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i'm facing an issue with google drive API, it is working on my local machine, but once i deploy the project to the server, the google drive API service stops working,

it is throwing an oauth2 exception, i think i need to do something on the google drive api console but i don't know what it is or where to start

the credentiels i'm currently using are OAuth 2.0 Client IDs and client Secret, type Desktop.

The code you are using was desngied for an installed / desktop application where the code is run on the machine the user is using. Example You are using GoogleWebAuthorizationBroker.AuthorizeAsync which is intended for use with installed applications. The way it is designed it opens the browser window on the machine that its running on which is why you are seeing the following error message.

Your code works locally because it is able to open the browser window on the machine its running when run on a web server it will attempt to open the web browser consent window on the web server which is not what you want it to be doing you want it to be opening the browser consent on the users client machine.

Dears, when I receive a link in an email (I use Thunderbird), I am not able to open the link with Brave. It is not possible inside Thunderbird tho choose Brave as preferred browser. How can I do? At the moment I copy the link and paste in the opened Brave empty page.

Thank you for a tip

Hi all. New to the subreddit as I'm pretty new to owning a high-end tablet (S8 Ultra). Just wanted to ask if there is a browser you recommend that has great extension functionality as well as the working Bookmark bar?

Among the temporary fixes, were TWO that might apply to your situation (though their influence may not be apparent on the surface of what is happening with your Mac). So, after Quitting Brave Browser:

I need to manage some settings on vCenter 6.5 that weren't ported to HTML interface yet and since flash is gone, I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a small portable browser with flash included.

But, as my article grows longer, with about 30 equations, the browser seems to be working very hard, the fan of my computer is blowing, the webpage appears to be reacting quite slowly, and pressing any button on my keyboard will have to wait a long time to see the reaction.

The horizontal scroll bar won't be an issue (I control the html that will be displayed and I can ensure it won't need to scroll). Ideally I'd like to cut out the vertical scrollbar, but I could live with it if it were shown.

This Extension is really simple: Click on the Icon and the current Tab will be moved to a new Poup-Window. (A Popup-Window is a Window without Navigation- and Tabbar, so it takes much less vertical-space)

BUT! It only works with Firefox 56. Updates after that refuse to work with my add-ons. In case you want to experiment they are: 'Hide Tab Bar With One Tab' and 'Toolbar Autohide'. I also use 'Menu Wizard' to change the first menu item to 'Open in New Window' instead of tab.

I am trying to perform an account recovery from a browser I do have the extension installed on and I have successfully logged into from before. From what I read it "LastPass Vault data (e.g., URLs, usernames and site passwords, secure notes, form fill items) is stored locally on your computer, and the storage location is dependent on the operating system(s) and web browser(s) you use." I have confirmed the location and data exists locally for the browser location it references. From what I can tell I don't see anything like windows defender, the browsers pop up blocker or anything I have installed blocking the browser from access?

Any ideas on what could be causing the account recovery to fail even though I have the extension installed and haven't cleared locally stored recovery cache (from what I understand this is not the same as browser cache and clearing browser cache/cookies isnt the same as locally stored cache that Lastpass is talking about?

Sorry for any confusion. The error message you see does not mean that the extension isn't currently installed and needs to be installed, it means that there isn't an available recovery one time password available in that browser and recovery will not be possible in that browser, you will need to try in another browser or using a different recovery method. For more information on what a recovery one time password is as well as what could cause your browser to not have one stored can be found here: -is-a-recovery-one-time-password-in-lastpass

If you see an error message that says the browser extension hasn't been installed this means that recovery will not be possible in that browser, please follow the steps here for next steps and other options: -do-i-see-a-message-that-lastpass-account-recovery-h...

The error message you're seeing means that you do not have an available recovery one-time password in that browser and recovery will not be possible in that browser, please follow the steps here for next steps and other options: -do-i-see-a-message-that-lastpass-account-recovery-h...

Sorry if I'm not being clear in my questions. I understand what the error means but I'm trying to why since I have the extention installed, I have logged into from this browser, and havent cleared the locally stored cache within the extention? This means I shouldnt be getting that error?

Thank was not clear from all the other documents that "Clearing your web browser cache" would cause so I'm sure that is what the problem is as the only other possibility would have been "Unintentional corruption of your encrypted Vault cache (this is rare, but can be caused by other programs on your machine)"

I have this problem too. Here is my situation: My old IOS device suffered water damage and Face ID was disabled. I can't do account recovery with my old phone because it requires biometrics. I have a new iPhone 12 with IOS 14.8. I'm attempting account recovery with my new phone and I'm getting the extension not installed error. What do I do?

If I simply paste the code into the browser javascript console, the code works fine. But when I try it using the macro, it fails to recognise the 'ace' editor. Is this because KM simply can't access variables in the browser? Is there a way to setup a macro to paste the code into the console instead?

I assume as what you say is trying to open a browser window that runs a page containing ace editor. What happens is that the page is not fully loaded yet (hence , ace editor may not be initialized ) when Execute action is called, thus the code throws error. What you need to do is to add some delay to ensure that page is loaded. you can add a Pause action of few seconds before calling the Execute action.

one possible explanation is that ace variable is not a global top-level variable as it could be defined using let or const, not var . let and constant variables (top-level or during debugging) can be accessed using browser console but not outside console.

Hello, I'm attempting to use Node-Red to open a web browser UI on the Windows 10 PC which hosts Node-Red.

I've tried using the EXEC node in spawn mode for this purpose with the command powershell start chrome, however chrome launches as 7 background processes rather than a chrome application with a desktop UI (i.e. no browser UI is visible in Windows).

Node-Red is running under the admin user account, on a single user PC.

My goal is to use Node-Red to open / close Chrome UI, and to control the displayed content.

Any assistance is most appreciated - thanks in advance.

I was able to successfully use Selenium to launch Chrome using node-red-contrib-selenium-webdriver.

For comparison purposes, I tried using Node.js Puppeteer via a Function node to launch Chromium. This worked with limited success, as Puppeteer employs asynchronous callbacks which Node-Red doesn't appear to support.

Sadly, while Selenium works, the web site I was using it with relies on user authentication and this appears to be lost, resulting in a manual login each time.

I still don't understand why the EXEC node won't launch chrome under Win 10. I tried launching VLC (start vlc) and observed the same behaviour with the EXEC node, i.e. VLC spawned as a background process without a UI. The same command works successfully when entered to Powershell running under the user account.

Well, NR is written using JavaScript/NodeJS so in theory, it does support them. However, integration can be a challenge. It might need you to require the library in settings.js as a global variable - you can then make use of it from within a function node. A proper custom node would be better of course but a lot more work. 2351a5e196

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