
I would recommend looking into Image>Adjust>Color Thresholding.... This will allow you to select some color range, threshold and then process the same color pixels in the image. One of the options will be to set the pixels to white.

I did as you instructed and it has indeed worked properly, with a transparent background. So maybe it is a setting that changed once I begun adding light effects. I did change the Albedo colour to white previously in my object file on VRay, and managed to get a transparent background. I will proceed with important my sketchup file into a new blank file and starting from the beginning, and hopefully achieve transparent background that way.

Download Background White

Download File 🔥 https://tlniurl.com/2y4Pxt 🔥

Bring that color clip to your timeline and place it on v1 and extend it for as long as you want your video to last. Place all of your pictures on video tracks above v1. Now, you will have a white background for your video.

On channel V1 I made the white color according to your instructions (4:3 ratio) and then, I put in channel V2 video with black background. (Also 4:3 ratio). I exported the project, but the background remains black. can you help me?

Both channels are in visible condition.

Thank you.

I think you have lost the point of the Crop:Rectangle filter. You can crop your video to get rid off the black in the background. To remove the black, what you need to do is in the Crop: Retangle filter, set Padding Color, his alpha channel to a value equal 0, so you will only see the rectangle you have selected with the clipping (crop filter)

And the second qu estion: you need to cut the video on each photo and then apply the crop on each piece.

No matter what background your photo currently has, with this template you can easily replace it with a better one. Just pick your original image and the background of your choice and get the result just seconds later, all 100% automatically.

The simple solution, if my guess is correct, is to convert the image(diagram) from PNG to JPG. JPG only handles non-transparent image data, so you can replace the transparent background of the PNG with a white color.

Hi! I would like to have always white backgrounds in my emails, even if there is the dark mode ON. How can I do that? I tried to put white backgrounds in all the blocks from klaviyo but i still see dark with dark mode on. Can you help me?

Not sure if this question has already been posted, at any rate I created a logo on Illustrator then opened the file on Photoshop. The file opened with a Transparent layer, after I saved the image as a PNG. it opened with a white background... The interesting thing is, at least to me ( lol ) there isn't a background layer on the Photoshop for me to remove. There's just Layer 1 with my file showing a transparent background.

How do you know that the transparency is gone? What are you viewing the PNG in? Unless you are viewing the PNG on the background of something other than White (either by placing the PNG onto another photo or in another programme) You will either see a white or black background around the subject matter.

Here's where I think is gets weird, when I view the file in photoshop there appears to be no background, I see the "transparent background" i.e the grey little squares. I save the image as normal, I don't see an option to remove a background because there isn't one. Next I open the saved file and I see and white background around my image...

Well it appears I am no longer having the problem with the white background after the image is saved on photoshop, there was definitely some kind of oversight on my part. Thanks again for everyones help I really appreciate it.

Noise is typically conceived of as being detrimental for cognitive performance; however, a recent computational model based on the concepts of stochastic resonance and dopamine related internal noise postulates that a moderate amount of auditive noise benefit individuals in hypodopaminergic states. On the basis of this model we predicted that inattentive children would be enhanced by adding background white noise while attentive children's performance would deteriorate.

Fifty-one secondary school pupils carried out an episodic verbal free recall test in two noise conditions. In the high noise condition, verb-noun sentences were presented during auditory background noise (white noise, 78 dB), and in the low noise condition sentences were presented without noise.

Exposure to background noise improved performance for inattentive children and worsened performance for attentive children and eliminated episodic memory differences between attentive and inattentive school children.

Consistent with the model, our data show that cognitive performance can be moderated by external background white noise stimulation in a non-clinical group of inattentive participants. This finding needs replicating in a larger sample using more noise levels but if replicated has great practical applications by offering a non-invasive way to improve school results in children with attentional problems.

At the same time there are reports of contradictory findings where certain types of task irrelevant noise actually improve the performance of children. Surprisingly, this effect may also be most pronounced in children with attention deficits. Under certain circumstances children with attentional problems (including those with ADHD) benefit from, rather than being distracted by, background task-irrelevant noise presented concurrently with a target task. For instance, Stansfeld et al. [9] found that under certain conditions road traffic noise can improve performance on episodic memory tasks in children at risk for attentional problems and academic under-achievement. Research data from our group demonstrated that adding background white noise to the environment enhanced memory performance of children with ADHD [10]; although in every day situations optimal levels of white noise will vary from one individual to another.

Why these paradoxical effects should occur is not well understood. Most accounts in the past, for example the optimal stimulation theory by Zentall and Zentall [11] and later models of cognitive energetic and motivational processes [12], have focused on the role of background stimulation as a generator of increased arousal which counteracts boredom. A recent computational model has attempted to explain these positive effects of background noise on performance in a different way [13]. This model combines two factors: It explains (i) how noise enhances attention and performance in general by the concept of stochastic resonance (SR) and (ii) why there are individual differences in the way noise affects the brain by a model of individual differences in dopamine.

SR or noise-improved signaling is a well-established phenomenon across a range of experimental settings; SR exists in any threshold-based system with noise that requires a threshold to be passed before a signal is registered. SR can be observed in nature in any non-linear dynamic system, which is not working at its optimum level, in particular SR has been found in the nervous system. The simplest examples of an SR-related benefit can be seen in the detection of sensory signals. When a weak signal (e.g. a tone stimulus) is presented below the hearing threshold it becomes detectable when random or white noise is added to the signal. In essence, this account proposes that the additional variability provided by the noise interacts with the weak signal pushing it above the detection threshold, see review in [14]. For instance, SR has been found in several modalities; audition [15], vision [16], and touch [17] where stochastic noise improves sensory discriminability. Recently SR has been shown to work across modalities, for example when auditory noise improves visual signal detection [18]. Most SR studies have used perception tasks, requiring the detection of weak peripheral sensory inputs. Few studies have examined how noise influences cognitive performance. Recent empirical evidence suggests that SR can also improve central processing and cognitive performance. For example, SR has been found in cognitive tasks where auditory noise improved the speed of arithmetic computations [19] and recall on visual memory tasks [20]. Thus, adding noise to the input of the information processing system can increase its signal-to-noise output. SR is usually quantified by plotting detection, or cognitive performance, as a function of noise intensity. This relationship follows an inverted U-curve function, where performance peaks at a moderate noise level. That is, moderate noise is beneficial for performance whereas too little, or too much, noise attenuates performance. For extensive reviews on the influence of noise on the nervous system the reader is referred to recent reviews [14, 21]. Also detrimental effects of noise on the nervous system and in particular on speech processing are reported in a recent review [22].

The novel aspect of the proposed framework is that the SR phenomena differs between individuals and these differences are linked to attention ability and neurotransmission in the brain in such way that inattentive persons need more external noise for a proper cognitive functioning. In the model dopamine is the crucial neurotransmitter. This is because it modulates the neural cell's responses to the environment and determines the probability that it will fire following the presentation of a stimulus [23]. Alterations in dopamine function are related to individual differences in attention [24, 25], cognition [26] and motivated behavior [27, 28]. Dopamine release has both tonic (background levels) and phasic (response to specific environmental events) components regulated by different brain regions [29, 30]. Tonic dopamine levels are suggested to modulate the phasic reactivity; a low tonic level increases stimulus dependent phasic release, and the opposite, a high tonic level suppresses phasic release [31]. Low tonic levels cause neural instability associated with cognitive symptoms such as failure to sustain attention [32]. The hypodopaminergic state in ADHD is distinguished by low tonic dopamine levels leading to excessive reactivity to environmental stimulation [33, 34]. If the firing probability or gain parameter is low, neurons will fire at random yielding poor cognitive performance. If the gain parameter is high there will be cognitive stability and thus high performance. This responsiveness of neurons is modulated via dopamine that enhances the differentiation between efferent firing and afferent external stimulation. It has been shown recently that neural noise related to dopamine tone is an integral part of inter-neuronal communication and that a sufficient level of noise may be necessary for normal function in the nervous system [21, 35], through the process of SR. That is, there exists both external noise - outside of the nervous system - and neural noise (related to dopamine tone) inside the system. e24fc04721

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