View the diff(erence)

 When you view a pull request, you'll see diffs (the changes) of all files changed in the pull request. Lines shaded in green were added, the ones in red were removed. You can also click the Commits tab at the top of a pull request to see which commits are included, which is helpful for reviewing big pull requests.

Leave feedback and ask questions in comments

In Bitbucket you can leave comments an entire pull request, a specific file, or a specific place within a file. This is handy when you want to provide context or specificity with your feedback. Comments can have images, links, rich text, and have a unique URL so you can share specific comments quickly.

Download Branch From Bitbucket


Merge a pull request

After your code has been reviewed and approved in a pull request, click the Merge button to merge your branch into the main branch. The code changes from the source branch are now fully incorporated into the target branch.

You can create a new branch from within JIRA Software or in Bitbucket. Bitbucket suggests the Branch type and Branch name based on where you are creating the branch from in the application. You can change these values depending on your branching model.

With Bitbucket you can use branching models to define a branch workflow for repositories. When you map your workflow to repository branches with a branching model, admins can guide developers to name branches consistently by configuring which branch types to make available. There are a number of branch types available, and several branch types have default branch naming prefixes (described below). You can also specify your own naming convention for each branch type. A consistent naming convention makes it easier to identify branches by type.

Bitbucket comes with several types of branches that are frequently used in software development. This section explains what each branch type is for, and has the typical naming convention for the prefix for each branch type. The prefix can be changed for each branch type.

Used for release task and long-term maintenance versions. They branch from, and merge back into, the development branch. Merging into an older release branch can be configured to automatically merge to newer release branches, as well as the development branch.

By default, branch settings set at the project level are inherited by the repositories. Repository admins can either choose to inherit the project-level settings or override it by configuring custom settings at the repository level.

Starting from Bitbucket 8.10, project admins can also restrict changes to repository-level settings. Note that when you restrict changes, any custom settings saved at the repository-level are deleted and the repositories inherit project settings.

Shows the status of the latest build results published to Bitbucket. The overall status is 'passed' if all the different builds (for example, unit tests, functional tests, deploy to staging) succeeded and 'failed' if at least one run failed for any of those. Click an icon to see details of the builds.

When you merge a pull request, you can choose to delete the source branch after merging is complete. Project and repository admins can set the default behavior to either On (the branch will be deleted after merge) or Off (the branch will not be deleted after merge). Users can override this setting when they merge a pull request.

In my experience, I was able to change this setting from the General > Repository Details sidebar menu tab. In the main content area, there is an Advanced section that is closed by default. Open it and there are other settings, including one for "Main branch"

At the same time, I would suggest you on having a look at Branching a Repository, focusing on The Branching model which describes the DEVELOPMENT label and PRODUCTION (disabled by default).

Can someone please provide some screenshots (from 2022)? I am lost in an endless web of sidebars, ever-shifting avatars (top left, bottom right), Cloud, Personal Settings, Account Settings, and other endless menus that is the Atlassian eco-mess. Where exactly do you find any of these menu items in Bitbucket??

TL;DR the suggested solution only works if you already have a "main" branch in your repo. It also needs to be performed per repo.

The default name is still "master". A new ticket was made for this that you can find here: -22261

Made a quick test repo. The location mentioned is located under the repository settings (last item, on the left hand side bar at time of writing this).

Clicking it you automatically end up at the "repository details" page.

On that page you scroll down, and open the "Advanced" section. In that section there is a drop down where you can select what your "main branch" should be. But it only lists the available branches on your repo.

Thank you. Any movement on fixing this? As you rightfully pointed out, Atlassian is contradicting themselves preaching to move away from the "master" terminology, but then providing no easy/automatic setting to do so!

One way to work around it is to create a new branch from "master" called "main". Then go into the repo settings and change the "Main branch" setting to "main". From there you could delete to "master" branch.

If you normally work in branches and merged towards "master" by creating a pull requests from the web client, then Bitbucket should now suggest "main" as destination instead of "master" independent of where you branched of from (it seems to suggest whatever branch is labeled "main" as the destination of PRs ).

Git has become an essential part of version control and collaboration in software development. Git and platforms like Bitbucket are essential for teams looking to increase their workflow efficiency and accuracy. These tools allow developers to collaborate and integrate seamlessly, making it easier for teams to stay organized and on track.

If a branch is accidentally deleted, you can check if the branch data exists in one of the other repository clones. You can push the branch from a repository copy that retains the branch data if available. You could also check existing backups of the repository directory and attempt restoration using it. If the branch data is absent in a backup or a different cloned copy, you must try manually restoring using the checkout command. To restore a deleted branch, you can use the checkout command to restore it to the latest commit:

When you delete a branch, as you saw in a previous section, the output includes the hash of the last commit on that branch. You can simply use the SHA to restore the branch by executing the following command:

You can use the git fsck command to find commits that are not associated with any branches. The journal-weekly-summary contained three commits, which you should be able to find dangling after the branch was deleted. You can run the following command to find dangling commits in a repository:

For each of the dangling commits, you can execute the git cat-file command to verify the details of the commit. For example, execute the following command to check the commit details and verify whether it was the most recent commit on the deleted branch:

Git stores the reference logs (reflogs) at the tip of the branches whenever they are updated in the local repository. By default, the git reflog command outputs the reflog of the HEAD ref. HEAD is a symbolic reference to the currently active branch. If you know the name of the deleted branch, you can use `git reflog` to find the last reference to the deleted branch by executing the following command:

As you saw, there are multiple techniques to obtain the latest commit hash for restoring a branch, but if the reference logs or hashes have expired or been erased, it may not be possible to recover the deleted branch. The permanent deletion of a branch could result in the loss of days or months of valuable work, posing a significant challenge in recreating the content. The situation becomes even more critical if the branch contains essential elements like API keys, signing configurations, or sensitive information without backup elsewhere. This loss could potentially block upcoming releases until the keys or configurations are successfully restored.

In this tutorial, you learned how to restore a deleted Bitbucket branch using the hash of the latest commit on the deleted branch. You also learned about some measures to prevent users from accidentally deleting branches in Bitbucket. A combination of permission management, a dependable backup strategy, and user education will likely reduce any accidental branch deletions.

Fork is another way of saving a clone or copy. The term fork (in programming) derives from a Unix system call that creates a copy of an existing process. So, unlike a branch, a fork is independent from the original repository. If the original repository is deleted, the fork remains. If you fork a repository, you get that repository and all of its branches.

When you're working in a team you'll likely have to pull or fetch branches which other team members create and push to Bitbucket. This example will give you some of the basics of creating and working with branches others create.

Now you've gone through the basic branching workflow and your change is in main. The last thing we'll learn is how to delete the branch you just merged, pull the updated main branch, and merge the updated main branch into your test-2 branch.

Remember, branching in Git differs from SVN or similar version control systems by using a branches as both long running branches, like a main and development branch, and short term development branches like the examples we use in this tutorial. Because this is the case it's not a bad idea to delete local branches to keep your local environment cleaner.

We're using this as an example of you working on a repository into which another team member is working. It's a good idea to pull changes into your working branch from time to time to prevent merge conflicts in pull requests. 152ee80cbc

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