Zatoichi (, Zatichi) (released in the US as The Blind Swordsman: Zatoichi) is a 2003 Japanese Jidaigeki action film, directed, written, co-edited by and starring Takeshi Kitano ("Beat" Takeshi) in his 11th directorial venture.[2] Kitano plays the role of the blind swordsman.

The film's plot follows a traditional theme, with Zatoichi (a blind swordsman) coming to the defense of townspeople caught up in a local yakuza gang war and being forced to pay excessive amounts of protection money. Meanwhile, Zatoichi befriends a local farmer and her gambler nephew and eventually offers his assistance to two geisha siblings (one of whom is actually a man) who are seeking revenge for the murder of their parents. The siblings are the only survivors of a robbery and massacre that was carried out on their family estate ten years ago. They soon discover the people responsible for the murders are the same yakuza wreaking havoc on the small town.

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After slicing his way through an army of henchmen with his sword, Zatoichi defeats the yakuza's bodyguard, a powerful rnin, in a duel. Zatoichi later wanders into town and confronts the yakuza bosses, killing the second-in-command and blinding the elderly yakuza boss (who had been masquerading as a bumbling old waiter up until this point) after surprising him by opening his eyes. The film ends with a dance number led by noted Japanese tap dance troupe The Stripes, and Zatoichi walking down a trail and tripping over a rock, saying: "Even with my eyes wide open, I can't see anything."

The film follows Nick Parker (Hauer), a blind, sword-wielding Vietnam War veteran, who returns to the United States and befriends the son of an old friend. Parker decides to help the boy find his father, who has been kidnapped by a major crime syndicate.

While serving in Vietnam, American soldier Nick Parker was blinded by a mortar explosion. Rescued by local villagers, he recovered his health and, though he remains blind, was trained to master his other senses and be an expert swordsman.

Knowing it is an ambush, Nick and Frank arm themselves with homemade napalm bombs. After killing all of MacCready's men, they find MacCready holding Billy and Annie at gunpoint. MacCready hired a Japanese assassin to kill Nick, but after an epic swordfight between the two, Nick wins by electrocuting the assassin in a hot tub. Slag shoots Nick in the shoulder and Nick throws his sword at Slag, impaling him. MacCready then tries to interfere only to be stopped by Frank. Billy escapes his rope and throws Nick's sword to him, but it lands in the hot tub. As Slag reaches for his gun, Nick grabs hold of the assassin's sword and slashes him, cutting him in half and causing him to fall out of a window.

Hauer calls Blind Fury one of his "most difficult jobs" because of the combination of swordplay with playing a blind man; and Hauer spent a month training with Lynn Manning whose first words to him were "I don't get confused about what I see ...".[5]

Reviewer Ian Jane of DVD Talk wrote, "Hauer does a commendable job in the lead and is reasonably convincing as a blind man. Like its Japanese predecessors, there is some humor interjected into the storyline that is handled well without becoming overbearing or taking over the action sequences."[7]

In Tokugawa-era Japan, blind, wandering masseur and master swordsman Zatoichi (Takeshi Kitano) takes up with a lone farmer, O-ume (Michiyo Okusu) and her gambling nephew Shinkichi (Gadarukanaru Taka), who live at the outskirts of a town in the midst of a conflict between opposing yakuza factions fighting for control of the gambling racket. At the same time, the Naruto siblings, one a geisha, Okinu (Yuko Daike), the other an onnagata Osei/Seitaro (Daigoro Tachibana, a real-life, classically trained Japanese onnagate, or female impersonator, actor, and recording artist), who are seeking to avenge themselves on the murderers of their parents, a gang of bandits including Boss Ogi (Saburo Ishikura) and Boss Ginzo (Ittoku Kishibi), two of the local yakuza oyabun. When another expert swordsman, yojimbo Hattori Gennosuke (Tadanobu Asano), who takes muscle jobs to support his ailing wife (Yui Natsukawa), sings on with the yakuza, it becomes inevitable that he and Zatoichi will cross swords.

A curved sword with a clear blade.

Widely known along with the courage of the dull-gold knight, Selen Vinland, it is one of Vinland's treasures.

The blade is illusory, and light as a feather. It can pass through a shield's defences.

A sword that ignores shields, it does normal damage to players even when they have their shields up.

At max stats the Blind has 210 Physical Attack. However, be aware of the Blind's low durability rating of 50 points.

I have sparred quite a bit using the reverse grip and the largest advantage that i have seen is defensive. blocks become very quick and some are easier to perform with the reverse grip, the disadvantage is that you lose reach and power. if you practice a style that uses two swords at the same time you can take advantage of this fact by using the reverse grip on your off hand. this allows you too have a stronger and faster defense without sacrificing reach or power.

Another advantage of using this technique would be for fighting multiple opponents (so not for martial arts competitions) since it allows quick reach to anything standing behind you.

By wielding one or both sword(s) backward, you might reduce the maneuverability right in front of you (compensated by the fact that you actually see there) but you give yourself pretty much 360 degree offense and defense capacity on a short range.

Kitano, who acts under the name Beat Takeshi, has played mostly modern tough guys, but here he ventures back to the 19th century to step into the shoes of Zatoichi, a blind swordsman who was the hero in one of the two most popular movies series in Japanese history. Zatoichi was always played by Shintaro Katsu, who appeared in 26 of these films before his death in 1989. (Toro-San, a sort of Japanese Jerry Lewis, was played by Kiyoshi Atsumi in no less than 48 films between 1969 and 1995.)

Kitano playing Zatoichi is a little like Clint Eastwood playing Hopalong Cassidy; the star brings along a powerful persona that redefines the pop superficiality of his character. He poses as a humble wandering blind masseur whose hearing and instinct are so razor-sharp that he knows better what is going on around him than those who are limited to sight. He walks with a slight stoop, sometimes smiles or laughs to himself, carries his head cocked to one side, never seems tense or coiled, and then in an instant his cane-sword has found its target.

In its broadest outlines, "Zatoichi" is a revenge drama. The blind swordsman encounters on his travels two sisters (one actually a transvestite) who work as geishas at a wayside rest station. They were orphaned when their parents were killed by the merciless Ginzo gang, which shakes down small merchants. Zatoichi learns about their story, and although he never declares his intention to do anything, eventually the gang's retainers begin to die while trying to kill him. Finally all comes down to a duel between Zatoichi and the crime boss' high-priced bodyguard Hattori (Tadanobu Asano), a warrior of fierce talents.

This plot, however conventional it may sound, plays quite differently in Kitano's hands because of his acute and distinctive style of pace and timing. Not for him the 10-minute Hong Kong-style martial arts extravaganzas. In one scene set in a stony wasteland, Zatoichi is attacked by eight enemies, kills them one after another with almost blinding speed, and leaves the gray stones splashed with red blood, in what is, apart from anything else, a rather effective abstract color pattern.

Zatoichi is hardly on screen every moment, or even in every scene. The movie devotes full time to the Ginzo boss (Ittoku Kishibe) and his auditions for a bodyguard, and establishes Aunt O-Ume (Michiyo Ogusu), who befriends the two geishas, O-Kinu (Yuko Daike) and O-Sei (the transvestite Daigoro Tachibana). We get a sense of village life, of gossip and speculation, of keen interest in this curious blind masseur.

The Blind Swordsman is a master swordsman who, in legend, was bestowed a curved blade patterned after flowing water by a fairy.[1][2] This fairy is depicted as a dancer in blue, however the Blind Swordsman himself is also believed to have been garbed in blue.[2] With this blade in hand, the Swordsman sealed away an ancient god that was Rot itself.[1] The divine essence of an Outer God is sealed away in the Lake of Rot in the Ainsel River below Liurnia of the Lakes.[3]

At some point in history, the Blind Swordsman with his flowing sword encountered Malenia, Blade of Miquella and became her mentor. Despite being born into the accursed rot, she gained wings of unparalleled strength.[4]

Because of his blindness, his other senses are more finely attuned. His keen ears, sense of smell, sensory perception and his wits in a fight, combined with his incredible lightning-fast sword skills make him a formidable adversary. In addition to his sword skills, he also has a fondness for gambling on dice games where, once again, his other senses make up for his inability to see. He wins large amounts of money by his ability to identify whether the dice have fallen on even or odd, and the ability to identify loaded or substituted dice by the difference in their sound.

They hold their staff (or other weapon) like they know what they're doing, but since they're completely without sight surely they aren't that dangerous, right? Wrong. The Blind Weaponmasters are some of the most deadly adversaries a character can face. In possession of supernatural senses born from blindness or just Badass Normal enough to compensate for the weaponmaster's loss with other natural senses, the Blind Weaponmaster will surprise any overconfident character and make heroes push their skill to its limits. A blind weaponmaster may invoke Your Eyes Can Deceive You by fighting in a visibly challenging location such as fog or total darkness which would even out the drawback or even reverse it on the weaponmaster's opponent instead. The Blind Weaponmaster's weapon of choice is stereotypically a staff, but other blunt weapons have been used as well. Blades are rare but not unheard of. e24fc04721

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