To fully access resources after you sign in, Storage Explorer requires both management (Azure Resource Manager) and data layer permissions. This means that you need Microsoft Entra permissions to access your storage account, the containers in the account, and the data in the containers. If you have permissions only at the data layer, consider choosing the Sign in using Microsoft Entra ID option when attaching to a resource. For more information about the specific permissions Storage Explorer requires, see the Azure Storage Explorer troubleshooting guide.

Please see the FileAPI Spec for the full specification for Blobs, or Mozilla's Blob documentation for a description of how Blobs are used in the Web Platform in general. For the purposes of this document, the important aspects of blobs are:

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Blobs are created in a renderer process, where their data is temporarily held for the browser (while Javascript execution can continue). When the browser has enough memory quota for the blob, it requests the data from the renderer. All blob data is transported from the renderer to the browser. Once complete, any pending reads for the blob are allowed to complete. Blobs can be huge (GBs), so quota is necessary.

If the in-memory space for blobs is getting full, or a new blob is too large to be in-memory, then the blob system uses the disk. This can either be paging old blobs to disk, or saving the new too-large blob straight to disk.

Blob reading goes through the mojom Blob interface, where the renderer or browser calls the ReadAll or ReadRange methods to read the blob through a data pipe. This is implemented in the browser process in the MojoBlobReader class.

Creating a lot of blobs, especially if they are very large blobs, can cause the renderer memory to grow too fast and result in an OOM on the renderer side. This is because the renderer temporarily stores the blob data while it waits for the browser to request it. Meanwhile, Javascript can continue executing. Transfering the data can take a lot of time if the blob is large enough to save it directly to a file, as this means we need to wait for disk operations before the renderer can get rid of the data.

If the blob object in Javascript is kept around, then the data will never be cleaned up in the backend. This will unnecessarily use memory, so make sure to dereference blob objects if they are no longer needed.

Similarily if a URL is created for a blob, this will keep the blob data around until the URL is revoked (and the blob object is dereferenced). However, the URL is automatically revoked when the browser context that created it is destroyed.

The primary API to interact with the blob system is through its mojo interface. This is how the renderer process interacts with the blob systems and creates and transports blobs, but also how other subsystems in the browser process interact with the blob system, for example to read blobs they received.

New blobs are created through the BlobRegistry mojo interface. In blink you can get a reference to this interface via blink::BlobDataHandle::GetBlobRegistry(). This interface has two methods to create a new blob. The Register method takes a blob description in the form of an array of DataElements, while the RegisterFromStream method creates a blob by reading data from a mojo DataPipe. Furthermore Register will call its callback as soon as possible after the request has been received, at which point the uuid is valid and known to the blob system. It will then asynchronously request the data and actually create the blob. On the other hand the RegisterFromStream method won't call its callback until all the data for the blob has been received and the blob has been entirely completed.

To read the data for a blob, the Blob mojom interface provides ReadAll, ReadRange and ReadSideData methods. These methods will wait until the blob has finished building before they start reading data, and if for whatever reason the blob failed to build or reading data failed, will report back an error through the (optional) BlobReaderClient.

Any DataElementByte elements in the blob description will have an associated BytesProvider, as implemented by the blink::BlobBytesProvider class. This class is owned by the mojo message pipe it is bound to, and is what the browser uses to request data for the blob when quota for it becomes available. Depending on the transport strategy chosen by the browser one of the Request* methods on this interface will be called (or if the blob goes out of scope before the data has been requested, the BytesProvider pipe is simply dropped, destroying the BlobBytesProvider instance and the data it owned.

BlobBytesProvider instances also try to keep the renderer alive while we are sending blobs, as if the renderer is closed then we would lose any pending blob data. It does this by calling blink::Platform::SuddenTerminationChanged.

Generally even in the browser process it should be preferred to go through the mojo Blob interface to interact with blobs. This results in a cleaner separation between the blob system and the rest of chrome. However in some cases it might still be needed to directly interact with the guts of the blob system, so for now it is at least possible to interact with the blob system more directly.

Blob interaction in C++ should go through the BlobStorageContext. Blobs are built using a BlobDataBuilder to populate the data and then calling BlobStorageContext::AddFinishedBlob or ::BuildBlob. This returns a BlobDataHandle, which manages reading, lifetime, and metadata access for the new blob.

If you have known data that is not available yet, you can still create the blob reference, but see the documentation in BlobDataBuilder::AppendFuture* or ::Populate* methods on the builder, the callback usage on BlobStorageContext::BuildBlob, and BlobStorageContext::NotifyTransportComplete to facilitate this construction.

The BlobUnderConstruction (inside BlobRegistryImpl) is in charge of the actual construction of a blob and manages the transportation of the data from the renderer to the browser. When the initial description of the blob is sent to the browser, the BlobUnderConstruction asks the BlobMemoryController which strategy (IPC, Shared Memory, or File) it should use to transport the file. Based on this strategy it creates a BlobTransportStrategy instance. That instance will then translate the memory items sent from the renderer into a browser represetation to facilitate the transportation. See this slide, which illustrates how the browser might segment or split up the renderer's memory into transportable chunks.

Once the transport host decides its strategy, it will create its own transport state for the blob, including a BlobDataBuilder using the transport's data segment representation. Then it will tell the BlobStorageContext that it is ready to build the blob.

When the BlobStorageContext tells the transport host that it is ready to transport the blob data, the BlobTransportStrategy requests all of the data from the renderer, populates the data in the BlobDataBuilder, and then signals the storage context that it is done.

The BlobStorageContext is the hub of the blob storage system. It is responsible for creating & managing all the state of constructing blobs, as well as all blob handle generation and general blob status access.

Azure Blob Storage is a service for storing large amounts of unstructured data, such as text or binary data, that can be accessed from anywhere in the world via HTTP or HTTPS.You can use Blob storage to expose data publicly to the world, or to store application data privately. In this article, you'll learn how to use Storage Explorerto work with blob containers and blobs.

All blobs must reside in a blob container, which is simply a logical grouping of blobs. An account can contain an unlimited number of containers, and each container can store an unlimited number of blobs.

A text box will appear below the Blob Containers folder. Enter the name for your blob container. See Create a container for information on rules and restrictions on naming blob containers.

Press Enter when done to create the blob container, or Esc to cancel. Once the blob container has been successfully created, it will be displayed under the Blob Containers folder for the selected storage account.

Right-click the blob container you wish to delete, and - from the context menu - select Delete.You can also press Delete to delete the currently selected blob container.

Storage Explorer enables you to copy a blob container to the clipboard, and then paste that blob container into another storage account. (To see how to copy individual blobs,refer to the section, Managing blobs in a blob container.)

A shared access signature (SAS) provides delegated access to resources in your storage account.This means that you can grant a client limited permissions to objects in your storage account for a specified period of time and with a specified set of permissions, without having toshare your account access keys.

A second Shared Access Signature dialog will then display that lists the blob container along with the URL and QueryStrings you can use to access the storage resource.Select Copy next to the URL you wish to copy to the clipboard.

I'm trying to find a way where I can share a SAS URL for a storage container and have it list the contents(folders and files) in a browser. Hierarchical namespace is enabled so essentially the storage account is ADLS Gen 2

The first option gave the same auth error using SAS. The second option was able to list directories and files but the problem is it lists folders as a "downloadable files". Is there a cleaner alternative to allow users to view and download storage container files from the browser?

As an alternative to loading more blob containers for a storage account in the tree view, you can now choose to view all blob containers. When viewing all blob containers, a blob container data explorer will be opened on the right-hand side which lists all blob containers in the storage account. 17dc91bb1f

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