The game's setting is the Pacific Ocean theater of World War II.[1] Gameplay consists of several varying stages in which the player must control various vehicles including warships and tanks in order to defeat an enemy fleet, break through enemy beach defences and destroy an enormous gun-emplacement to win the game. The gun emplacement requires multiple hits to be destroyed, but traverses faster than tanks can aim and fire, so it cannot be destroyed in a single attempt. In order to complete the game multiple tanks must make it through to the final level.

A beachhead is a temporary line created when a military unit reaches a landing beach by sea and begins to defend the area as other reinforcements arrive. Once a large enough unit is assembled, the invading force can begin advancing inland. The term is sometimes used interchangeably (both correctly and incorrectly) with bridgehead and lodgement. Beachheads were important in many military actions; examples include operations such as Operation Neptune during World War II, the Korean War (especially at Inchon), and the Vietnam War.

Download Beach Head 2002 64 Bit


Although many references state that Operation Neptune refers to the naval operations in support of Operation Overlord, the most reliable references make it clear that Overlord referred to the establishment of a large-scale lodgement in Normandy, and that Neptune referred to the landing phase which created the beachhead; Neptune was therefore the first part of Overlord. According to the D-Day Museum:

Once an amphibious assault starts, victory tends to go to the side which can reinforce the beachhead most quickly. Occasionally, the amphibious forces do not expand their beachheads quickly enough to create a lodgement area before the defenders can reinforce their positions; in these cases, the defending forces tend to be victorious. This is exemplified by the landing at Suvla Bay in the Gallipoli Campaign during World War I and the amphibious landing at Anzio (during Operation Shingle) as part of the Italian Campaign of World War II.

The BH2000.exe will call two target: 

+ the Bh.exe is the main menu

+ the beachhead15.exe (256 colors) and beachhead16.exe (16bit colors) is the campaign mode. If click on those file and run directly, it start in windowed mode already (!!!) but stuck in top left of screen. 

Regardless, I can see why Dxwnd had a trouble to hook a game that calling multiple target.

Yes, I noticed that. I believe that beachhead15/16.exe don't start in windowed mode, but simply it expects that the screen mode was already set by its father BH2000.exe or brother Bh.exe.

By the way, Avast found beachhead15.exe (and not beachhead16.exe) infected by malware gen on Win7 and not on Win10. Likely it is a false positive, but I'm just telling you.

The problem with this game is its splitted logic: if you check the running processes or simply look at the calls within each module, Iyou can see the folllowing:

- bh2000.exe is an invisible and mute frontend. Its purpose is to run, in turn either BH.exe or one of the twin programs beachhead\beachhead15.exe or beachhead\beachhead16.exe

- bh.exe is the program that show the game main menu and some intro stuff, options and everything is NOT 3D. It also checks the video modes and sets a 640x480 resolution with either 15 or 16 BPP color depth. When it terminates, it tells its father bh2000.exe the chosen action through the exit code

- beachhead15.exe and beachhead16.exe are the actual 3D gun engines for 15BPP and 16BPP video modes respectively.

So, the current situation is that I got a valid DxWnd configuration for bh2000.exe and beachhead\beachhead16.exe, so that I can separately run a useless menu and a new game. All these configurations, though, require DLL injection.

To make the whole stuff working there is the need to hook the invisible bh2000.exe and make it propagate the DLL injection to its son, a thing that in theory should work, but so far the hooked bh2000.exe refuses to work.

BH2002 run even more comfortably. The BH2 window is centered on the screen, definitely a step up from beachhead16 window. But HELL, that super "annoying" BH2002.exe and bh2.ews is very CPU-hungry that getting usage 100% all the time!!! I feel sad for my PC, it is so slow like a turtle.

Not only the beachhead16 window fail to centered, it also "seem" to bypass Dxwnd and change my screen mode to 32bits and 60Hz. I did not notice at first because the resolution still keep at 1024x768.

Here came the .log


No way, even the the "no-cd" beachhead16.exe could not cure this problem. Meanwhile the BH2.exe from BH2002 still keep the screen mode. We can exclude the obfuscated case and try to look into the .log file.

Update 2

Case closed, I patched the function ChangeDisplaySettingsA on the file "bh.exe" and the child process beachhead16.exe doesn't change my screen mode anymore. This is the same problem with T-Zwei.

Thanks to this thread I got BeachHead2000 smoothly working on Win10. Extract the files in the zip to the Beachhead 2000 folder and run the batch file (or run bh2000.exe manually after running dxwnd and keeping it open) to have a smooth full screen experience no matter your monitor's resolution.

Quick recap: the game is tough because it involves 4 executable files, each one with different purposes and needs. My suggestion is to bypass some initial menu stuff and hook directly the files beachhead16.exe or beachhead15.exe (I suppose for RGB565 and RGB555 color format) that are inside the beachhead subfolder.

Tested & working on Win7, using the fine class RIP, but probably things on Win10+ won't be so easy. My rough configurations here in attach, hopefully I'll refine them a little better.

Using just the config for beachhead16, I was able to get beach head 2000 working just fine in Windows 10. I used dgvoodoo to hook the menu exe and DxWnd for beachhead16 exe. However I'm having an issue the ingame UI text.

Still struggling with DxWnd; however, Beach Head 2000 works fine (no UI issues) with DDrawCompat v0.4.0 alone:

* Copy the ddraw.dll and (attached) DDrawCompat.ini files to the main folder and to the beachhead subfolder

* Select "Run in 640 x 480 screen resolution" and "Reduced color mode: 16-bit (65536) color" under the Compatibility tab for BH2000.exe, then run it.

Beach HeadPersonal informationReal nameWayne R. SneedenGenderMaleBirthplaceAuburn, AlabamaAliasBeachhead, Beach-HeadMilitary informationService branchUS ArmyGrade / RankStaff Sergeant (E-6) later in comics Command Sergeant Major (E-9)SpecialtyRanger; Small-arms armorerTrainingRanger School; Covert Ops SchoolOrganizational informationFaction(s)G.I. Joe TeamSubteam(s)Night ForceMedia informationFirst comic appearanceSea DuelFirst cartoon appearanceArise, Serpentor, Arise! (Part 1)Beach Head's life is defined by patience, discipline and absolute dedication to the profession he has chosen. When Beach Head hits the ground running, he doesn't stop until he reaches his objective. An Airborne Ranger through and through, Beach Head rises before the sun and does a ten mile run before starting his regular PT sessions with the unit. A former instructor at the Ranger School at Ft. Benning Georgia and a former observer/adviser at the Covert Ops school in Central America., Beach Head is a highly motivated individual with a high pain threshold, a moderate temperament, and a low tolerance for under achievers and slackers.

Beachhead became part of the reinstated Joe team in 2002, where he acted as a drill sergeant for new recruits in addition to his usual duties as a Joe. After he rejoined the team, he helped stop Storm Shadow in his attempt to assassinate Hawk. Beachhead was later part of a convoy of vehicles escorting a group of young children who turned out to be clones of the original Serpentor.

When the revived Serpentor arrived to claim them with the forces of The Coil to back him, Beachhead and several others were captured, and some of the team's new recruits were killed. Imprisoned on Cobra Island, the Joes eventually escaped and joined the battle against Serpentor's forces as the Joe team invaded the island. He later fought Destro's new recruit, Wraith as the mercenary freed Major Bludd and Scrap-Iron from Blackwater Prison. A short time later, members of the Joe team fought Cobra forces that were drawn into an attack on a train guarded by the Joes, believing that Destro was being held prisoner on board. At the battle's end, Hawk was shot in the back by Cobra Commander and paralyzed.

In Hawk's absence, the Jugglers began to take control of the team to reign it in, if not disband it altogether. Eventually, the team's roster was cut down to only a dozen Joes, and Beachhead was one of many reassigned to other units. After the remaining Joes stopped a plot by Cobra to unleash the weapon known as the Tempest, and defeated a new threat, the Red Shadows, the military again disbanded the team.

He was also featured in issue #17 as he leads a team of new recruits on a very dangerous, very real mission in a war-torn, rioter-filled city. One of his men is wounded and Beachhead apparently orders the man abandoned. This leads to mistrust and hostility on the part of the other soldiers. It is later revealed that Beachhead knew the wounded man was not going to be killed, rather he would be taken to the police station, which was a mission objective. Beachhead and the others rescue their wounded comrade and attempt an escape. Beachhead himself is wounded and despite explicit orders to leave him behind, his men risk their lives to and successfully save him, and themselves.

There are times when the active members of the Elite team are on assignment or too far away to help in a crisis, which is where the reserves come into play. In Manhattan there is the threat of a biological agent being stolen from a top secret lab; The closest reserve members are Beachhead, Mercer, Low Light, Cover Girl, and Tunnel Rat. With Beachhead the acting team leader, they send Tunnel Rat in first since he knows the layout of the building the best; with him as their guide, they infiltrate the building. Beachhead sends the wisecracking Mercer to make certain the levels are secure, while Beachhead, Low Light, and Cover Girl head upstairs to handle the enemy. 006ab0faaa

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