I have posted it here too Cannot start with boost-libs 1.83.0-2 (#81) Issues Applications / calamares GitLab but I see there is not much activity in regards to replying to issues there and this could be a major issue with all of the Manjaro new ISOs that cannot use Calamares at all.

#295- In git commit 12b14e1533848e9a0f7f3c38e41da0ee4e819770 (Aug 11 2022) status code had itspaths changed due to its headers not previously having the right path convention. It was notrealised at the time that in Boost.Outcome this resulted in which is not desirable.This has now been remedied to remove the double status-code, which will obviously breakany Boost.Outcome code which relies on the double status-code. Standalone Outcome is unaffected.

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#291- A Result or Outcome with void value type and move-only non-value type was only usable inconst use cases, due to the lack of provision of non-const member functions in relevant observersinjection layers for the void specialisation. The missing non-const member functions have nowbeen added.

To Experimental.Outcome add clone() for basic_result and basic_outcome types whose EC isa status_code. Erased status codes are move-only which makes the Result/Outcome type move-only, butthey provide a cloning function, so this convenience function both clones the status code and propagatesthe spare storage so stack backtraces etc are also cloned.

This ensures that xvalue and lvalue inputs do not cause unhelpfully early lifetime end, though itdoes silently change the behaviour of existing code which relied on rvalues and lvalues being passedthrough, as a new construct-move-destruct or construct-copy-destruct cycle is introduced to wherethere was none before. Also, before C++ 17, there is now an added copy/move for prvalue inputs,which does not affect runtime codegen due to Return Value Optimisation (RVO), but does causeResults containing non-copying non-moving types to fail to compile, which is a breaking changefrom beforehand.

My thanks to KamilCuk from -detection-within-a-c-preprocessor-macro-argumentfor all their help in designing the new overloaded TRY syntax. My thanks also to vasama for reporting thisissue and working through how best to fix it with me.

The preprocessor logic for choosing when to use bool with concept on GCC was yet again refactored.This should fix those choices of GCC configuration which caused failure due to the wrong combinationbeing chosen.

Boost edition is now 100% Boost, so defaults for result and outcome areboost::system::error_code::errc_t and boost::exception_ptr. Moreover,the test suite in the Boost edition now exclusively tests the Boost edition.One can, of course, freely use the standalone edition with Boost, and the Boostedition with std types.

vcpkg provides the Boost set of libraries as individual packages as aconvenience for users that depend only on a limited subset of Boost packages.However, this approach has a tradeoff. Users who want to lock a specificversion of their Boost dependencies are required to override the versions ofeach Boost package on which they depend.

The configuration file includes two registry definitions. The default-registrywhich points to the vcpkg curated registry at using the latest commit at the time ofwriting this article. And a second registry that also points to the vcpkgcurated registry but at a previous baseline and is limited to packages thatmatch the boost* and boost-* patterns.

This is a proposed Change for Fedora Linux.

This document represents a proposed Change. As part of the Changes process, proposals are publicly announced in order to receive community feedback. This proposal will only be implemented if approved by the Fedora Engineering Steering Committee.

The aim is to synchronize Fedora with the most recent Boost release. Because ABI stability is absent from Boost, this entails rebuilding of all dependent packages. This also entails the change owner assisting maintainers of client packages in decoding cryptic boost-ese seen in output from g++.

I understand that the change of Boost version in Fedora is difficult, because depending package must be rebuild (and they may not be ready for that). But, according to the schedule for Fedora 40, should not this proposal be rebased on Boost 1.84?

This update is less than a year since the last update in rawhide, which is considerably less than the 18 months we aim for. Boost release frequently, and updating to every release is not practical given available resources.

Some applications may need to prevent an io_context object's run() call from returning when there is no more work to do. For example, the io_context may be being run in a background thread that is launched prior to the application's asynchronous operations. The run() call may be kept running by using the make_work_guard function to create an object of type boost::asio::executor_work_guard:

To effect a shutdown, the application will then need to call the io_context object's stop() member function. This will cause the io_context run() call to return as soon as possible, abandoning unfinished operations and without permitting ready handlers to be dispatched.

Users may set these hints or results as CACHE entries. Projectsshould not read these entries directly but instead use the aboveresult variables. Note that some hint names start in upper-caseBOOST. One may specify these as environment variables if they arenot specified as CMake variables or cache entries.

This module first searches for the Boost header files using the abovehint variables (excluding BOOST_LIBRARYDIR) and saves the result inBoost_INCLUDE_DIR. Then it searches for requested component librariesusing the above hints (excluding BOOST_INCLUDEDIR andBoost_ADDITIONAL_VERSIONS), "lib" directories near Boost_INCLUDE_DIR,and the library name configuration settings below. It saves thelibrary directories in Boost_LIBRARY_DIR_DEBUG andBoost_LIBRARY_DIR_RELEASE and individual librarylocations in Boost__LIBRARY_DEBUG and Boost__LIBRARY_RELEASE.When one changes settings used by previous searches in the same buildtree (excluding environment variables) this module discards previoussearch results affected by the changes and searches again.

Implicit dependencies such as Boost::filesystem requiringBoost::system will be automatically detected and satisfied, evenif system is not specified when using find_package() and ifBoost::system is not added to target_link_libraries(). If usingBoost::thread, then Threads::Threads will also be added automatically.

It is important to note that the imported targets behave differentlythan variables created by this module: multiple calls tofind_package(Boost) in the same directory or sub-directories withdifferent options (e.g. static or shared) will not override thevalues of the targets created by the first call.

Set to ON to resolve symlinks for discovered libraries to assist withpackaging. For example, the "system" component library may be resolved to/usr/lib/libboost_system.so.1.67.0 instead of/usr/lib/libboost_system.so. This does not affect linking and shouldnot be enabled unless the user needs this information.

On Visual Studio and Borland compilers Boost headers request automaticlinking to corresponding libraries. This requires matching librariesto be linked explicitly or available in the link library search path.In this case setting Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS to OFF may not achievedynamic linking. Boost automatic linking typically requests staticlibraries with a few exceptions (such as Boost.Python). Use:

If Boost was built using the boost-cmake project or from Boost 1.70.0 onit provides a package configuration file for use with find_package's config mode.This module looks for the package configuration file calledBoostConfig.cmake or boost-config.cmake and stores the result inCACHE entry Boost_DIR. If found, the package configuration file is loadedand this module returns with no further action. See documentation ofthe Boost CMake package configuration for details on what it provides. 152ee80cbc

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