I'm still learning 7.1 after doing a few sites in 7.0. I've created an events collection on a new site I'm working on. The main collection summary page has an image section under the header banner (which then bleeds under the banner, as I want), and before the list of events. However going into a single event page, there doesn't seem to be any way of showing an image in the same way. Ideally I want the event's thumbnail image to show at the top of the page, and bleed under the header banner. Instead all I get is the site-wide colourless banner image. Using dynamic header styling is an option, but not ideal.

Hey @tuanphan.... I would love to be able to add a an image similar to your option two above (just not as tall) . I would like to still have images in the section below this fold to the right of the left side panel. I would like a new image on each post. The site I am looking to do this to is this the one below (all events).

Download Banner Image Free

DOWNLOAD 🔥 https://tinurll.com/2y4NM3 🔥

Hi @tuanphan! Do you know if it's possible to have the event date and time automatically "embedded" into the description text for each event using code? Here's a mockup of what we're trying to do. Green is the event title - we already figured out how to center it. The January date and the time beneath it - we'd like to have it appear above the description text but next to the image we added. I'm using the Events feature in 7.1.

Ive tried numerous image sizes and nothing works, it stays blurry. In desktop mode and mobile. Why does it need to be this difficult, for something that should be incredibly easy in my opinion, i really don't understand this.

I downloaded the banner image and checked the clarity & sharpness. After I edited the image with a sharpening filter and brightness adjustment by Photoshop, the image look very clear and crispy. The image I uploaded to the banner in Dawn Theme looks a lot better. The screenshot of the image is as below.

I will try to edit the images again and see if i can get the same result as you. I dont fully understand why i didnt manage to get the same result as you. When i check the image in my editing sw (GIMP) it looks fine but after uploading quality goes down by a lot.

If your images are the correct sizes but are still blurry, then the likely cause is the resolution of the initial image itself. Please ensure that you are not condensing the image, or saving it multiple times in different formats and so on, as this can reduce the quality of the image sharply.

In addition, the snippet allows circular profile-esque images, page icon images (Warning: experimental feature that is commented out by default, and also glitchy), and floating images to the left or right.

You will need to convert the banner design into HTML and style it using CSS. For example, let's take into account that purple bootstrap banner. It has a large purple background and all the text is added on it and then styled using CSS. You can do that like this:

7. Course banners are automatically marked as decorative, which hides the banner for students using assistive technologies. If you want all students to know the content of the image, deselect Mark the image as decorative. Enter a description of the image in the Alternative text field.

The position of the banner is something that you can adjust when you upload it, so you may need to crop your image to different dimensions to make sure that it fits into the provided shape on the agency profile.

The banner image I used is attached (again). It is JPG2000 format and 3200*320 - exactly the size your documentation refers to. The image attached looks good, but when I upload the same image on my agency page I get poor resolution.

I like to create background image sections using only a custom module so that it's set up for people that may not be as familiar with code and that the can use moving forward quite easily. The reason being two-fold: one - the background image section can be edited in only one place (the editor) if you do it this way, taking away any confusion for somebody that may not be as familiar with code. and two - so that your code can be modular. With the new CMv2, we can add CSS right in our CSS declarations section, and therefore those styles will carry onto any page it's placed on, regardless of the stylesheet that's attached.

This way, we can pass in any valid CSS here such as 10% 90%, or center top etc. I find the most common complaint is that background images sometimes cut off parts of the image (as they will if the background-size is set to cover), so at the very least, we can solve on the page level for this with this new field. Especially since not all background images are the same and we wouldn't have to rely on that background-position declaration in the CSS section (we can actually just get rid of that).


Im trying to create a Welcome Statement, some text with 2 buttons in a padded block that floats over a background image on our HomePage (above the fold section), that's also responsive. 

With your code I could get the image displayed (yay), but my text is missing. Can someone help me please? Thanks

Hi MrCruz, many thanks for your directions. (I am not a developer!). I have done my best to copy these instructions, but don't seem to end up with a background image and the existing modules for header and footer don't seem to render correctly.

I would try adding a background to the rich text module, you can do that with the inline-style option in the template editor. Just open up your template, click the rich-text module and apply background-color: #fff to the inline styling section. You may need to play around with some sizing/padding to make it look just the way you like it.

Side note: white text with a black border can be read over any background color/image.

Hi! I have little to no knowledge of html or css, but I managed to create the background module. The only trouble I'm having is that the text I'm putting on my landing page is longer than the image. How would I get the image to repeat itself for the length of the page? It's just texture, so visually it wouldn't be a problem to have it doubled, but I don't know how to do that with css/html. Thanks!

Thank you for the solution. But i have one problem when i am trying to add custom-background-class to row it display same image for multiple rows background. Supppose i want different background imges for different row. How is it aachived. Can you help me?

A banner image on the course homepage will draw attention to the course with image rather than text only. When choosing a banner, it should be a wide image so that it displays well. A tall or square image will be significantly cropped.

The following image shows examples of photos that are populated in Design Tools. Click on the image and it will appear under the banner heading in your course. At this point in time, you can only add banner images from the menu options.

It's easy to switch out the banner image and make any edits you would like but it's important to make note that the process is different for banner images than it is for images within a page or blog post (more on that in a future video).

An initial tool was designed by students and faculty at The University of Illinois with a small set of images. The goal of this work is to eventually provide an image that every Illini could connect with, identify with, and would want to add to their LinkedIn profile!

A number of free, stock images are available for use in your teaching and learning. Visit the links below and search for images to use in your content. Be sure to review the relevant use guidelines and specifications.

Can someone tell me if there is a ideal size parameter for a course image within a Rise module? It looks like it should be a web banner size but I can't find specs online anywhere regarding what the ideal size is for that space within a Rise module.

Here is our general guidance on working with media in Rise 360. Larger, high-resolution images work best. For cover photos, images will dynamically be cropped to fit the size of the screen, and images with a 3:1 aspect ratio look great.

What are the dimensions of your images? If they're too small, they'll become blurry when Rise 360 scales them up to fit inside the cover photo area. As an example, all of the stock images in this Rise 360 sample course are 1,680 pixels wide. e24fc04721

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