Resilio Sync (formerly BitTorrent Sync) by Resilio, Inc. is a proprietary peer-to-peer file synchronization tool available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Amazon Kindle Fire and BSD. It can sync files between devices on a local network, or between remote devices over the Internet via a modified version of the BitTorrent protocol.

On 5 November 2013, BitTorrent announced the release of BitTorrent Sync Beta API and version 1.2 of the client, along with the milestone, having over 1 million monthly active users synced over 30 petabytes of data to date.[9]

Download Bittorrent Sync


Resilio Sync synchronizes files using BitTorrent.[19] The user's data is stored on the user's local device instead of in a "cloud", therefore requiring at least two user devices, or "nodes," to be online to synchronize files between them. Resilio Sync encrypts data with an Advanced Encryption Standard AES-128 key in counter mode which may either be randomly generated or set by the user. This key is derived from a "secret" which can be shared to other users to share data. Data is sent between devices directly unless the target device is unreachable (e.g. behind a firewall), in which case the data will first be relayed via an intermediary node. Many devices can be connected simultaneously and files shared between them in a mesh networking topology.

I am in Ubuntu 12.04 (precise) 64bit and downloaded the btsync executable from but running it doesn't seem to have any effect. Double-clicking the executable does nothing, and running ./btsync in the terminal also exits immediately without any output.

Does anyone have a guide to install this?

Or is there another good solution to sync multiple computers to different folders, also android phones?

Since alot of pictures is taken by the phone a good backup/sync is needed.

And at the end when i do: sudo service btsync start

It says "Starting btsync: Error while opening config file /media/B0407D3D407D0AFC/Brukere//FrodeH/.btsync


Not sure if it's the double // that is wrong. Or does i use the wrong username. FrodeH is one of the users on OMW.

I followed every step in the guide. The only thing i made different was editing the username in btsync from 




Just a small heads up. I'm running btsync fine here but I'm still unable to hook it to an unpriviliged user despite it should be supported out of the box. I need to do some more digging or ask over at the btsync forum.

Do you mean that this file should only log the files I have chosen to sync? If so, it doesn't. It actually logs every single file and folder that so much as appears on my screen in Windows, even with BitTorrent Sync totally shut down or even uninstalled completely. If you mean it logs every single file/folder where the option to sync is added to the right-click menu, then that's a potential privacy issue, as, from what I can see, by default, that's everything that so much as is displayed on-screen, and it doesn't give people confidence that you respect their privacy when a bit of your software logs this, even if that logfile does nothing more than sit on the hard drive steadily getting bigger.

Here is the funny part: If one deletes all the files mentionend (cache, preferences, app support...) inclusive "sync finder extension" in ~/Library/Containers but not itself then the "sync finder extension" reappears in its container-folder and is loaded again after a restart.

The good thing is that BitTorrent Sync can sync and share large files without compressing them. Just install BitTorrent Sync on the devices you want to sync, choose the files you want to share and establish the key (secret), so only the recipient can see your files.

I have had syncthing running for a while now on my android phone and three embedded SBCs over different geographical areas. While it works exactly as advertised I think I will fully switch to resilio. My main reasons are as follows:

Is there a better android client for syncthing? The one I downloaded from FDroid is not that pretty. It was hard work adding a folder on Android. I did several trial and error and finally I was able to sync. Is there a tutorial on how to use this thing on Android?

Those three nodes will sync all the data. There will be several other nodes (laptops, other workstations, smart phones) that have separate sync profiles to sync only a subset of the files (Just pictures or music, or a folder specific to an individual (family member).

Other question: Is there any problem with my sync strategy? Ie. All data synced between three nodes and then smaller sync profiles to sync specific sub directories with "second level" nodes like laptops or phones? Possible case for sync conflict? Hypothetical: Location #1 which houses the primary server also has User #1 which has a laptop and smart phone. User #1 wants his Music files to sync to his laptop, phone, and server network but doesn't want all the pictures on his laptop or phone due to obvious storage space limitations. There is already a profile on the Primary Server to sync the root directory of the data drive but he sets up a second profile to share the Music directory (sub folder of the Root profile) to share it to his Laptop and Phone. Will any issue arise?

PS. I'm aware that just as RAID isn't a backup solution on it's own neither is BitTorrent sync. A corrupted or deleted file (be it by a virus or user it doesn't matter) will propagate across all nodes as well. Just at a slower speed than RAID. So unless an error was detected quickly enough to take a node offline it would still sync. I will be using a second service (such as Crashplan or similar) to make a regular incremental backup from one of the 3 main nodes to a second HDD in one of the other three nodes so that there is a true offsite backup of the data.

Other question: Is there any problem with my sync strategy? Ie. All data synced between three nodes and then smaller sync profiles to sync specific sub directories with "second level" nodes like laptops or phones? Possible case for sync conflict?

As soon as you share a (new) folder with btsync, you have what is called a degraded RAID-1 array. Think the folder is the single disk above. As soon as another instance of btsync connects to that folder (that is, you run btsync on another computer and add a folder for the key you shared on the first one) that turns the pair of folders into a logical RAID-1 array. You can add new btsync that connect to the same share, that is you can increase the quorum of that share as much as you like (actually there a hardwired limit of 50 directly connected btsync instances).

In short, as soon as you have enough computers/nodes running btsync and joining the same share to match the quorum that fits your needs and synchronization is effective, you have a geographically distributed RAID array.

I recognize that RAID is not a back up solution but an availability and redundancy provider. It appears as if Sync falls into this same category. If I'm syncing two locations I feel that is a decent level of redundancy... But I guess it comes down to how reliable the redundancy is.

For the backup... if you mean revision of files (history of files, whole life of a file etc.), you should probably put a btsync node over a storage which can do near-CDP, like snapshots in ZFS. FreeNAS, for instance, has official support for btsync. A single FreeNAS node with btsync and a properly set snapshot task will remember for you the history of a file/folder. If THAT node will fail, you won't loose the current contents of the folders, because the quorum is still 2 (the other nodes), but you will loose the whole history of files. Unless you set another FreeNAS box to receive the snaphosts created on the first one: this second ZFS box won't need to run btsync (that is it will be just a slave node to keep the history and won't be part of the replication-set defined by btsync).

One little note. It looks like in your setup you are going to sync whole array of data, while smaller subsets of data will be synced from storage device to local endpoint devices (desktops, laptops, etc.).

Note, that if you are going to use Sync to deliver subsets of data to local endpoint devices, you are very likely going to use "Nested folders", i.e. sync folders inside other sync folders. Their usage is limited to read-write keys only, i.e. nested folders does not allow usage of RO key neither for parent nor for child. 006ab0faaa

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