The problem is that the rectangles are saved with a white border. It isn't caused by EdgeForm[], because the white border is outside of the graphics object. Is there some other way of ensuring that the object has no border, or possibly setting the background colour to the same colour of the object.

Although it isn't clear, because the background of this forum is also white, there is definitely a 5px'ish border. When I import the image I can see it more clearly. I will try cropping it within MMA, and exporting the cropped image to try and work out if the problem is with Graphics[] or Export[] - which seems unlikely.

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Because "operations that draw the outline of a figure operate by traversing an infinitely thin path between pixels with a pixel-sized pen," cast the graphics context to Graphics2D so that you can use draw() and fill() on the corresponding Shape. This will allow you to specify the outline using setStroke(), illustrated here.

Custom thickness is not supported in the Graphics API. As suggested here, the actual graphics context received by paintComponent() is an instance of Graphics2D, which does support custom stroke geometry.

As @Marco13 observes, you need a triangle that is larger than the original one by the borderThickness. You can use AffineTransform to do the scaling. While Graphics can't fill() an arbitrary Shape, such as one created by AffineTransform, it can clip the rendering as required. In the example below, a unit triangle is translated and scaled to the center of an N x N panel; a copy is enlarged by delta. Note how rendering is clipped first to the larger background figure and then to the smaller foreground figure.

These two rectangles were drawn with the same location and size parameters, but using different size of the pen. See what happend? When border became larger it has eaten the free space before the rectangle (on the left).

This isn't a direct answer to the question, but you might want to consider using the ControlPaint.DrawBorder method. You can specify the border style, colour, and various other properties. I also believe it handles adjusting the margins for you.

I have created one query layer map by consuming featurelayerserver service URL in JavaScript API 4.10. Where I have some poly lines and I have added the graphics to display the lines in green color.And now I need to give a border in black color to that yellow line. Can anyone help me by giving the direction how to achieve that in JavaScript API 4.10 query graphics layer. My sample code is as below -

I'd like to know if there's a way to cut out, or make invisible, the parts outside the border, and do it in a way that won't automatically close off the shapes. I want the shapes to still remain the same, except I want to remove the messy parts that fall outside the border.

I thought of doing that earlier but I got confused because in that thread I was using a square that had a fill, but here I only had the outline of a rectangle without a fill. I didn't know how to clip the shapes to the outline, so that they would only be visible inside the rectangle without being visible outside the rectangle. I guess the workaround to this would be to create a rectangle with a fill behind the border outline and clip the shapes to that rectangle. It should work in most cases, except for when I want to have a transparent background.

Immigration authorities apprehended more than 152,000 unaccompanied minors at or near the U.S.-Mexico border in FY2022, an all-time high. Children from the Northern Triangle countries accounted for three-fourths of these apprehensions; most others came from Mexico. Many children make the dangerous journey north to reunite with their families or escape poor conditions in their home countries, such as poverty, domestic abuse, and gang violence. Others are sent across the border alone to avail themselves of asylum protections for unaccompanied minors. The situation continues to challenge U.S. policymakers: the Trump administration was criticized for detaining children for long periods, and Biden has faced judgment over the use of bare-bones border patrol facilities amid struggles to expand temporary housing capacity.

I use \includegraphics command to insert image to the document. But how can I add a border around this image w/o any margin between border lines and image?It seems to be very easy, but I can't find it in the documentation.

When I add a caption to an image it gains a border and some text underneath it. I want to have multiple pictures with the same border size. The problem is if I do it with different images of different sizes, the size of the border is, of course, different as well. And if I resize the border to fit the size I want it to be the image gets distorted and does not keep its ratio. Is there a way to automatically resize the image so it fits the border but still keeps its ratio? The image would then fit horizontally or vertically (or perfect if it has the same ratio as the border).

China has accelerated settlement-building along its disputed border with Bhutan, with more than 200 structures, including two-storey buildings, under construction in six locations, according to satellite image analysis conducted for Reuters.

Construction-related activity in some of the locations along Bhutan's western border has been under way since early 2020, with China initially building tracks and clearing out areas, based on material provided by satellite imagery firms Capella Space and Planet Labs, said Chris Biggers, the mission applications director at HawkEye 360.

The villages also offer Beijing some strategic value, two of the experts say. The new construction is 9 to 27km from the Doklam area at the junction of the borders of India, Bhutan and China, where Indian and Chinese troops were locked in standoff for more than two months in 2017.

Bhutan, a country of less than 800,000 people, has been negotiating with Beijing for almost four decades to settle their 477-km border. An issue for Bhutan is not just territorial integrity, but also concerns over the potential security implications for India, which is the Himalayan kingdom's main ally and economic partner.

The settlements appear part of a plan Beijing made public in 2017 to build more than 600 villages in border areas in the Tibet Autonomous Region (TAR), which lies on the Chinese side of the disputed border, said Barnett and M. Taylor Fravel, director of the Security Studies Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

India shares an unsettled 3,500-km border with China. Troops from both countries remain deployed near each other in a separate border dispute in the Ladakh region - about 1,100km from Doklam - where they clashed in hand-to-hand combat in 2020.

The graphics industry has evolved over the years, and embraced technology. I do not regret having been taught how to work a paste-up composite before the age of computer-aided design, but I sure do not want to reverse the clock.


I have approximately 400 full and partial rolls of newspaper border tape that I both at auction. If you are interested, I would be willing to part with it for any reasonable offer. If interested, please email me with the subject: BORDER TAPE.


Many issues may be due to an outdated graphics card. Please state your Graphics Card Driver Manufacturer (NVIDIA, Intel, AMD) and Version (Learn how to find your current graphics card driver version):

This blog is about the Sheet Border utility in MicroStation. Many times we need to develop our drawings at different standard drawing scales. To overcome this difficulty, MicroStation provides sheet borders to develop a perfectly scaled sheet layout. These customized sheet borders are actually design files available in the System folder of the MicroStation Workspace, and are ready to use with minimal modifications.

The System folder that comes along with the MicroStation Workspace contains a folder for Borders. In this Borders folder, there are subfolders with the names of the standard border graphics that they contain, such as ISO, ANSI and Architectural. Each of these subfolders contains different design files as per the standard sizes available for different border types. For example, the ISO folder contains the following design files named as A0-border.dgn, A1-border.dgn, A2-border.dgn, and A3-border.dgn.

These files contain different models. The Models dialog box lists the different models along with a Default model. The Default model contains the border graphics which is referenced to different models with appropriate scale. For example a 1:4 scale model contains the Default model referenced at a scale 4:1. So each of these models just contains the Scale mentioned in the Scale field of the title block and the rest of the title block graphics comes from the Default model as reference. Thus, if required, you can make any change to the Default model and it will be applied to all other models. For projects in which most of the particulars of title block remain the same for various sheets as per the company standards, the only thing that needs to be changed is the scale factor. So once you set the title block, margins etc. in Default model, it becomes universal and is updated on all sheets. Only the scale is different on each sheet.

To associate border attachment to the sheet boundary, in the Model Properties dialog box, select the border graphics file from the Border Attachment drop-down. By doing this the sheet boundary remains interactive to the border.

Is it possible to add a graphic border/frame to the bottom of a gallery and/or image block? See example screen shot of my unpublished site in the works. I would like to add a banner border to the bottom of the image (slideshow) as circled in red. That same slideshow repeats on all pages across the site and I would like for the banner border to appear on all the pages. 2351a5e196

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