I'm genuinely not sure what tops it. I've argued Kaleidoscope is up there in the past, but STFTK just kinda hits all the checkboxes for what what makes a great blink song great. It hits the catchy angst that made blink so iconic at the turn of the millennium, but it also nails blink at their most serious, while at the same time having that great dynamic of Mark and Tom's voices contrasting between verses and chorus. Couple all of that with a relatable theme of a kid experiencing the pains of their parents' divorce, and you're just left with a sound that encompasses blink that also speaks from the heart at the same time. I don't think they've ever truly topped this song, in blink or any of their other projects. In the past I might not have said as much, but I've been on a kick of this song lately, and while I've always loved it, I find myself having an even greater appreciation for it today more than ever.

I wouldn't consider it my absolute favorite or their best, but I think it's definitely ONE of their best songs. One of the best examples of Mark and Tom's vocals contrasting so wonderfully in the same song. It truly feels like the precursor to Box Car Racer too, imo. I always liked the song, but when my parents got divorced in 2014 this song ended up being my most played song that year according to last fm. The song became painfully relatable at that point and took on a whole new meaning to me. It's definitely a top-tier blink single. Plus, the intro riff is fun to play!

Download Blink 182 Stay Together For The Kid

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also @Elisa I love that version so much too. I wish blink would still do that kind of thing at shows so much. Their extended outros to Down, their extended bridge to The Rock Show, this amazing bridge in STFK, I love it all and I miss it badly.

Stay Together for the Kids on the other hand is one of the songs they got right on the album IMO. It's riff is so catchy and so unique. I've never heard anything like it. Then there's the hip hop drums during the mellow verses. The chorus is just outstanding. It's probably one of the more heavier blink tracks because of it and then there's the bridge... That bridge is just one of my favourite bridges of blink's catalogue. It's definitely in my top 10 anyway.

Stay Together for the Kids isn't my favourite song on TOYPAJ. That spot goes to Every Time I Look for You. But it's definitely a top tier blink song. That song and Adam's Song showed just how different blink can be. Those two songs were the ones that proved that blink could progress towards a darker sound. They were always more than just a joke immature pop punk band.

I get the Adam's Song comparison in the sense that the verses are more mellow than a typical blink song, but other than that it's very different than Adam's Song to me. The chorus is way more explosive and powerful and contrasts way more with the verses than the choruses in Adam's Song do. STFK feels more angsty or angry, which is why it feels like a precursor to Box Car Racer to me. Adam's Song doesn't feel like that.

After Barker healed from injuries, Blink-182 toured again and released the 2011 record Neighborhoods. The band stayed together for seven more years before DeLonge parted the band again, citing creative differences.

At the end of the year, Hoppus declared he was cancer-free. In an interview with People, Hoppus said the trio had spent some time together before his chemotherapy began, and they were in "a really great place right now." The bassist added: "I keep writing music, and I'm open to whatever the next phase of Blink is ... I'm hopeful for the future. I'm just damn glad to be here."

I dont think its about divorce.. when i read it i get sense that the parents that are being spoken about are still together just fighting all the time... and the parents are staying together just for the kids... the parents are always wanting a divorce but they just stay together basically... perhaps this is my opinion as this is the situation between my parents...

i have to agree with KillOggs b/c although the song is talking about divorce, it does not mean the parents are getting into one, b/c they are 'staying together for the kids'. i too, among so many others can connect with this song on a personal level. there have been many rough times, but my parents are doing the best they can together, and it's basicly for the sake of my sister and i. i also have to say that i love blink...one of my favorite bands, and NO i dont think they have turned "pop", they have just become "popular".

Yeah, I agree with the majority here. It's about parent's staying together when they blatantly need to get a divorce. Mine've hardly spoken in three years and when they do it's to have a blazing argument. They still live in the same house with me and the complicated situation with the house and business means that they can't/won't get a divorce.

Replace the seven with thirty five and that's pretty much the situation i'm going through.A lot of parents don't give their children enough credit. They are strong enough to handle a divorce. What they are not designed to handle is the unnatural situation of having their parents live together but being separated. It's a fantastic song. Not that I can listen to it, it makes me and i'm sure millions of others break down.

the chorus was the challenging part i think it hes talkin to the parents "so heres your holiday" or heres your brake from the other person "you gave it all away" they gave away the life they had together as one family. it was his to enjoy, but they took it away. the last twenty years then all go to waste and he doesnt think its right

For me, my parents have never really gotten along. My dad recently told me that when I'm in college they're going to get a divorce. I asked him why they can't just do it now, because personally I think having your parents living in different homes is better than having them fighting all the time. He said that they're staying together for my sister and I. They're "staying together for the kids", haha.

Ultimately, the song is about divorce, though, I'm not sure the parents are actually getting one. I think the parents are "staying together for the kids" even though that might not be the best decision. In the music video, you see all of the kids sitting around, curled up, almost terrified of what may come next. And then the wrecking ball hits the home-- much like an yelling battle between parents. And instead of getting out of the "home" they stay. And like the chorus goes away and things remain calm for a few moments, so does the house- but it always comes back until the end when the house is completely broken. Many couples "stay together for the kids" so that they don't come from a broken home. I think this song- and greatly demonstrated by the video- shows how good intentions can dangerously turn into selfish acts.

in case you didn't know, this song is about divorce. it's pretty simple to figure out. even though i personally don't like blink 182 anymore since they've gone more pop than punk, i do have an appreciation for the message of this song, having seen my parents split up when i was still young. divorce is something that totally changes lives and i think blink has caught the idea very well in this song

even though i've never actually had my parents or anyone i know go through a divorce, this song shows the pain the children go through and it makes a lot of sense... esepcially this line"if this is what he wantsand this is what she wantsthen why is there so much pain?"i admit, i really don't like anything blink182 post enema of the state, but this song is the only exception because it actually sort of has a message

I spoke to Katie before she came to Birmingham for Secret Stages, but I had to check back in after she began this project. blink-182 was, after all, my favorite band when I was 16. We talked about how it all happened and what her plans are for the project. You can donate to the gofundme here and you can check out a great selection of merch here.

Title: "Unmasking the Haunting Depth of 'Stay Together for the Kids' by Blink-182"Introduction:Blink-182's song "Stay Together for the Kids" encapsulates the haunting reality of a broken family and the desperate attempt to hold it together for the sake of their children. The track delves into the emotional turmoil experienced by family members trapped in a dysfunctional household. Through poignant lyrics, the song explores themes of confusion, sacrifice, resentment, and the enduring impact of unresolved issues. Let's dive into the heart-wrenching lyrics and unravel the unexpected themes that contribute to the overall message.1. "It's hard to wake up, when the shades have been pulled shut."This opening line immediately sets the tone for the song, expressing the suffocating atmosphere within the household. The darkened room signifies the emotional weight that hangs heavy upon every family member. The theme of a lack of communication and the inability to face reality emerges, establishing the groundwork for the song's exploration of relationships.2. "So here's your holiday, hope you enjoy it this time."The lyric hints at the concept of escapism, as the family tries to create temporary moments of joy, perhaps to mask the underlying pain. It highlights the tragic irony of pretending everything is fine during holidays or special occasions, only to return to the same unresolved issues afterward. This theme suggests that trying to find happiness through fleeting distractions only exacerbates the reality waiting at home.3. "Their anger hurts my ears, been running strong for seven years."These lines delve into the deteriorating family dynamic and highlight the lasting impact unresolved issues can have on everyone involved. Anger lingers within the household, morphing into emotional pain that becomes almost unbearable. The persistence of these negative emotions hints at the destructive power of unresolved conflict, suggesting that addressing the root causes of anger is crucial for healing and growth.4. "If this is what he wants and it's what she wants, then why's there so much pain?"This lyric raises the theme of expectations and societal pressures. It questions the conventional notion of staying in an unhappy relationship solely for the sake of the children. By challenging the assumptions surrounding the phrase "staying together for the kids," the song encourages introspection and prompts the exploration of alternative paths to happiness.5. "Twenty years now lost."These words convey the immense sadness and regret felt by the narrator, reflecting the profound impact an unstable family can have on their life trajectory. Here, the theme of lost time emerges, emphasizing the irreplaceable moments that could have been spent building genuine connections, rather than enduring a toxic environment. It underscores the importance of addressing issues and fostering healthy relationships to prevent a lifetime of regret.Conclusion:Through the deeply introspective lyrics of "Stay Together for the Kids," Blink-182 offers a haunting depiction of a broken family gradually unraveling. The unexpected and imaginative themes explored in each carefully crafted lyric magnify the overarching theme of lost connections, sacrifice, and the emotional toll of unresolved conflicts. The song serves as a powerful reminder to confront and heal these issues, promoting the importance of fostering healthier, happier environments for the sake of both the children and the adults involved. Ultimately, it encourages listeners to reflect on their own relationships and strive for open communication and genuine happiness. e24fc04721

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