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 Drawabox Art Instruction Inc 2015-2023. Any inquiries can be made to

 Part One: The Basics An overview of basic skills - both technical and conceptual - with exercises that you will incorporate into your regular warmups for a long time to come. No matter how skilled or experienced you are, start at Lesson 0.       Challenges and Drills A series of drills that fit into the lessons at various times. These should not all be completed after lesson 2, but rather will be listed as recommended next steps or prerequisites as you follow the numbered lessons in order.         Part Two: Constructional Drawing An exploration of how complex objects can be broken down into their fundamental components, then rebuilt from simple forms. We look at this concept of constructional drawing by applying it to many different topics - the focus is not on learning how to draw that specific subject matter, but rather to tackle construction from different perspectives.           Uncomfortable's thoughts             Others' Thoughts      This website uses cookies. You can read more about what we do with them, read our privacy policy. ff782bc1db

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