Some PCs can let Windows automatically adjust screen brightness based on the current lighting conditions. To find out if your PC supports this, select Settings > System > Display. Under Brightness and color, look for the Change brightness automatically when lighting changes check box, and then select it to use this feature. This automatic setting helps make sure your screen is readable wherever you go. Even if you use it, you can still move the Change brightness for the built-in display slider to fine-tune the brightness level.

The Brightness slider appears in action center in Windows 10, version 1903. To find the brightness slider in earlier versions of Windows 10, select Settings > System > Display, and then move the Change brightness slider to adjust the brightness.

Download Brightness Settings


On iPhone, you can make your screen dimmer or brighter (dimming the screen extends battery life). You can also adjust the screen brightness and color manually or automatically with Dark Mode, True Tone, and Night Shift.

I have immunofluorescence images of cells grown on a culture plate. The microscope took 16 images per well (so it imaged the whole well). When I drop the (tiff) images into imagej, there is a very big difference in the brightness of the images from the same well. In some images you can see the cells clearly, but others are black until you increase the brightness and contrast.


Looking at your images, it looks like Image1 is oversaturated. If you compare the histograms of the two images, Image1 scales from 181-65535 and Image 2 from 246-5168.

When adjusting the the brightness, do you hit the Apply button? If so, then that can throw off your fluorescent measurements and you should not Apply the adjusted brightness settings.

But I was really surprised that the images have such different brightness levels and it makes me think that either there is a microscope issue or imagej is automatically correcting the background and contrast without me knowing?

Hi, has anyone found a way to extend brightness/contrast settings set for markers on one image in Qupath to all the other images in the same project? We have 20+ slides with 30+markers and any advice on automatically applying the display modifications to all the images would be greatly appreciated!

The simplest option would be to check the Keep Settings button in the brightness and contrast settings dialog box. Then, any new image you go to with the same channels as the current image will have the same display settings. Alternately, you can create a script - there are several posts on the forum related to scripting channel settings, this is just the first one that I found when I searched: Brightness & Contrast Settings Issue - #9 by Mark_Zaidi

I've been playing for a few weeks now and am loving it. I've been playing it on my Steam Deck with no issues, but when I try to play it with the dock on my TV it's so dark that it is literally unplayable if it's nighttime in-game. I saw at least one other person seems to have had this issue so I don't think it's just a me issue. But just having a way to increase the brightness would make a world of difference for me so I could play it on a larger screen.

Adjust the values to get the picture quality that you want.

My settings ( due to a very bright background ) are :

uvcdynctrl -s 'Brightness' 150 'Contrast' 35 'Saturation' 50 'Sharpness' 'Focus, Auto'

If you want to change the settings, go back to :

sudo nano /home/pi/bin/

and edit the settings.

Save the file, then close the browser tab for Octoprint and open a new tab - the ClientOpened event is triggered and the new settings will be in place.


I've tried this out on my Logitech C270 and it works really well. I am using the settings uvcdynctrl -s 'Brightness' 150 'Contrast' 35 'Saturation' 50' (the sharpness and focus ones seem to have zero effect) and like @JP_Powers has done, I have put each setting on a separate line.

No matter what I want to do, it seems I always get blinded by brightness or darkness in this game. On Gibraltar defense, before the first point in the pit is a good example. You're looking right at the sun, which acts like it does irl and you can't see shit. Meanwhile on some places in anubis, it's too dark to see anything. What gamma, brightness and contrast settings do you guys run to combat this? Also, how can I make the effects less blinding too, if possible. Coming from Tf2, which pretty much is the epitome of clean and concise visual design, overwatch is pretty terrible with effects blinding you.

After I upgraded my notebook to ubuntu 12.04, I found that I can not save my power settings. Every time I set the screen brightness to 70%, it restored to 100% next time. I can't find a save button on the new power setting panel(I am sorry for I can not post a screenshot right now). Can anyone tell me how to save this setting? Thanks.

On my Series X the game is too bright even with brightness at 0. This means that there is too much fake light in the game and day races look flat while night races are too bright. There is also too much light on the car, making it look like a toy or something.

So i was going for minmus today, or night. And i was warping time till i would reach minmus and i've found that being in space just waiting to see the planet, Was kinda scary lol...Just a space, of nothingness and blackness. Not knowing whats REALLY there...So i'd like to know if there's a mod to make orbit a little brighter and less nothingness-er If only the outer-kerbol-system-planets we're closer to kerbin, It'd be less...nothingness-ey Is there a mod for that to? List the brightness one if there isn't how to turn it up if you can't then can you make or show me a mod that'll put all the planets a little closer to kerbin so it's less nothingness-ey with the skybox i've used with universe replacer it dosen't make it less nothingness-ey, thanks in advance!

You cant change the brightness settings... I think you can change the quality of the light renderings in the settings but this will do very little if your ship is in total darkness. One option is to just stick some lights on your ship, I have found this quite therapeutic for my Kerbals.

Step 4: Right under Brightness and Color, use the slider to adjust Screen Brightness to the level that suits you. Sliding to the left turns down screen brightness, and right turns it up.

I can change auto-brighess on and off, and set different levels. The settings seem to be applied properly -- I can go to into Settings --> Display --> Brightness, and whanever setting I set is actually shown correctly. However, the actual screen isn't changing its brightness. If i just tap on the slider in Display Settings, then everything gets applied.

I shoudl mention that I'm running an app withat a main activity, and these settings are getting applied in the BroadcastReceiver. I did try to create a dummy activity and tested the stuff there, but got the same results.

And if you call finish() right after applying the changes, brightness will never actually change because the layout has to be created before the brightness settings is applied. So I ended up creating a thread that had a 300ms delay, then called finish().

I'm doing something similar with screen brightness in one of my apps, and I'm doing it through the WindowManager and it works. I'm using the following code to get the current screen brightness (and save it for later) and set it to full:

I was very happy to see the new web interface. However, I have problems to calibrate the LED color correctly (WS2801). The color saturation and brightness are just not enough. In comparison to the old system, the LEDs are less brighter and the colors are very weak.

In the old Hyperion I could fix exactly these problems via the HSV settings of the app. Unfortunately, these no longer work. I have made theverse setting both in the web interface and directly in the Json config. Songs without success.

The default settings after installation of Hyperion for all gamma values were 2.2. If I increase this to 2.4 the LEDs are even less bright than before. I have tried various settings for the gamma values, unfortunately without success. Last night I tried to adjust the saturation and brightness settings of the grabber. However, I do not achieve a reasonable result...

I have just switched to the internal grabber. With this, the LEDs are much brighter and also more intense in color. I suspect the whole thing is actually due to the grabber or the settings of the grabber.

I have a VAIO CW laptop with Windows 7 x64, and after installing new NVIDIA drivers, my screen brightness controls are no longer available. (Not in the control center, not in the power options, buttons don't work even though VAIO's brightness adjust window pops up, etc.).

In the device manager, I had the monitor marked as "disabled", but still working fine. When I enabled it (right click menu) the brightness options showed again in all places; plus the keyboard hot key worked again.(Windows 10 OS on a 5+ years old laptop).

This menu allows you to adjust the brightness and contrast settings for your console's face panel, as well as any internal monitors, supported external monitors, fader wings, and task lights. All sliders have a range from 0% (dimmest) to 100% (brightest).

The Main brightness slider can be used to set an overall limit to the brightness of any other linked brightness settings, and defaults to 100%. This slider can also be controlled by holding [Displays] and scrolling the level wheel.

Up to three brightness presets can be recorded, containing any combination of brightness levels from this menu. To record a preset, hold down the preset button you wish to overwrite until it displays Hold to Record. Continue holding until the preset button displays Recorded.

This button instantly sets all brightness settings to 0%, and darkens all console screens and buttons (excepting the power button). [Displays] pulses to indicate this mode is enabled. Click or tap onscreen, or press [Displays] to exit extinguish mode. 2351a5e196

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