Lutaaya's Christmas Album, produced in 1986,[2] remains his most popular album to date. The album, whose songs were written in native Luganda, remains central to Christmas celebrations in Uganda. It includes classics such as "Merry Christmas, Zuukuka, Tumusinze, Ssekukkulu, Gloria, Anindiridde, and Katujaguze. To date, Philly Lutaaya remains one of the best recording musicians Uganda has ever produced.

Lutaaya's music incorporates western pop music style as observed in songs like "Anifa sembera, Gloria, I have a dream, the voice is crying out, sirimba, sekukkulu to mention."[clarification needed]

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In 1987, Lutaaya released an album titled Merry Christmas with songs such as Zuukuka, Tumusinze, Merry Christmas, Katujaguze, Anindiridde and Gloria written in native to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.

Paul Mutebi says back in the days, many people in towns would stock tapes for Philly Lutaaya mainly because of the Christmas album whose songs they would repeatedly play throughout the festive season.

December,is a Philly Bongoley Lutaaya month, atleast musically to some of us, right about now radio stations will start playing his Christmas songs, katujaguze,zukuka and Gloria these songs are supposed to prepare our minds for Christmas. Lutaaya is our Ugandan Boney M ff782bc1db

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