Recently pieces of black nasty sticky foam like material has been falling out of the back of the front driver seat. It is making a huge mess on the carpet and if you try to pick it up, it feels like grease but the appearance is a foam like substance. When I reached up under the inside of the seat back I found big chunks of this stuff that just fell into my hands.

IMG_0222.JPG30244032 2.91 MB

I have a bug question. Yesterday when I was cleaning out my wood turtles cage I found six little black beetles or at least they look like beetles. I have Reptile bark, cypress mulch and hay in their tank for bedding. I get all the bedding supplies from the pet store. They seamed to come out from under they kitty litter pan I use for their pool. What in the heck are these things? They are about 2 inches big and black. I clean out there tanks every two weeks and this is the second time I found them. I bought the bedding from a different store and have the same bug problem.

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Remarks: Black Nasty or Haitian Cichlids (Nandopsis haitiensis) are large cichlids that inhabit rivers in, naturally, Haiti. They have a highly contrasted body color of intense black and blinding white scales. As with many Central American cichlids, these can be susceptible to bloating if fed too much.

Have you ever turned on a whirlpool and seen a bunch of nasty black gunk shoot out of the jets? I've heard it's either mold or some kind of bacteria that feeds off dead skin cells. Personally, I don't care what the stuff is - it's gross no matter what. If the water in the circulation piping sits stagnant for a while, there's a good chance that this black gunk will start growing; it can take as little as a month for this to happen.

To prevent this black gunk from accumulating in your whirlpool, you're supposed to clean it at least monthly, depending upon the manufacturer. Pretty crazy, huh? Here's what a few of the larger manufacturers say:

If you're planning to sell your home and you have a whirlpool tub, take the time to clean the system out, especially if you never use it. If a bunch of black gunk comes out of the jets when the home inspector tests the system in front of the buyers, they're really going to be grossed out with your bathroom.

Now, the Missouri Farm Bureau will oversee the federal program in the state to allow farmers to kill some of the black vultures, despite their protection as migratory birds. The bureau will issue sub-permits to farmers based on the number of vultures in the area, how many livestock animals have been killed and how the county ranks in livestock production.

The Haitian cichlid is a large very beautiful cichlid that originated on Haiti where it can be found in rivers and lakes. This species is also known as "black nasty" which tells you something about its temperament. It is widely regarded as one of the most aggressive cichlids in the world and is often more aggressive than Jaguar and Dovii cichlids. The Haitian cichlid is often kept as a solitary fish but it will not come to its full glory unless kept with other equally large and aggressive fish. Doing this will however require a very large aquarium and might not be an option for everyone. 


 Some specimens of this species are extremely aggressive and will kill almost anything else that you put in the aquarium with them, even if the new tank mate is twice or sometimes even three times their own size. They can for instance end up killing jags and dovii cichlids twice their size. This extreme aggression can to a certain degree be reduced by decorating the aquarium correctly with hiding places and natural territorial borders.


 The Haitian cichlid is unfortunately somewhat rare in the trade as it is a fantastic fish for those who have the tanks to house it. 006ab0faaa

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