubble feature for One UI 3, One UI 4, One UI 5, and One UI 6, you can make your messages appear as little popups. Your most recent messages will remain in the bubble for you to view, and you can tap the bubble to open the conversation in a popup window. Now it will be easier to reply to texts while still enjoying your Galaxy phone's other features and apps.

Yes! I just got a Pixel 6 and this showed up on my screen. It is very annoying! This wasn't on my previous phone (maybe because it didn't have Android 12). A phone screen is already small enough without useless bubbles taking up space and getting in the way. I've already had it interfere with my typing and get in the way of reading text. You can move it but you can't get rid of it. ff782bc1db

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