The idea is you just wire it in line with your code and write a constant to it with a todo note. Wire it with "exit" command during program cleanup, and it will create a "todo.txt" in the directory of any project you have open. If no projects are open it will prompt you with todo dialogue. I plan on posting it to community, but thought I would get opinions and things to revise first.

Edit: Oh, to be clear I realize that the entire list won't be populated each run. If that section of code doesn't get called, it won't fill it out. That having been said, it will still tell me what vis have todo in it, and specificially the todo list will populate with the areas I'm working on at any given time.

Todo List App

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So I did. Thank you. Here is a fixed version. After having used it a bit, I'm not convinced this is the right solution. As it turns out the "not populating in the list if the code isn't accessed during run" is kind of annoying. I just don't have a better solution...

The todo list plugin implements a simple "to do" list of objects (either nodes, ways, or a combination of the two) which need to be examined by the user one at a time in order to edit or update them. You can download it using internal JOSM plugin manager.

You begin by selecting a list of objects you need to work on (either with the mouse, or with a search) and then clicking the Add button in the todo list panel (the panel can be brought up with Ctrl+Shift+t or by clicking the todo list icon on the left side bar). This will add all of the OSM objects you have currently selected to the todo list; any items already in the list will be ignored so they are not added twice.

Once you have built up a list of items that need attention you can either select one from the list and zoom to it with the Zoom button (or simply double click on the entry in the todo list). After examining the object in question and optionally editing it as necessary, you can mark the object as finished by clicking the Mark button on the todo panel (make sure you have the correct object selected in the todo list as it is the selected entry there that is marked, the selection in the main editor window is ignored).

In addition to zooming and marking images using the buttons, the same functionality can be accessed by right clicking on entries in the todo list panel. Also available in this context menu are options to:

Funny thing is now that I did it again I could somehow enter something (one time as it seems - its weird...) in the todo list and this entry shows on the right of my screen. However, I removed the building from the list and the text I added stays on the screen (which is good), but there seems to be no way of interacting with it. I can neither edit the list, nore check the boxes, nor add another building or any text to the list (it simply does not show up...) There is simply this one line of text on the right I initially added. No interactable buttons which seems like the usual mode of displaying the things in your list, but how to edit? I simply cannot get this edit window back...

Besides if this is a bug or not is there a good way to handle the todo list to edit? (and maybe show or hide the content? - like a hotkey or something - there is none in the options at least) Not sure what I do wrong...

Use it for agendas, memos, shopping lists, and team collaboration. Schedule multiple reminders, view flexible calendars, set recurring tasks, create checklists, add tasks via email, and even use Siri to create tasks.

TickTick is the best to-do list app thanks to its simple and structured project organization, seamless calendar integration, and flexibility to fit into many different workflows rather than forcing you to organize your work a certain way.

It will loop through all of the markdown files in your notes directory (including subdirectories) to find any lines that follow the syntax for empty checklists. Then it writes them all to a file called in your notes directory.

I am looking to change Todo list applications. I have been using Google Calendar for the last few years since it does a few things I love: Having my Tasks in a Calendar view and allowing me to quickly drag and drop them through my week/month.

I'm looking for a list that lets me Prioritize things, or at least order them non-alphabetical. I was also hoping to have the ability to categorize my tasks so that I could view them in groups or all at once (hopefully color coded).

I maintain one "master" todo list that I consult every morning to determine what todos I want to work on that day. Many of the todos are just plain text because there's not much detail I need written out (no dependencies that need to be done beforehand, I have all the necessary details in my head). The more involved todos will be links to notes that contain the necessary details/reference material.

Because this is a very long list of todos, I use markdown headers to categorize todos - e.g., work-related todos, work inside the house, yard work, administrative/paperwork, waiting for responses, etc.; and many of those are subdivided into near-term, intermediate-term, long-term and periodic subcategories. I use the Outline sidebar plugin to more quickly navigate this list.

Each morning, I'll scroll through and figure out which todos need to be worked on today, and I'll copy/paste those to a "Today" section at the very top of the note. Of course not everything gets done that day, so the "Today" section gets longer and I also get lazy and start adding items directly to the "Today" section instead of the appropriate category.

Wondering if there's a better way to manage my daily todo list. What might be really cool is being able to scroll though this master todo list and select items (by whatever means) I want to work on today and have those items autopopulate a list at the top of the note (or a separate list). That would save me the hassle of copying/pasting the items I want to work on, and eliminate at least some of the overhead in managing this system.

In the past when using Evernote, I've tried making every single todo its own note, and that system broke down very quickly because the overhead (effort I had to put into maintaining the system) was enormous. My current method isn't great, but because it requires less overhead than a system that makes each todo its own note, it lasts longer before I have to "reset" it. But an even lower overhead method would be even better.

I have a notebook with my immediate todos which I begin with a - so it is alphabetically at the top of my Joplin notebooks. If I were you, I'd break my todos into categories with a separate note for each group. Whether you do this by type or urgency would depend you your mind. That way the list is smaller because you'd only be looking at one section (Perhaps today or Work in house) at a time. You could use the notes tabs plugin to open the 3 or 4 group notes in tabs pinned. Then if you moved some items from one section to another you'd just cut and hit the appropriate tab and paste. Never leaving the note group.

I tried to use Joplin as a to-do manager, but I found all the workarounds to be ugly, because there is no "to-do" view that gathers to-dos from all the pages and shows them to me, so in that way I have to keep a mental note about where my to-dos are for different projects and tasks. I am not a JS/web dev, so I can't do this but if a dev willing to do atm, a plugin that gathers all the done and not done to-dos and shows in an organized list/cards in a page as a home/landing page thing, then Joplin might work for this

f I were you, I'd break my todos into categories with a separate note for each group. Whether you do this by type or urgency would depend you your mind. That way the list is smaller because you'd only be looking at one section (Perhaps today or Work in house) at a time.

I'd still want to create a todo list for the day (a "Daily todo" list), so that I'm not constantly checking each of the category notes throughout the day. Or do you propose/envision/do something different in this regard?

In responding to your post, I'm realizing the crux of my todo system's problem is in how I deal with todos that don't get finished that day. The system is designed so that each day, all todos are done (how realistic is that!), so then I have a blank slate, and can skim through the various category lists to select the todos that I want/need to get done today and copy/paste them to my "Daily todo" list.

But as soon as I have these "leftover" todos, I no longer have an empty "Daily todo" list. After a few days, the "Daily todo" list is now full of "leftover" todos, and instead of being a handful of tasks I can complete in one day, the list is so long it would take a week. Semi-defeated already, I then just add new todos to this daily todo list instead of to the appropriate category lists (which by this point of system breakage, I'm not even looking at any more). And then I need to do a system reset, which I'm doing today, hence this thread.

@uxamanda this is kind of out of left field, but you strike me as the kind of person who understands sticking/breaking points in processes and probably has this todo thing figured out. So here's my hail Mary, or hail Amanda as it were, to see if you have any ideas.

But as soon as I have these "leftover" todos, I no longer have an empty "Daily todo" list. After a few days, the "Daily todo" list is now full of "leftover" todos, and instead of being a handful of tasks I can complete in one day, the list is so long it would take a week.

It occurred to me that a possible very simple solution is to copy (not move) todos from my categorized todo lists to my "Daily todo" list, and then at the end of each day, delete all the todos from the "Daily todo" list, whether I've completed them or not. That leaves me with an empty "Daily todo" list to start each day (or night before), and I can populate it with several pressing todos from the categorized todo lists. The extra overhead would be to delete already completed items from the categorized todo lists, but that seems like enjoyable overhead - deleting tasks that are already completed. ff782bc1db

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