A limited number of our clients received an email from Bank Windhoek which mistakenly included information of certain of our electronic banking clients. None of this client information compromises access security. Upon discovery of this disclosure, immediate action was taken to prevent further sharing of this information.

We sincerely apologize for the unintended disclosure of this information to some of our clients. We assure you that no passwords have been compromised in any way and as such that all your accounts remain secure. Our E-Secure Token provides you with a further layer of security by authenticating your identity before logging into your internet banking account. Furthermore, our AlertMe notification service notifies you via SMS or email when you log onto your internet banking account. We also confirm that the information disclosed did not include any bank account information.

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We would like to remind you once again not to respond to any email, SMS message or telephone call, even if it seems authentic, asking you to confirm personal and or account information. We confirm that the bank will never ask you to provide personal and or account information via email, SMS or telephone.

This message is published to ensure transparency to you as our valued client. No action is required from you. You are however invited to contact your branch or phone our 24 hour Customer Contact Centre at (061) 299 1200 should you have any enquiries in this regard.

The convenient, safe and secure transacting by our clients through all our channels and specifically our internet banking platform remains a key part of our customer value proposition and we will continue to implement measures to improve the safety and security of all our channels.

Bank Windhoek Limited (Bank Windhoek) is a commercial bank in Namibia, which is licensed by the Bank of Namibia (BoN) to operate in the country. It provides financial services to its clients, which include personal, commercial and Small and Medium-sized Enterprise (SME) banking and accounts.

Bank Windhoek also offers foreign exchange services throughout its branches and through a joint venture with American Express, which has various outlets in Namibia. While being an autonomous Namibian company, the bank also provides international banking services through direct liaison with financial centres and institutions worldwide.

Bank Windhoek was founded in 1982 when a group of entrepreneurs, led by Koos Brandt, took over eight local branches of the Volkskas Bank.[8] The bank opened its first branch in Karasburg the same year it was founded.[9] In 1990, the bank merged with Boland Bank and Trust Bank, and opened a branch in Walvis Bay.[10] The bank opened its first Windhoek branch in 2001.[11]

Bank Windhoek has the largest branch network and footprint across Namibia. As of June 2022, it has 51 branches, agencies and specialist branches countrywide. The bank also has a corporate and institutional banking division with offices in Windhoek, Oshakati and Walvis Bay.

Bank Windhoek, a fully owned subsidiary of the Capricorn Group, is the largest entity under the umbrella of Capricorn Investment Group Limited, branded as "Capricorn Group", a Namibian financial services group listed on the Namibian Stock Exchange, with interests in banking, insurance, asset management, investments and microfinance.

Until May 2017, Capricorn Group was a subsidiary of Capricorn Investment Holdings Limited (CIH). At present, the two largest shareholders of Capricorn Group are Capricorn Investment Holdings (CIH), which holds a 41% shareholding in Capricorn Group and the Government Institutions Pension Fund, which holds 25.9%.

Bank Windhoek contributes more than 95% of the total income of Capricorn Group and represents more than 89% of the group's net asset value. While BW Finance, a subsidiary of Bank Windhoek, is the vehicle through which the group does its micro lending business, which is a separate entity, as per regulation.

At home, we have a strong track record of making banking more accessible in remote areas of Namibia. Bank Windhoek has a branch network, comprising 54 branches, agencies and specialist branches, a 130 ATM strong footprint and 211 Bank Windhoek Cash Express ATMs installed at merchants countrywide.

The Sage Product Delivery team is currently working on an .XML file layout for future implementation in the software. If you have any details or specifications on the ACB file change, you are welcome to share it with the Sage Customer Support team to compare with the current file development.

Currently, we will not prevent you from processing the current files exported from VIP, but as from 14 April 2024, SA payments will need to be processed on a new file formatted specification (yet to be shared with us by this week); or alternatively via the beneficiary payment option via our internet banking.

We are awaiting a new file specification document, with additional fields to be added that will be mandatory for SA transactions come 14 April 2024, but for local payments, the current specification document sent is sufficient.

Disclaimer: The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is prohibited. If you received this in error, please contact the sender and delete the material.

I thought we at Taleni are ok because no ACB payments were going cross border. But it is not the issue. Bank Windhoek needs a new format (file spesifications) export from VIP (we do Namibian Salaries from SA) so there is a threat for us as well. See newest reply beneath from Carlo Steiner when I told him we are out of the woods because the ACB payroll we upload to Bank Windhoek is just for employees at Namibian banks.

It will, as the current flat file, V3, will be discarded in the foreseeable future, thus the reason we engaged VIP to have the format amended for all clients to comply with specifications upon the discarding of the current file specifications.

If you think you've used the wrong SWIFT code to send money, you should get in contact with your bank right away. They may be able to cancel the transaction. If it's too late to cancel, you might have to contact the recipient yourself and request that they return your money.

Wise does not take responsibility or have any liability to you or anyone for any risks that may be associated with these banks or financial institutions or the jurisdictions they operate in, nor any transactions that you or any other person may undertake with these organisations. Wise may not provide services in the jurisdiction in question. For a list of our supported countries, please see here.

Die appellant ("die Bank") het in die KaapseProvinsiale Afdeling 'n eiendomsaksie (rei vindicatio) teen die eersterespondent ("Rajie") vir die lewering van sy B M W motorvoertuig alternatiewelikdie betaling van R20 000 syndedie waarde daarvan ingestel. Tweede respondent("Adams") is op sy aansoek as tweede verweerder tot die aksie gevoeg. KHNWndR het die Bank se eiendomsaksie teen Rajie met koste gehandhaaf. Rajie wasin besit van die B M W. Die verweer van Adams wat op estoppelgebaseer is, isnie bewys nie. Op appl het die volle hof (VAN NIEKERK, BERMAN en COOPERRR) die appl gehandhaaf enKHN Wnd R se bevel deur absolusie vandie instansie vervang. Die Bank is gelas om Rajie se koste in die verhoor asookopappl te betaal. Geen bevel is gemaak met betrekking tot Adams sekoste nie. Met spesiale verlof kom die Bank tans in horberoep na hierdieHof teen die uitspraak van die volle hof.

Bank in sy besonderhede van vordering is dat hydie eienaar van die 1984 B M W met enjinnommer 0565037 is waarvan die markwaardeR20000 is en dat Rajie in besit daarvan is. In sy verweerskrif erken Rajie dathy in besit van die B M W is maar hy ontken dat die Bankeienaar daarvan is.Adams ontken in sy verweerskrif dat die Bank eienaar van die B M W is en in diealternatief beroep hy hom opestoppel as 'n verweer. In sy antwoord op Rajie seversoek om nadere besonderhede vir verhoor beweer die Bank dat hy op 3 Junie1988eiendomsreg van die 1984 B M W van Hoosain h/a Motor _ World teen 'nkoopprys van R23 000 verkry het.

Die groot twispunt tussen die partye is die vraag by wie die eiendomsregvan die B M W setel. Ofskoon registrasie van 'n motorvoertuigas 'n roerendesaak nie noodwendig afdoende bewys van die gemeenregtelike eienaarskap van 'nmotorvoertuig is nie, kan dit tog, afhangendevan die bepaalde omstandighede, 'nwaardevolle hulpmiddel wees om 'n aanduiding te kry wie in besit van diemotorvoertuig as

"eienaar" op 'n bepaalde tydstip of gedurende 'nbepaalde tydperk was. Uit die registrasie-dokumente van die B M W kan sygeskiedenisopgevolg word hoe dit van tyd tot tyd van besitter of "eienaar"verwissel het terwyl die B M W deur sy enjinnommer 0565037 gedentifiseerkan word. Harland Hewson het in 1984 die eerste eienaar van die B M W as nuwemotorvoertuig met die registrasienommer ND 179385 geword.Op 3 April 1988 hetRoundabout Motors, 'n motorhandelaars-besigheid met 'n motorhandelaarslisensie,in die loop van sy handelaarsbesigheidom motorvoertuie te koop, te verkoop ofte ruil eienaar van die B M W geword wat sy ND 179385 registrasienommer behouhet. Vergelykart 33(1) van Ordonnansie 21 van 1966 (K) wat 'n motorhandelaar indergelike omstandighede nie verplig om sodanige motorvoertuigin die naam van syhandelaarsbesigheid te registreer nie. Indien die verkryging van diemotorvoertuig egter in die private hoedanigheidvan die verkryger plaasvind, salhy verplig wees om die motorvoertuig in sy eie naam te 152ee80cbc

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