Bluetooth Auto Connect is a useful app that does exactly what its name suggests: makes it possible to automatically connect to any paired Bluetooth device. It's important to note that this app only works with paired devices, in other words, devices that have been connected manually at least once.

From the app's options menu you can choose when to connect to Bluetooth devices. By default, the app will automatically connect to your devices when you activate Bluetooth on your Android device, but you can choose to connect when you unlock the screen, or even when you charge your phone.

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Bluetooth Auto Connect is a very useful app that makes it easier to connect and manage your Bluetooth devices. It's the perfect app for anyone who uses multiple Bluetooth headphones, speakers, or other devices.

Some times it works, most of the times it does not. It takes a while (between 30 seconds to 1 minute) to connect if it works. Not sure what is wrong, can be my device (selfie remote control), or my sm...

I have my iphone paired to my car. When I sit down in my car music starts automatically playing. I don't need to connect it again. I don't need to start a song. It just launches itunes and starts playing music. I want this kind of connectivity in my Android application.

I've spent the better part of the last two days trying to get this to work with no luck. There are a billion tutorials on how to connect to a bt device but none to auto connect when in range. Starting to question if this even possible.. I'll be blown away if its not :(

As far as I know there is no way to automatically connect to a generic Bluetooth device as soon as it's in range. Your best bet is to have an inquiry loop, periodically querying available devices and connecting to ones you are bonded with (although, as you said, this is fairly battery intensive).

However, if your device (both the phone and the peripheral) support Bluetooth 4.0 (LE) as well as GATT, you can use connectGatt method that will automatically connect as soon as the device becomes available (again, not too sure about battery implications although limited testing I have done thus far shows that it is not significant).

I'm not entirely certain what the behaviour of connectGatt is when device is non-GATT but it may be worth investigating - my guess would be that you'd receive a callback with status GATT_FAILURE when device becomes in range but doesn't support GATT (this would at least give you an indication of when to connect).

The real life situation: in my Volvo car I have a built in BT for calls and I have added additional BT for audio. The internal BT connects to the phone as soon as I start a car. But the added one does not.

So far I was using my Bluetooth headphones with Windows 10 and whenever I turned them on, they're connecting to my PC automatically. Now, I have switched to Windows 11 and each time I turn my wireless headphones on I must go to Bluetooth settings and connect them manually, because they always appears a "Paired" only.

aside from permanently used/connected bluetooth devices (eg mouse), how can I specifically disable auto-connect for any particular device? The trust setting doesn't seem to help (not trusting the devices leads to notification spamming whether or not to authorize it, followed by an indefinite connect/disconnect loop every ~30 seconds).

Use case: Sometimes I connect to my A/V amp via bluetooth to play music/videos, but most of the time I don't want that to happen. Same with headset. I didn't find any setting in blueman-manager nor bluetoothctl regarding that issue.

Edit: I can block the device using bluetoothctl, which prevents autoconnect. After unblocking, however, bluetooth gets stuck in a connected-disconnected loop, the device won't stay connected until newly paired.

PS: Is it just me, or is bluetooth on Linux a major mess? Among other things, I'm completely lost finding a way to get various high-quality headsets working with reasonable duplex audio quality, since it always falls back to HSP/HFP which is catastrophic. Sorry, off-topic.

I just came across this while searching for a solution as I am having the same issue, I want some devices to autoconnect but others I only want to do manually. If I find a solution I will post it here.

Hey guys. Has anyone found out how to do this? I'm also after this. With my Bluetooth headphones, I use it on a few machines, and my desktop keeps reconnecting once it loses connection, stealing my connection from my Laptop or Phone.

What I've found is, if I manually disconnect it on my desktop, it won't reconnect. But if I have it connected to my Desktop, and then connect to them using my laptop, the desktop keeps stealing the connection back. This is also annoying for when I connect, then sleep my desktop, and it LAAAATER wakes up and reconnects again. Then I have to first go to my desktop and disconnect it manually.

I have bluetooth headsets and speakers that I connect to different computers. These bluetooth devices will connect to the last computer they were connected to when powered on, but I'd like to disable that for these specific devices that we use among different computers. As it stands, it is quite annoying to have to find the computer the device auto connected to and manually disconnect before being able to connect to the new computer. Is it possible to disable auto connect for specific devices? And if so, how would I do that?

Type that in the text file and save.

(XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX is device address)

In properties of the file, or in console, make the file executable.

In system settings, add the file to autostart.

(Or in console, use whatever you are using to autostart programs or scripts.)

If you turn the device off and on now (while watching the output ofbluetoothctl) you can see it start to connect, but then ask you to trust it and (with no input) eventually timeout. The device will stop sending these connection requests once it pairs with something else.

What BT are you using, Classic or BLE? If BLE, the next edition of the MIT BLE extension has a solution for your issue. If using Classic, you will have to alert the User about the loss of connection (suggest a sound) and unfortunately they will have to repeat the connection process.

Thanks for replying.I am currently using a classic bluetooth module (HC-05). I want to inform you that my app auto - connects to the already specified bluetooth address when screen is initialized so I thought maybe I could run a timer and run that auto connect process whenever the app loses connection this means that whenever the app loses connection it could periodically attempt to connect to that specified address.

One thing more that I want to ask that I have a mechanism to auto connect to the device but the address has to be hard - coded that means in case of a bluetooth module replacement I have to change the app too please inspect my blocks and guide me on how can I make the address changable from within the application.

auto connection method813230 30.9 KB

Thanks for the response. Does this setting mean that when I'm in the cart, it will not automatically connect to the car bluetooth? That isn't what I want either. I'd like it to leave the call alone when I'm listening on headphones, wired or otherwise but probably want it to transfer the call to the car otherwise. I read in the other thread that people had issues with another car stealing their connection while driving behind (like if I'm driving behind my spouse). It seems like the default should always be stay with the headphones or current bluetooth connection and let the user take a manual step if they want something else.

If I'm understanding you right, your iPhone is automatically connecting to Bluetooth in your car when you're on a phone call when the car is started. Also, this occurs even when you have a headset connected to your iPhone. I can certainly understand why this would be a problem considering you aren't in the car when this happens. I'm happy to help you out with this.

It is expected for the Bluetooth connection to trigger the call to be routed to the car. This is designed for convenience since it makes it so that you don't have to manually connect to Bluetooth each time you're in your car. If you would like, you can adjust the settings that control how your calls are routed. To do this, go to Settings > Accessibility > Touch > Call Audio Routing. More than likely this is set to Automatic. There isn't a way to set it so that it automatically routes to a wired headset or the iPhone earpiece, however, setting it to Speaker might be helpful in your situation. This way you would not be temporarily disconnected from the person you're on the call with while you switch from the car Bluetooth back to your headset. ff782bc1db

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