In the midst of the sorrow, tears, and shock, someone's phone continued to sing out "Break every chain, break every chain, breeeeeeaaaak every chain." I was touched by how this song felt like a prayer, an invocation. Another rendition of " Come, Lord Jesus, Come!" Bring us divine liberation from the oppression, the injustice, that took the life of our friend.

I was so touched that I downloaded the song when I got home. But upon listening to the live album version, my sentiments turned to rage. Tasha Cobb, the singer, asks Christ to break the chains of homosexuality, the first thing she names in a list of "sins" for saints to be delivered from.

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I believe that Jesus is calling us to break the chains of inequality, poverty, injustice, and homophobia that prevent people, especially young people of color, from getting the AIDS/ HIV treatment, education, care, and love they deserve.

Complexity is what I stair at, nay it is what I glair at. Hate overcomes my mind, and a smile is hard to find. I start to rewind, looking for the devils bind. Maybe my heart is broken, my faith is an empty coffin. Ia this my flesh talkin? I am dead yes body chalked in. Lord make me alive again. And break this chain im rapped in......... you stair at a reflection, a beautiful complextion. I give u my direction, go forth in my protection. Dont stair at the blood stain, its not in vain, the well is not dry, dont u complain. Feal that grit in your core? GO TO WAR!! I BREAK EVERY CHAIN!!!!!!

I want to thank you for showing me where to start I need to break the chain so my sons Pedro and Ricardo can both be people of faith especially Pedro needs to change to be s good son and husband and father he needs slot of prayers at this time thank you once again

Lord, I pray that Renee give all her burdens to you. I pray that your Holy Spirit break the chains that have caused her and her family pain and that you restore her marriage making it new. I pray that her marriage represent you as the head of it and that you reveal to Renee and her husband the roles they play in the marriage unity in Jesus name Amen!

A personal tragedy pushes Stacy and Jonathan to the breaking point. Instead of helping his family through the loss, he continues to turn away from God and toward alcohol. Jonathan must decide to turn towards faith in Jesus, or he may lose his job, family and even his life.

I keep seeing people who need chains broken in their lives just standing before the Lord in surrender and saying the name of Jesus again and again. I see chains that have bound people for many years just falling off; then these people fell to the ground in such relief and thanksgiving because they had began to wonder if they would ever get free.Their freedom released beautiful worship.

Repeats Chorus, line 4, but in a different context. It is us, the body of believers, who can invoke the name of Jesus to break chains, just like the early church did in Acts 3:6, Acts 3:12-16, and Acts 4:30.

The enemy has come to restrict, obstruct, and bring delay. He wants to stand in front of you and make you think you will never break through the barriers that have hindered you for years. But God is ready to open some doors for you. God is ready to break open some gates for you. In this season God is going to break limitations.

The good news is that Jesus died not only to save us from sin but also to free us from every demonic hindrance. In this book I show you how these common spirits operate and take root in your life and how you can break free.

Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. He died so we could be redeemed and delivered from every curse and demonic spirit that sets itself against us. He came that we might walk in the blessing of God. He came so we could break out of a cursed, bound situation into one that is blessed. No matter what your issue is, Jesus wants you to live a whole, victorious, overcoming lifestyle. He wants to set you free.

Today many are still in chains and in desperate need of the true freedom that only Jesus Christ can bring. This was the heart of ICMC. The conference had a special focus of relying on God to accomplish this mission of bringing the message of freedom to this generation of college students. There were powerful messages and classes delivered by campus leaders to a truly international gathering of students.

Seek intimacy with yourself first and foremost: IN-TO-ME-I-SEE. This is no easy task. Itis my clinical recommendation that everyone seek out professional clinicalassistance in the form of a licensed therapist or psychologist. It can be toaddress a specific issue or simply for prevention and maintenance. No differentfrom your annual physical. Yours truly sits on the couch once a month, everysingle month. #NOSHAME. #JUSTASK.

Jesus came to set the captive free. Every person has chains that keep them from running the race of life to it's fullest. In this series, we learn how to break every chain of sin that holds you back from God's purpose for your life.

We serve a jealous God yes, but He is jealous because He loves us so much and He wants every part of us. Not just a piece here and there. He wants to be the one to hold our hand when we are scared, to wipe out tears when we are sad, to capture our smiles when we are laughing uncontrollably. He wants to be there for it all and know that He has all of us.

Christians have an enemy who will do everything in his power to alter, edit, stop, delay, and abort their God-given destiny. Satan and his demonic kingdom have one purpose: to kill, steal, and destroy. The enemy does not want our God-ordained prophetic destiny to be fulfilled in this very hour. This is why we need to pray like never before and arm ourselves with the arsenal of heaven like the ambassadors and soldiers of the Lord we are. Fire Prayers will equip you to pick up your weapons of warfare and fight the good fight of faith.

In recent years, deliverance ministry has become increasingly difficult. Even the most seasoned ministers struggle to locate and expel demons. Individuals think they are free from demonic bondage, only to be blindsided by another oppressive force. But, for New York Pastor Alexander Pagani, one experience changed everything. He realized how demons lodge themselves in hidden areas of our lives. First, a demon can quite literally reside in an area of the body.

All believers in Christ have a relationship with the Holy Spirit, but not all believers have intimacy with him. Holy Spirit was sent to lead you deeper in the knowledge of truth and give you the strength to overcome trials and the power to reach this world. In this audiobook, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk takes you on a journey through discovering the communion with the Holy Spirit which belongs to everyone, not just the spiritually elite.

The enemy works overtime to keep people bound, exhausted, and frustrated. His goal is to convince believers that God's promises are for everyone but them. When they believe his lies, they unknowingly partner with him and give him access to their lives. This is how a stronghold is formed. The enemy has bound God's people up long enough. In Break Every Chain, John Eckhardt reveals 25 strongholds that commonly hold Christians captive. He exposes the enemy's tactics and teaches listeners to use the power of the word to drive the devil out and break the chains that hold them back.

This book empowers listeners to stand upon the word of the Lord, resist the devil, break free of bondage, and experience the blessings and promises of God. Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly. Don't settle for anything less than victory. You can break every chain operating against your life and walk in the blessing of God.

In the dim moonlight, a figure emerges, an African American male weathered by the burdens of bondage. Freshly broken chains hang from his limbs as he flees, his heart ablaze with a fervor for freedom. Every step carries him farther away from the cruel shackles of oppression, as he navigates the treacherous path towards liberation. With determination etched upon his face, he becomes a beacon of hope, an embodiment of resilience, and a testament to the unyielding spirit of those who defy the chains that seek to confine them.

Breaking every chain metaphorically symbolizes the profound act of liberation from mental slavery and the triumph over obstacles that seek to confine our spirits. It embodies the courage to challenge oppressive beliefs, break free from self-imposed limitations, and rise above societal expectations. Just as the physical chains are shattered, so too are the chains of doubt, fear, and conformity, empowering us to embrace our authentic selves and forge our own path towards fulfillment, growth, and the boundless possibilities that await.

In His perfect timing, God Almighty will come in with His strength and break our every chain. He is able to open the door to any prison we find ourselves in and then free us to walk in the plans and purposes He has for us. 2351a5e196

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