Are you aware that some of the Bitnami Helm charts, such as bitnami/redis, are not compliant with CISA security guidelines?

In this article, I conducted a security test on the bitnami/redis Helm chart to demonstrate its issues:

i love the bitnami charts, now i'm at the point i want to write my own helm chart.

(Openshift UI for Kubernetes packaged as a helm chart)

I try to use the same structure and stuff as bitnami. I look for an "template" which i can start similar to the helm command 'helm create'. Is there something like this?At the moment i do a lot of copy of paste of other bitnami charts but this is kind of annoying.

s. Bitnami Common Library

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Relying on Helm to generate random credentials is the root of many issues when dealing with chart upgrades on stateful apps. However, this option is offered in Bitnami charts to improve the UX for developers.

Therefore, even if the containers are forcefully restarted after upgrading the chart, they will continue to reuse the persistent data that was created when the chart was first deployed. As a result, the persistent data and the Secret go out-of-sync with each other.

If a Helm Chart includes a Statefulset which uses VolumeClaimTemplates to generate new Persistent Volume Claims (PVCs) for each replica created, Helm does not track those PVCs. Therefore, when uninstalling a chart release with these characteristics, the PVCs (and associated Persistent Volumes) are not removed from the cluster. This a known limitation with Helm.

This issue appears when installing a new release. In other words, it happens before any data is added to the application. Therefore, it can be solved by simply uninstalling the chart, removing the existing PVCs and installing the chart again:

To address this challenge, Bitnami charts also support, as an alternative mechanism, using an initContainer to change the ownership of the volume before mounting it. Continuing the example above, resolve the issue using the commands below:

Friends, I want to deploy a helm chart of bitnami with a custom values.yaml using Terraform. Is this possible? While I was using only K8S and Helm, what I did was copying the values.yaml from the Bitnami repo, and changing what I needed and then run helm install mysql -f values.yaml bitnami/mysql. Now I have to deploy everything with terraform and I am wondering how I can do that. Do I have to clone the whole Bitnami repo and deploy it like the following?

and here you can find out how to specify a specific value, here they have shown mostly how to work with local charts(men's you should have the charts in your local file system and from terraform code you have to point to it, just like you given in the question.),

If you've deployed a Helm chart that depends on Postgres lately, you've likely found yourself coming across Bitnami's chart as a dependency (or even just being used to deploy Postgres itself!). This has been very useful for others to standardize on and allows us all to spin up a Postgres instance quickly. However, I've found myself on the wrong end of this chart a handful of times in the past as I am generally looking to run things on top of OpenShift. Because of the security defaults present on OpenShift, some of the default settings of this chart cause the deployment to fail and you end up finding yourself looking at an error that looks like this:

Once this is done, we can create our own my-values.yaml with the above values. This will allow us to override what is provided by the Bitnami chart defaults. After we have this saved to our file, we can run things into our cluster with the following:

And just like that, we have a functional Postgres instance that we're able to interact with. Hopefully this was helpful to you and will help you in the future with other charts that act in a similar manner! If you run into any issues or see any issue with what is noted above, feel free to reach out!


About halfway through this article, I noticed that this was really rooted in a documentation error and only hits folks like myself who don't venture away from the terminal too much. If you look at the README for this chart (which I believe also feeds the ArtifactHub landing page), you'll see a note that says that this additional securityContext settings needs set to false. I've updated the article to call this out in the appropriate places.

I'm currently working on deploying Elasticsearch (ES) and Kibana using the Bitnami Helm chart, and I've successfully enabled the cluster with Ingress. Now, I'm looking to enhance the security of my Elasticsearch cluster by configuring SSL and X-Pack security.

we have deployed matomo using bitnami helm charts. Its working fine when it is utilizing internal mariadb or mysql deployed on cluster but when we trying to connect to external db its giving below error.

Helm charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes application. Helm itself is a tool that manages the services running in your Kubernetes cluster. The charts are a collection of files that describe a related set of Kubernetes resources. A single chart might be used to deploy something simple, like a memcached pod, or something complex, like a full web app stack with HTTP servers, databases, caches, and so on. (Source.)

The Service Bindings-supported Bitnami Helm charts along with other popular Bitnami-packaged open source images are available in VMware Application Catalog, an enterprise-grade version of Bitnami Application Catalog, which augments Bitnami capabilities and delivers them to enterprises. If you are interested in learning more about VMware Application Catalog and how it is different from Bitnami Application Catalog, sign up for our live webinar on May 2, 2023.

When switching from our current Atlas production cluster (M30) to the new self-hosted one, we experienced that the new cluster was very slow compared to the old one (a factor 20). What can we do to improve on this?

Things we talked about:

Use a premium storage class instead of default (an SSD)

Use designated node-pool instead of one shared with other pods

We have about 22k users minimum 40 active at the same time and maximum 500 - we want this to scale in the future. What can we do? Someone mentioned using an XFS disk? Other improvements to a production environment using the Bitnami Helm chart?

Bitnami Charts offer a convenient way to deploy Matomo, a powerful open-source analytics platform, on Kubernetes clusters. These Helm charts simplify the process of configuring and managing Matomo instances, making it accessible even for those with limited Kubernetes experience.

Deploying Matomo analytics on Kubernetes can be streamlined using Bitnami Helm charts. Helm, a package manager for Kubernetes, simplifies the deployment and management of applications. The Bitnami Helm chart for Matomo encapsulates best practices and provides a reproducible method for installing Matomo on a Kubernetes cluster.

Securing your Matomo analytics platform on Kubernetes involves leveraging Bitnami Helm charts for a reliable and scalable deployment. Here's how to enhance the security and stability of your Matomo instance:

When working with Bitnami Matomo charts, users may encounter various issues that can hinder their analytics experience. This section provides solutions to common problems, ensuring a smoother operation of Matomo on your Bitnami stack.

ProblemI would like to use Bitnami Helm chart to deploy a Redis Stack server. However, Bitnami only supports Redis OSS and not Redis Stack, which includes the redis modules that we need. So, the question is has anyone figured out a way to deploy Redis Stack server using a Helm chart?

Because Bitnami is hosting so many helm charts and versions being added almost every day, the index grows significantly over time and the one-liner fix is not enough anymore. I decided to just host the index file using our own Github repo and just include the chart and version that we need, that is, the mongodb helm chart v11.1.10.

We are trying to set bitnami/SonarQube by using Kubernetes. Only Community Edition comes as the default option during the installation phase, but we want to use Enterprise Edition. We know that we can change our license on Administration/Marketplace page, but we do not have Internet connection on our devices (closed network). Therefore, how can we set SonarQube Enterprise Edition in this situation. Could you please help us?

Helm charts serve as a package manager for Kubernetes, facilitating the definition, installation, and upgrade of Kubernetes applications. One of the most important components of most Helm charts is dependencies. Instead of writing all configurations from scratch, you can use pre-existing charts as dependencies to extend the functionality of a new chart.

Helm chart dependencies are other charts that a Helm chart relies on to function correctly. These dependencies are specified in the chart directory's requirements.yaml file, which lists the chart name, version, and repository URL that the main chart requires.

Updating dependencies is also possible by using the helm dependency update command, which downloads the latest version of each dependency and updates the Chart.lock file accordingly. This ensures that the chart is current and all dependencies are compatible with one another.

How do we get that address? Well, in our case, we looked up a chart on the Artifact Hub website and ended up choosing this as a proper candidate. We can see there that the command to add this repository to Helm is:

This is a good way to make sure we pull the latest chart version with a certain feature set that is currently compatible with our parent chart. Versions 9.4 and 9.5 might introduce feature changes that make them incompatible with the current parent chart.

All in all, it was pretty easy to add our MariaDB dependency. But the job is not done, though. This just tells Helm about the dependency charts, but the dependency charts themselves are still missing from our project. Fortunately, there is a simple command that makes Helm look at our dependency list (in Chart.yaml) and automatically pull in all of the required charts (their files): 2351a5e196

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