I've been at this the whole day now and I'm about throw my computer out the window. I made a UI using tkinter, matplotlib and PIL. If I run the code this works perfectly, however when freezing using cx_freeze, I get the following when doing python setup.py build:

And as I said above it works fine. Is there a way ta manually do the import or something similar? I've read on many websites that cx_freeze has issues sometimes importing some dependencies of some modules.

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Solution:I found a similar error on StackOverflow, and the OP seemed to have found a solution to his own problem. He said that he incorrectly used pip install on a version of a package he was installing, and it made the package download as a .egg file, which seems to cause problems with cx_freeze. Might not be the solution, but it's worth checking out in terms of troubleshooting.

I have read about py2exe, pyinstaller, cx_freeze but unsure of advantages, drawbacks. Ideally I just want one file someone can run and doesn't take ages to run (otherwise they could just install python and run the script, but I don't want that).

I had a TCL error so I added the first three lines. Then after that everything should be correct. I have already seen similar posts but none seem to help. 

cx_freeze app opens then closes quickly < This user just has a simple typographical error

python program works but .exe does not open cx_Freeze < Has no anwser, and no helpful comment. 

 Executable generated with cx_freeze opens for an instant before closing < This user actually gets an error. I don't.

I copied your setup script and tested it with one of my own Pygame projects. It didn't work for me either at first, so I investigated the problem and found a bug on Bitbucket: _tuininga/cx_freeze/issues/211/if-name-main-doesnt-work-in

Here in my app.py, I add the stylesheet to the external_stylesheets list, and I also use the suggested cx_freeze method to locate my style.css file. I can confirm that the style.css file appears in the asset_path.

Having made and tested my .msi installer using cx_freeze, it all works except for one vital part from the point of view of the end user: no start menu or desktop shortcut can be created by ticking a checkbox during the installer and neither of these actions seem to be happening by default.

I am using cx_freeze to transfer a python file to a exe. the problem is when i exclude tkinter in the setup.py, i can generate the exe file successfully, but when execute the exe file, it says No Module named tkinter.

Sometimes the TSM Desktop application install can be corrupted, the easiest way to resolve this cx_freeze error is to uninstall the application, download a fresh installer and then re-install the application.

Download the application: 

You may also need to use the alternative download link, instead.

I recently encountered this issue using cx_freeze 6.1 and Python 3.5.4. In order to solve my runtime issues, I had to add the numpy lib path to the system paths at runtime. Here is the relevant code snippet if it can help anyone:

I recently found you could create .MSI files using cx_freeze which are very nice for distributing. IF the program uses images then (because you cannot bundle images with the MSI (that i know of) you create a little function which downloads them on launch from imgur or some place))

Hey am relatively new to compiling python scripts to exe. Im using cx_freeze to compile my scripts and once its built i run the exe and it gives me this error. Have google around alot but not too sure. Error is:

pytest is a mature Python testing tool with more than 1100 testsagainst itself, passing on many different interpreters and platforms.This release is drop-in compatible to 2.5.2 and 2.6.X. It alsobrings support for including pytest with cx_freeze or similarfreezing tools into your single-file app distribution. For detailssee the CHANGELOG below.

The concern with pyinstaller that's come up, you can use "--onefile" option and you have one single executable. Neat! But the LGPL libs are in there too with no documented way to replace them. Without "--onefile", all the stuff that goes in lib with cx_freeze goes in the top level directory with your executable in pyinstaller. It's hideous, thus the temptation to use "--onefile" with it. Due to this I've switched my build over to cx_freeze.

There may come a time when you've created something very exciting, and you want to share it. Usually, in order to share your Python program, the recipient is going to need to have the same version of Python installed, along with all of the modules used. Well this can be quite tedious to require. The interest in converting to .exe is fairly high for distribution, and there are a couple of options. With Python 2.7, Py2exe is a great choice. For Python 3, I have found cx_freeze to work quite nicely. Here's a tutorial covering how it works.

The message indicates that cx_freeze cannot be found in thedefault package channels. However, there may be acommunity-created version available and you can search for it byrunning the following command: ff782bc1db

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