Ball Blast is a hypercasual game where you blast cannon balls at numbered shapes until they explode. Move side to side to avoid the balls hitting you! See how long you survive and blast as many balls as you can!How to PlayAvoid falling objectsAvoid falling shapes and shoot them until they are destroyed. The larger shapes you shoot down explode into smaller ones, so look out for those and don't try to shoot them down all at once,

There are more than enough reasons why Ball Blast is worth your time. First, the game is developed and published by Voodoo, one of the biggest publishers in the world (if not the biggest) with 100+ launches, over 2 billion downloads and 300 million monthly active users. The studio has a proven track of great games that feature minor improvements and innovations on established games, so a certain level of quality is guaranteed. Naturally, Ball Blast is no exception, being instantly recognizable but different enough to be fresh and interesting.

Download Ball Blast


Such a simple transition is effective to get a player hooked immediately, where you have to hit multiple balls that fall from the sky and bounce around by moving your cannon horizontally. As you shoot the balls, they explode and drop coins, with bigger balls turning into smaller ones. You need to roll left and right to pick the coins, all the while shooting some balls and avoiding others. Advance through levels and the balls get bigger and bigger, which makes getting those coins all the more important so you can buy upgrades.

Yet, I can honestly say that this game has kept me entertained on countless occasions, and is among the most addicting game I have ever played. 

If you want to test my claim for yourself, you can download Ball Blast for your Android or iOS device.

#308 Metabolic Med Ball Blast is metabolic cardio workout. Though dumbbells are used to increase intensity, this is not a strength workout. I really enjoyed this workout. It was fun, I got some great muscle conditioning and I got my cardio in. These are my some of my favorite types of workouts. Cathe uses a 4 pound medicine ball. I had all of my medicine balls set out before me just in case I needed to vary the weight but I ended up using my 6 pound med ball for most of the exercises. I did use my 5 pound ball for one exercise (#11) because my 5 pound ball is smaller and it was easier to pass it around my thigh. I actually started with the 6 pound ball but it was awkward so I quickly swapped it out. And if I remember, the next time I do this workout I will use my 10 pound ball for #9. Overall another excellent Cathe Live workout!

I have never heard of a slam ball. I just looked it up and it sounds like it is basically the same thing as a medicine ball (weighted ball, comes in various weights and sizes) but the difference it is made not to bounce. I guess if you slam a med ball on the ground it could bounce up or break. I doubt any of my med balls would break but I guess they might bounce up a little if I threw them at a rubber floor.

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After introducing abilities, the studio experimented with an endless revival feature. In the hyper-casual version, players could only be revived once by watching a rewarded video. However, after recent updates, players can now purchase infinite revivals during their run, with the cost increasing after each revival up to a maximum purchase amount. Despite initial concerns about player perception and retention, the feature was well-received, resulting in zero drop and significant growth in IAP.

When the cannon is charged, the previous shooting system is disabled and replaced with ultimate weapons: (i) Laser Ultimate, with massive splash damage which burns everything. (ii) Plasma Ultimate, that sends powerful balls of energy. Upgrades are available for both features: they add more dynamic laser beams and increase the amount of energy balls, accordingly.

These bold innovations, while different from one another, share a common thread of risk-taking and innovation, aligning with the studio's core values. Despite the challenges faced during implementation, they significantly impacted gameplay and content, proving to be worth the risk. The combination of these features, along with other improvements, not only skyrocketed IAP levels but also doubled the game's overall profitability through increased playtime, retention, and other core metrics.

In Return of Samus, the Queen Metroid has a simple attack pattern: after performing two long-necked attacks, she retreats into her den and performs the three-ball blast. During this attack, the Queen Metroid spits three fireballs[2][3] from her mouth. Once expelled, these projectiles home in on Samus Aran and deal damage. The most effective means of dealing with the three-ball blast is by using the Screw Attack, which instantly dispels each fireball on contact without taking any damage. Each fireball can also be destroyed with one missile, but this is less efficient and there is barely enough time to fire two missiles before the three balls reach Samus's postion.[4]

The Queen Metroid no longer spits individual fireballs in Metroid: Other M or Metroid: Samus Returns; instead, she breathes a steady stream of fire. However, the Queen Metroid has a very similar attack in Samus Returns, starting in the second phase of the battle. When her eyes and throat glow green, she spits out eight green acidic bubbles[5] that slowly float around the chamber, severely limiting Samus's maneuverability. Unlike Return of Samus, the Screw Attack has no effect on these bubbles, and she will always take damage on contact unless the Lightning Armor is active. The Queen Metroid always pairs this attack with at least one other attack (the fire breath and/or wind gust); however, these bubbles will instantly be dispelled if Samus interrupts the Queen Metroid's fire breath with a Spider Boost.

Note: This tutorial video was recorded as a live Facebook event. The text below is an edited transcript of the tutorial intended to provide members with a convenient means of referring to and further researching the topics and content detailed in the video.

Thankfully, I have my Sorinex Monster Rack here, but I have a set of medicine balls here from 8 lbs all the way up to 30 lbs. Typically, when you see medicine balls, you think, "Oh, functional training, right? Going to be doing some balancing and throwing. Great. Might be a good warm-up, but really how effective are medicine balls for truly building muscle?"

The negatives on these exercises are going to provide far more force than the weight itself, and providing more negative force is important because you're stronger on a negative rep. You're about 110-120% of your max positive weight on the negative that you can actually do. So you're stronger on the negative.

To get a true benefit of negatives you really want to overload the weight. We could do that with medicine balls. You're going to feel just how much tension that those negatives provide on those muscles, and quite the pump.

On my way up I'm only going to be doing about 3 reps because, when you're building power and you're trying to maximize the recruitment of those fast-twitch muscle fibers, the goal isn't to fatigue them. That's why, if you're doing my Countdown to Strength Challenge, some of those workouts where you're doing your 5x5s or your 2x2s you're going very fast and explosive but you're only using half the weight that you're using on your heavy sets. The weight doesn't matter, it's the speed component in producing that power. So, don't worry about the weight. We don't need a lot of weight, we don't need a lot of reps to fatigue the muscle fibers when we're building power. So I'm going to stick to about 3 reps.

We've got power development with that explosive power. We've got muscle development through negatives, and we have muscle development through fatigue caused by doing these descending pyramids. It's also a great conditioning workout, as you'll see.

Let's start with the chest workout. I want to do it as explosively as possible trying to hit that line so that I get that return right back. 8 lbs. Now I'd typically give myself a little bit of a break, maybe a minute or two, but I'm going to go right into the next weight. Now, what you'll find as you increase the weight you're going to need to move closer to the wall because the lighter weight you can throw with more force and power and speed. It's going to come back with more rebound, right? So you're going to be able to catch it more.

As it gets heavier, you're not able to move it with as much speed and the rebound is not going to be as big, so if you're throwing the 30 lbs where you were standing for the 8 lbs it's going to fall way too short. You'll get closer and closer each time. It's going to take some trial and error for you to get this down, but if you get it perfect it'll literally look like that where you throw it and it literally just comes right back.

Next, we'll head over to the back exercise. Now, you could give yourself however long you want to rest in between these exercises, or you could just move along right away. You could use this both for building explosive power as well as building muscle, but also for a conditioning workout. This is the workout I'll often do on the weekends for my Countdown to Strength Challenge. When I'm not doing the main workouts, I'll still do this workout for my main upper or full-body workout on the weekends.

See, this is where it starts getting more difficult as the ball gets bigger, it's harder to handle. Just be careful. Like I said, there's a risk. People always say, "Oh, you use an open grip, isn't that risky?" Look, there's a risk in crossing the street. Sometimes you just have to cross the street and take the risk. You can't go through life with bubble wrap on. You have to take risks and do things. You're going to get hurt in life. It's okay. 152ee80cbc

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