Liu Xueyi, the most well-known and accomplished actor of the young cast, is technically great but perhaps mis-cast as a 17 year old. He looks quite a bit older than his peers (the youth) which is distracting. Like, why is a middle-aged man so sentimental about going home? Why do the young leads feel a bond towards each other? Don't get me wrong. I love watching him act, but wonder if a competent teenage actor with more vulnerability & innocence would have been better for the emotional journey.

In Sweet Battlefields: Youth and the Liberian Civil War,Swedish anthropologist Mats Utas explores the desperation felt by the youthdrawn into the Liberian war. He writes: "For these young people, the dailyprospect of poverty, joblessness and marginalization effectively blocked thepaths to a normal adulthood; drawing them instead into a subculturecharacterized by abjection, resentment and rootlessness. As opportunity came,their voluntary enlistment into one of the several rebel armies of the civilwar therefore became an attractive option for many."[5]

Download Blood Youth


The populations of Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea and Cte d'Ivoire have long suffered from a vicious cycle of bad governance, economic decline,political upheaval, conflict related violence, and impunity. Decades ofcorruption, tribal favoritism, and exploitation by their leaders, and theinevitable economic decline which followed created a fertile ground for theformation of rebel insurgencies made up largely of unemployed and frustratedyouth.

Hosseini Kakhak, SA, Kianigul, M, Haghighi, AH, Nooghabi, MJ, and Scott, BR. Performing soccer-specific training with blood flow restriction enhances physical capacities in youth soccer players. J Strength Cond Res 36(7): 1972-1977, 2022-This study investigated the effect of soccer training with blood flow restriction (BFR) on physical performance in youth athletes. Nineteen semiprofessional soccer players were randomly assigned to either normal soccer training (ST; n = 9) or soccer training with BFR (STBFR; n = 10). Both groups performed identical activities during a 6-week preseason training phase, either with or without lower limb BFR. Training included soccer-specific drills, small-sided games, plyometrics, and continuous running. Before and after the intervention, players were assessed for leg extension strength and endurance, countermovement jump performance, 40-yd sprint time, change-of-direction (COD) ability, aerobic endurance, and soccer-specific endurance (while dribbling a ball). Significantly larger improvements were observed in the STBFR compared with the ST group for tests of muscular endurance (74.8  34.1% vs. 4.0  14.6%), COD (8.1  3.7% vs. 2.8  4.7%), and aerobic (54.1  19.6% vs. 24.7  27.2%) and soccer-specific endurance (58.4  19.6% vs. 22.7  10.2%). Main effects for time were observed for maximal strength, jumping, and sprinting performance (p < 0.001) but with no group and time interaction. These findings demonstrate that team sport training with BFR can enhance physical qualities that are related to performance in youth soccer players. This application of BFR may improve the adaptive responses of muscles, without having to dedicate additional training time to muscular qualities.

It wasn't the first time the middle Johnson had been to a clinic to get young blood transfusions, though during those prior visits, he received the blood of an anonymous donor whose profile he'd painstakingly selected based on body mass index, blood type, diet, and overall health record. (Full disclosure: Johnson was an early investor in Futurism, though his involvement ended years ago.)

Since at least the time of Countess Elizabeth Bthory, the concept has frequently shown up in folklore. Now, some researchers are starting to suggest there might be some science to back up all this young blood business.

In the wake of fears of a scenario like the all-too-real "blood boy" phenomenon depicted in a later season of the HBO show "Silicon Valley," the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning back in 2019 against the practice of young blood transfusions, which it called an "unproven" therapy.

CDC analyzed data from more than 12,000 participants ages 12 to 19 who responded to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) from 2001 to 2016. CDC used these data to find out how the 2017 AAP Clinical Practice Guideline affects hypertension trends in youth over time.

An estimated 1.3 million youth ages 12 to 19 would have high blood pressure according to the new guidelines, or about 1 in 25 children. In a classroom of 30 youth, 1 person would have hypertension, and about 3 more would have elevated blood pressure.

The idea of using younger organs and blood to slow down or reverse the effects of aging has been around for decades. In the 1950s, in a Frankenstein-style process called parabiosis, scientists sewed the circulatory system of a young mouse to that of an old mouse. The study showed that the organs of the older mice became healthier, thanks to the presence of the younger blood.

Wyss-Coray is working on a study with his company Alkahest to find out the effects of young blood on 18 people with Alzheimer's, at no charge to participants. And it's not really a surprise that private businesses would be interested in this stuff, too. The anti-aging industry is a $250 billion business in the U.S. alone.

Platelets are blood cells that normally release PF4 to alert the immune system and clot blood at wounds. The researchers found that PF4 also rejuvenates the old brain and boosts the young brain, potentially opening the door to new therapies that aim to restore brain function, if not tap into a fountain of youth.

Details of the breakthrough appear in a trio of papers in Nature, Nature Aging and Nature Communications published August 16, 2023. Villeda led the study on young blood published in Nature. Dena Dubal, MD, PhD, UCSF professor of neurology and David A. Coulter Endowed Chair in Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease, led the study on klotho published in Nature Aging. Tara Walker, PhD, senior research associate in neuroscience at the University of Queensland, led the study on exercise published in Nature Communications.

In 2014, Villeda found that blood plasma, consisting of blood minus red blood cells, from young mice restored brain function in old animals. His team then found that young plasma contained much more PF4 than old plasma.

Exercise can keep the mind sharp for decades. In 2019, Walker and her lab found that platelets released PF4 into the bloodstream following exercise. When she tested PF4 on its own, like Dubal and Villeda, it improved cognition in old animals.

The scientists joined old and young mice for five weeks and then examined them. The muscles of the old mice had healed about as quickly as those of the young mice, the scientists reported in 2005 . In addition, the old mice had grown new liver cells at a youthful rate.

Dr. Ransohoff and others hope the experiments on mice will lead to studies on people to see if the human version of GDF11, or other molecules in the blood of young people, has a similar effect on older adults.

It is a grim tale stained by blood, haunted by torture, sensationalized by sex, and increasingly disputed by scholars. Depending on the account, Hungarian countess Elizabeth Bthory (1560-1614) was either a murderous maniac or a pawn incriminated by family and foes keen to seize her holdings.

Last month the trio headed to Resurgence Wellness, a medical spa in Texas where, according to Bloomberg, the youngest Johnson got a full liter of his blood removed (for context, the human body has about five liters of blood) and separated into a batch of liquid plasma and then a batch of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The American serial entrepreneur previously received blood transfusions from young anonymous donors who, according to Bloomberg, Johnson personally screened to ensure they had an ideal body mass index, were free of diseases, and lived a healthy lifestyle.

As well as blood transfusions, Johnson follows a strict daily routine that includes monitoring his body fat, heart rate variability, blood, stool samples, and the number of erections he has per night.

Other than purging corruption, their abilities are not beyond that of any other human, and their blood will decompose any Blood Weapon on contact, meaning they cannot directly participate in combat. As shown by Jack, they often suffer from anemia due to how often they use their blood via a Mary Gun, and can appear pale because of it. Their blood will decay when exposed to air for too long, hence why the blood maidens need a blood youth in the party and why they can't just bulk up on blood vials.

"The Blood of Youth" brings together many elements of teenagers, hot blood, martial arts and so on. Where does the protagonist rank in terms of combat power? Without further ado, let's take a look at the people with the highest combat effectiveness in Shao Nian Ge Xing.

While terrorist groups were increasingly recruiting young, disenfranchised people into their ranks, there was broad agreement among the more than 60 speakers in the Security Council today that youth must instead be at the heart of efforts to counter violent extremism and promote peace.

Speakers echoed the view of the Secretary-General that youth themselves should be at the heart of such efforts, including as messengers and role models for their peers. Several stressed the need to empower youth and youth-oriented organizations in order to respond to violence and delegitimize extremist messages.

She described United States diplomatic efforts to mobilize coordinated international action toward that end, and recounted the experiences of a woman speaking to authorities of madrassas in Mali in order to counter extremist views as an example of grass-roots action that should be encouraged. Communities needed to be provided with the tools to do their part, she stated, and youth must be enlisted to be at the vanguard through appropriate media. Rehabilitated former extremists had been given platforms to participate, which was another powerful strategy, she stressed, noting that a single changed mind could disrupt dangerous activity. 2351a5e196

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