Following the retirement of Betty S. Azar and her staff, shut down on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. The Site was to officially shut down on Saturday, October 31, 2020, although it remained operational until Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Since then parts of the site are operational.[8]

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CONTENTSPreface to the Third Edition xiAcknowledgment xvChapter 1Using BE1-1Noun 1 is 1 noun: singular 21-2Noun 1 are 1 noun: plural 41-3Pronoun 1 be 1 noun 71-4Contractions with be 81-5Negative with be 101-6Be 1 adjective 121-7Be 1 a place 181-8Summary: basic sentence patterns with be 21Chapter 2Using Be and Have2-1Yes/no questions with be 242-2Short answers to yes/no questions 252-3Questions with be: using where 282-4Using have and has 302-5Using my, your, his, her, our, their 332-6Using this and that 382-7Using these and those 402-8Asking questions with what and who 1 be 42Chapter 3Using the Simple Present3-1Form and basic meaning of the simple present tense 533-2Using frequency adverbs: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, rarely, never 563-3Other frequency expressions 583-4Using frequency adverbs with be 593-5Spelling and pronunciation of final -es 613-6Adding final -s/-es to words that end in -y 633-7Irregular singular verbs: has, does, goes 643-8Spelling and pronunciation of final -s/-es 663-9The simple present: negative 693-10The simple present: yes/no questions 743-11The simple present: asking information questions with where 783-12The simple present: asking information questions with when and what time 803-13Summary: information questions with be and do 82Chapter 4Using the Present Progressive4-1Be 1 -ing: the present progressive tense 924-2Spelling of -ing 974-3The present progressive: negatives 994-4The present progressive: questions 1024-5The simple present vs. the present progressive 1064-6Nonaction verbs not used in the present progressive 1114-7See, look at, watch, hear, and listen to 1144-8Think about and think that 117Chapter 5Talking About the Present5-1Using it to talk about time 1215-2Prepositions of time 1235-3Using it to talk about the weather 1255-4There 1 be 1285-5There 1 be: yes/no questions 1305-6There 1 be: asking questions with how many 1335-7Prepositions of place 1345-8Some prepositions of place: a list 1355-9Need and want 1 a noun or an infinitive 1435-10Would like 1465-11Would like vs. like 148Chapter 6Nouns and Pronouns6-1Nouns: subjects and objects 1586-2Adjective 1 noun 1616-3Subject pronouns and object pronouns 1646-4Nouns: singular and plural 1686-5Nouns: irregular plural forms 173Chapter 7Count and Noncount Nouns7-1Nouns: count and noncount 1817-2Using an vs. a 1837-3Using a/an vs. some 1857-4Measurements with noncount nouns 1917-5Using many, much, a few, a little 1957-6Using the 1997-7Using ? (no article) to make generalizations 2037-8Using some and any 205Chapter 8Expressing Past Time, Part 18-1Using be: past time 2138-2Past of be: negative 2148-3Past of be: questions 2168-4The simple past tense: using -ed 2218-5Past time words: yesterday, last, and ago 2258-6The simple past: irregular verbs (Group 1) 2278-7The simple past: negative 2318-8The simple past: yes/no questions 2348-9Irregular verbs (Group 2) 2388-10Irregular verbs (Group 3) 2418-11Irregular verbs (Group 4) 244Chapter 9Expressing Past Time, Part 29-1The simple past: using where, when, what time, and why 2529-2Questions with what 2579-3Questions with who 2609-4Irregular verbs (Group 5) 2649-5Irregular verbs (Group 6) 2669-6Irregular verbs (Group 7) 2699-7Before and after in time clauses 2739-8When in time clauses 2769-9The present progressive and the past progressive 2789-10Using while with the past progressive 2819-11While vs. when in past time clauses 2829-12Simple past vs. past progressive 284Chapter 10Expressing Future Time, Part 110-1Future time: using be going to 29410-2Using the present progressive to express future time 29910-3Words used for past time and future time 30110-4Using a couple of or a few with ago (past) and in (future) 30510-5Using today, tonight, and this 1 morning, afternoon, evening, week, month, year 30710-6Future time: using will 31010-7Asking questions with will 31210-8Verb summary: present, past, and future 31610-9Verb summary: forms of be 318Chapter 11Expressing Future Time, Part 211-1May/Might vs. will 32511-2Maybe (one word) vs. may be (two words) 32711-3Future time clauses with before, after, and when 33411-4Clauses with if 33611-5Expressing habitual present with time clauses and if-clauses 33911-6Using what 1 a form of do 342Chapter 12Modals, Part 1: Expressing Ability12-1Using can 35412-2Pronunciation of can and can't 35612-3Using can: questions 35712-4Using know how to 36012-5Using could: past of can 36212-6Using be able to 36512-7Using very and too 1 adjective 36812-8Using two, too, and to 37312-9More about prepositions: at and in for place 374Chapter 13Modals, Part 2: Advice, Necessity, Requests, Suggestions13-1Using should 37913-2Using have 1 infinitive (have to/has to) 38313-3Using must 38713-4Polite questions: may I, could I, and can I 39113-5Polite questions: could you and would you 39313-6Imperative sentences 39513-7Modal auxiliaries 39813-8Summary chart: modal axillaries and similar expressions 39913-9Using let's 402Chapter 14Nouns and Modifiers14-1Modifying nouns with adjectives and nouns 40514-2Word order of adjectives 41014-3Expressions of quantity: all of, most of, some of, almost all of 41514-4Expressions of quantity: subject-verb agreement 41714-5Expressions of quantity: one of, none of 41914-6Indefinite pronouns: nothing and no one 42314-7Indefinite pronouns: something, someone, anything, anyone 42414-8Using every 42614-9Linking verbs 1 adjectives 42814-10Adjectives and adverbs 431Chapter 15Possessives15-1Possessive nouns 43615-2Possessive: irregular plural nouns 43915-3Possessive pronouns: mine, yours, his, hers, ours, theirs 44215-4Questions with whose 446Chapter 16Making Comparisons16-1Comparisons: using the same (as), similar (to) and different from 44916-2Comparisons: using like and alike 45216-3The comparative: using -er and more 45416-4The superlative: using -est and most 46116-5Using one of 1 superlative 1 plural noun 46916-6Using but 47516-7Using verbs after but 47616-8Making comparisons with adverbs 480AppendixIrregular Verbs 487listening Script 489Answer Key 501Index INDEX 1Preface to theThird Edition Basic English Grammar is a beginning level ESL/EFL developmental skills text in which grammar serves as the springboard for expanding learners' abilities in speaking, writing, listening, and reading. It uses a grammar-based approach integrated with communicative methodologies. Starting from a foundation of understanding form and meaning, students engage in meaningful communication about real actions, real things, and their own real lives in the classroom context. Teaching grammar is the art of helping students look at how the language works and engaging them in activities that enhance language acquisition in all skill areas. The direct teaching of grammar to academically oriented adults and young adults is one component of a well-balanced program of second language instruction and can, much to students' benefit, be integrated into curricula that are otherwise content/context-based or task-based.This third edition has the same basic approach as earlier editions, with new material throughout. It hasstudent-friendly grammar charts with clear information that is easily understood by beginning students.numerous exercises to give students lots of practice.more illustrations to help students learn vocabulary, understand contexts, and engage in communicative language tasks.reorganized chapters with expanded practice for high-frequency structures.the option of a student text with or without an answer key in the back.In addition, the new edition has a greater variety of practice modes, includinggreatly increased speaking practice through extensive use of interactive pair and group work.the addition of numerous listening exercises, accompanied by an audio cd, with listening scripts included in the back of the book.more activities that provide real communication opportunities.A new Workbook accompanies the student text to provide additional self-study practice. A Test Bank is also available.How to Use This TextGRAMMAR CHARTSThe grammar charts present the target structure by way of example and explanation. Teachers can introduce this material in a variety of ways:a.Present the examples in the chart, perhaps highlighting them on the board. Add additional examples, relating them to students' experience as much as possible. For example, when presenting simple present tense, talk about what students do every day: come to school, study English, etc.b.Elicit target structures from students by asking questions. (For example, for simple past tense, ask: What did you do last night?) Proceed to selected examples in the chart.c.Instead of beginning with a chart, begin with the first exercise after the chart, and as you work through it with students, present the information in the chart or refer to examples in the chart.d.Assign a chart for homework; students bring questions to class. This works best with a more advanced class.e.Some charts have a preview exercise or pretest. Begin with these, and use them as a guide to decide what areas to focus on. When working through the chart, you can refer to the examples in these exercises. With all of the above, the explanations on the right side of the chart are most effective when recast by the teacher, not read word for word. Keep the discussion focus on the examples. Students by and large learn from examples and lots of practice, not from explanations. In the charts, the explanations focus attention on what students should be noticing in the examples and the exercises.FIRST EXERCISE AFTER A CHARTIn most cases, this exercise includes an example of each item shown in the chart. Students can do the exercise together as a class, and the teacher can refer to chart examples where necessary. More advanced classes can complete it as homework. The teacher can use this exercise as a guide to see how well students understand the basics of the target structure(s).SENTENCE PRACTICEThese exercises can be assigned as either oral or written practice, depending on the ability and needs of the class. Many of them can also be done as homework or seatwork.LET'S TALKEach "Let's Talk" activity is designated as one of the following: pairwork, small group, class activity, or interview. These exercises encourage students to talk about their ideas, their everyday lives, and the world around them. Examples for each are given so that students can easily transition into the activity, whether it be student- or teacher-led.LISTENING Listening exercises for both form and meaning give exposure to and practice with spoken English. Listening scripts for teacher use are in the back of the book. An audio CD also accompanies the text. Many of the exercises also introduce students to common features of reduced speech. Teachers may want to play or read aloud some listening scripts one time in their entirety before asking students to write, so they have some familiarity with the overall context. Other exercises can be done sentence by sentence.WRITING As students gain confidence in using the target structures, they are encouraged to express their ideas in paragraphs and other writing formats. To help students generate ideas, some of these tasks are combined with "Let's Talk" activities. When correcting student writing, teachers may want to focus primarily on the structures taught in the chapter.REVIEW EXERCISES All chapters finish with review exercises; some are cumulative reviews that include material from previous chapters, so students can incorporate previous grammar with more recently taught structures. Each chapter review contains an error correction exercise. Students can practice their editing skills by correcting errors commonly found in beginning students' speaking and writing.ANSWER KEYThe text is available with or without an answer key in the back. If the answer key is used, homework can be corrected as a class or, if appropriate, students can correct it at home and bring questions to class. In some cases, the teacher may want to collect the assignments written on a separate piece of paper, correct them, and then highlight common problems in class.For more teaching suggestions and supplementary material, please refer to the accompanying Teacher's Guide.AcknowledgmentJanet Johnston was the finest editor an author could ever hope to work with. Wielding pencils of many colors (with purple seeming to be her personal favorite), she cheerfully held her authors to account for every single word they wrote. She saw the Azar Series through thousands of pages of manuscript and proof for more than fifteen years. Each published page bears the seal of her high standards and keen eye. Her delight in the process of shaping text was contagious and her technical expertise extraordinary, making all of us who worked with her enthusiastically reach for our highest level of professionalism. They simply don't make editors like Janet anymore. Working with her has been a privilege and a joy. As we grieve her untimely death from breast cancer, we will deeply miss her good, sweet friendship as well as her editorial wizardry. Simply stated, Janet Johnston was, and will always remain, the best of the best.Betty AzarStacy HagenShelley HartleSue Van Etten

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