I don't see any issues with the popups in the map itself, but the dark theme adds this black background that I don't like. I'm assuming this was introduced (accidentally or not) from the update because the popups did not look like this yesterday. Does anyone know of a setting that can change the background to be transparent or match the rest of the popup frame? See attached image.

I agree. The old dark mode colors matched the rest of my theme perfectly, not to mention it blended right in with DarkReader. Now with this blue tone, it sticks out like a sore thumb. Please bring back the old dark mode colors and make this new one a separate theme.

Download Black Theme

DOWNLOAD šŸ”„ https://bytlly.com/2y3idH šŸ”„

Hey all, I have been trying to get the unraid dark theme to work, like I have seen in several videos, but for me the top bar seems to turn white?

I also liked the colorscheme of the gray version, but I would prefer keeping the original top bar instead of having it set to the side.

I am just getting used to unraid and finally being able to find some things, it's kind of annoying having lost track of everything again already

I can only find dark and light theme on anki desktop.

Ankidroid has four themes Light, Plain, Dark and Black. I use Black theme on Amoled screen.

When I view cards on desktop it does not feel consistent.

Please include Black theme or guide me to setting if it already has.

Im currently browsing native apple apps like reminders, notes, find my and also others like notion, todoist, goodtask and, well, others and all of them has more grayish background than current dark theme.

Also im using darcula themes in intellij idea and android studio which are also grayish like.

The default theme in Lubuntu has light themes (Bright and White), though I prefer a dark theme (With greyish and blackish background, and white text) as that kind of theme is good for my eyes (strains less!!).

To access the graphical user interface, click on the Menu button > Preferences > LXQt settings > Openbox settings > Theme. Move your mouse pointer to the pane on the right hand side and scroll up/down to select the theme of your choice. The appearance of the top bar dynamically changes to reflect the theme. I've chosen Lubuntu Arc. Clicking Close will enforce the selected theme.

for the 2-3 years that i'm using this app i just realized that the settings default theme on my phone it's not like in the photo on the playstore which i think was the option that they are using for the screenshot.

No idea why your background colour is changing with different Settings pages. On mine, all of the setting screens are consistently the same colour scheme (depending on the mode enabled). Note that the dark theme is not 100% pure black anyway (RGB 0,0,0) but it is a subtle very dark grey with a medium tone blue highlight colour. Is there a screen brightness or colour optimisation option on your device that might be making the dark grey (and blue) look lighter?

Yeah, I have noticed some strange acting of the settings menu as well, the accent color completely hides the text in the settings menu after bixby routines switch to light theme, so I have to play with it until it (somehow) fixes itself, it's just a quick fix though and it won't stay that way. In dark theme there's no issues. I did not care about that too much.

so if the default option means that it just follows the theme of the phone, why when i choose the dark theme on my phone with the default theme in Poweramp it shows this night blue color and when i choose the dark theme directly in Poweramp shows a grey background? it's really weird, like if the settings default theme (when my phone is in dark theme) and dark theme are different.

With Eclipse 2020-09 as well as 2020-12, the Eclipse dark themes have a problem on my Windows 10 machine: Selected entries in many tables and dialogues, e.g., variables in the debug perspective, are black on dark. Ironically, it also shows in the "Colors and Fonts" selection dialogue:

Unfortunately, I cannot seem to find the relevant setting. Changing the theme to something light and back to dark has not helped, neither has setting "Force Colors", nor uninstalling and reinstalling DevStyle.I have also tried removing the workspace .metadata and the projects' .project, .settings and .classpath and setting it up again from scratch (but in vain).

The OS on the machine in question is a Windows 10 Pro, up to date, as Windows claims. I have set the theme to a pre-defined one ("Flowers"). I have switched to the theme "Windows", but that did not change the behaviour (at least of an existing installation).I also ...

I like working with dark theme so I looked for settings and changed my CCS editor to dark theme as well. Everything is working well, except for object selection and coloring, the setting for which I could not find. Essentially, what happens is when I hover over and click on some object, that object and all its occurrences get highlighted with whitish gray background - which makes the text difficult read. I went over advanced coloring settings in preferences and looked for all options, including coloring and highlighting. But I didn't have any luck finding the setting to change color scheme for highlighting the selected text and all its occurrences. I have attached a snippet to show the issue.

Hi guys,

I want to know how to set a dark background for Cinnamon windows and menus (instead of the white default).

The theme choosing offer a poor choice regarding this setting (few themes are dark but often ugly and outdated): I really like Numix, but it doesn't change windows background.

However, since I've used Gnome with the dark theme (obtained with its own tweak tool), when I decided to return to Cinnamon (and forgot to delete some Gnome configurations), I've found "the solution": indeed I've obtained a "Numix dark" style.

I love this games because this is the most fantastic and enjoy to play, one of the best pokemon online in the world like i imagine when i was child and became come true and then now I decided to create theme that i dream of. I have taken inspiration from the default theme, ABDG (A Better Default Gui), Wild Berry, gen 5 and gen 8 then created a theme that looks like this transparent clear and simple look makes your eyes comfortable to play this game for a long time

Hi, I would like to know if you could update about GTL and Pokedex, I recommended this theme to several of my friends, and they loved it, but said they hated this Pokedex and GTS Blues, they all thought it would be better if in the next update these colors were changed maybe to a darker Panel or Black, but apart from that I loved this theme and use it since the day I found it, I would like you to take a look at the Modifications that my friends made.

For those who are writing about Options and General Settings, you haven't read the question properly. You're offering application theme ideas. The OP is asking for the cells themselves to be dark mode.

I have managed to get my Excel, Word and Notepad to all show light gray background by default by changing the Windows Theme, which works well for me. I have windows 10 and Office 2016 and have been struggling with this for a long time. I had to create a new theme and change the Window Color to gray.

There is a dark theme included in Audacity 2.3.3. See: Themes - Audacity Manual

The theme file for the first post in this topic appears to have been removed. We have no control of content on third party sites.

Do you guys think that there would be an interest from the audacity users if we try to create an unofficial repository of themes? Maybe in Github as well? So having a repository we can become more organized and help new users create their own skins as well.

At some application the font is black and ignore the theme setting. Even I have sent the color to white.

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But in a huge number of programs the font is white.

A friend of me, with does use sway and plasma-settings, has test Anki, too and have the same issue.

Maybe this is only an issue of Anki or the qt python library?

The Anki light theme is not even a light theme, it does also use the system theme.

Regarding Anki, I just installed it and can confirm the dark font on dark background.

However, change in Anki Menu > Tools > Preferences > Basic > Theme: Dark and it has a dark theme. It runs on Qt6 so the looks is slightly different, well because of Qt6.

For other applications please also check in application preferences whether you have an option to set a different theme.

Anki started in terminal:

Bear in mind that HeidiSQL is most likely a native app, whereas themeable apps are mostly webtech-based apps, or applications with a diabolical amount of development capacity behind them. In a native app, it's surpisingly difficult to apply custom theming. ff782bc1db

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