Your browser is a software application that lets you visit web pages on the Internet. Popular browsers include Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer. Currently, Google Chrome is the most widely used browser in the world, and is also considered one of the fastest and most secure.

This website - - tells you what browser and version you have, the type of device you are using, which operating system you're using, and your settings for important things such as JavaScript and Cookies.

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This website saves you all the complicated steps to figuring out what versions of software you have, what features you have enabled & whether your web browser is up to date and let you focus on solving your problem.

This next bit of detection is your user agent string - it is a technical bit of information that your web browser sends every time you load any website; we have decoded it to figure out what browser, operating system and device you are using.

Are you a developer or sysadmin who needs help parsing this User Agent? We have an API and it's the best user agent parsing API on the net. And if you need the latest version numbers for web browsers via API, we've got you covered as well!

Please note: You can't choose to update Edge from the browser. For security purposes, Edge is tied directly to Windows settings and is updated automatically as long as you are running Windows updates automatically.

To make sure you're protected by the latest security updates, Google Chrome can automatically update when a new version of the browser is available on your device. With these updates, you might sometimes notice that your browser looks different.

The browser saves your opened tabs and windows and reopens them automatically when it restarts. Your Incognito windows won't reopen when Chrome restarts. If you'd prefer not to restart right away, click Not now. The next time you restart your browser, the update will be applied.

I am running macOS 10.13 and do not want to upgrade to 10.15. I have Brave browser version 1.57.47, which does not have a problem for me. I missed the release of 1.57.64, which is the latest version I can use, and I want to update to it now.

For no apparent reason, yesterday, while I was actively working in the browser version - the screen randomly refreshed, closed my session, logged me out of Smartsheet and displayed the message shown below:

This continued for the rest of the day and is has continued on through today from my very first login. I have had the browser version shut itself off numerous times today. I have reached the point where this has now officially become a problem for me.

As mentioned, the app was uninstalled (via windows "apps and features - uninstall") and I am using Chrome as my browser. Am I missing something? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can stop this from happening? Why is Smartsheet trying to get me to open an App that has been removed from my computer?

I would like to open/run a cypress test with a specific Chrome browser version, I found it is possible to force to chrome with --browser chrome or even with beta with --browser chrome:beta but did not found how to run with a specific version, like for instance --browser chrome:94.

Edit: as mention in an answer there is the possibility to use --browser /path/to/browser but what I want, if possible of course, is something automatic that does not need an installation of specific browser version before run.

I'd always choose this over installing multiple browser versions on your machine and you will also less likely hit additional issues when trying to integrate your tests into a pipeline because you can just use the same container as you have here.

I am quite familiar with this issue, I would suggest using -Dwebdriver.browser=chrome for the time being; as we get a new version of confluence-stateless-test-runner over the line. I am afraid I cannot provide an ETA on when that would be available just yet.

Some users would like to be able to complete the survey in a browser. So I attempted to complete the form in Chrome. It seems to work fine until a question that is a select multiple with a maximum number of selections defined. When this part of the form is completed in the browser an error appears : "Survey contains errors: 1. Press here to navigate to each error."

I am not overly familiar with the browser version of Survey123 as this is the first time I have looked at a form in this way as all previous surveys using Survey123 have been created, tested and used only on mobile devices.

The Survey123 website is great for simpler surveys that will use the browser. It's quick to create and the little 'thank you' message you can make is great for browser-based surveys. Typically public users. No login or install.

I also had this problem and in my case it was caused by a hidden dateTime field. Once I removed the "hidden" from the appearance column for my dateTime field the browser error went away. Hope this helps!

I have a customer that would like to limit GP authentication based upon browser version running on the clients. They would like to collect all browser versions and then start blocking connections from clients below minimum settings.

I still don't see any way of using these methods to evaluate whether browser or java versions would be up to date. Especially since the registry key only offers an exact match of a specic value this whole process seems limited.

I work to create a role that should block old browser versions. But I have not found out this special point how you can say from a certain version that these are blocked and only allowed from the safe status.

If you would like to address an issue with different version of browsers and you are managing those clients, then there might be more elegant solution. For example to use an end point management to address this issue.

The students really come alive when we use Drop snake. I can not seem to figure out how to use Drop snake with the browser version of ImageJ. The online videos do not seem to cover jar file based plug ins. Any help will be appreciated.

For best performance, Instructure products should be used on the current or previous major releases of Chrome, Firefox, Edge, or Safari. Because Instructure products are built using web standards, Instructure products run on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or any other device with a modern web browser.

Instructure products only require an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades.

Note: Vanity Canvas URL users may encounter SSL validation errors when they open Canvas if their browser or any other tools interacting with Canvas are not Server Name Indication (SNI) compatible. All browser versions listed in this guide are SNI compatible.

Some supported browsers may still produce a banner stating Your browser does not meet the minimum requirements for Canvas. If you have upgraded your browser but you are still seeing the warning banner, try logging out of Canvas and deleting your browser cookies.

Like all Instructure product features, contrary behaviors relating to browsers are prioritized by our product teams, and some behaviors in the previous version may not be resolved. If a behavior exists in the previous version of the browser that does not exist in the current version, the best solution is to update to the newest browser version.

Instructure is committed to W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative. To learn about supported screen reader and browser combinations, please see the Canvas accessibility standards, accessibility within Studio, and Mastery Connect accessibility options documents.

Some browser plugins or extensions may conflict with Instructure products and affect functionality. If you experience behavior that does not allow you to view or participate in Instructure products, please ensure you have disabled any extensions or plugins that interact directly with your web browser.

For troubleshooting, consider logging in to Instructure products using an incognito or private browser window, which provides a browser session without any prior browsing or search history, associated browser cookies, or other factors that may interfere with the browser. If you are able to view and participate in an Instructure product using an incognito or private browser window, the behavior you are experiencing is likely related to the browser and not the Instructure product.

When displaying content, Instructure products default to the preference set by a specific browser. Some browsers may occasionally make modifications to privacy settings to protect users from possible insecure content. Insecure content is identified with the prefix http:// in the URL and can create mixed content in your product page. Secured content is identified with the https:// prefix in the URL. For the best user experience, content should be secure to avoid browser conflicts.

Google Chrome verifies that the website content you view is transmitted securely. If you visit a page in your Instructure product that is linked to insecure content, Chrome displays a shield icon in the browser address bar [1].

Chrome has its own media permission within the browser. To use your computer camera and microphone within any Instructure product feature, allow access to Instructure products via Chrome's media permission settings. This prompt appears just below the address bar [1]. To allow access, click the Allow button [2].

Firefox verifies that the website content you view is transmitted securely. If you visit a page in your Instructure product that is linked to insecure content, Firefox displays a lock with a warning icon in the browser address bar [1].

Instructure products require an operating system that can run the latest compatible web browsers. Your computer operating system should be kept up to date with the latest recommended security updates and upgrades. ff782bc1db

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