In Colors, you can let Windows pull an accent color from your background, or choose your own color adventure. After you've selected an accent color, scroll down to indicate where you want to see the color show up. Or scroll up to Choose your mode and you can see whether your accent color looks better in a Dark or Light mode.

I am working on a website (with Statamic v3 which uses Antlers, Bootstrap, SCSS) which involves different uploads for mobile and desktop backgrounds (inline styling). What is the best way to do this? I am struggling quite a while with these kind of questions. Ofcourse I can use display none and display block with media queries, but I'm hoping for a solution where only the mobile image loads on mobile/ small screen sizes, and only the desktop image loads on desktop/ big screen sizes so it is better for the page load.

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For the img tag it is possible to use the img srcset, but with an background image that is not possible. I am also questioning myself how I can do this with partials/ elements with just a lot of code (so not necessarily with background images)

I also tried to use the mobile detect with JavaScript, but the problem with that is if the user is working on desktop but with a small browser view, it doesn't get the 'mobile version' of the website.

Edit: I added some code to show what I am trying to achieve. The user can upload a desktop background image, and a mobile background image at the CMS. As far as I know both of these images will be loaded into the page, but they won't show at the same time because of the display properties. My goal is that the page won't load both of the images, but only the image that is needed on that viewport size. I can't do this inside my SCSS with media queries, because I can't set the background url's inside my SCSS.

Because images in unapplied CCS rules are not loaded, this way you can ensure, that the desktop image will not be loaded on devices having screen smaller than 769px (or what ever you put to min-width). On a desktop machine, one of the images is loaded at first, then when resizing the window, also that other image is loaded, if the limit is crossed.

I have a script that updates my desktop background every day with the NASA APOD. Since upgrading to 11.10, that script stopped working, presumably because I'm using gconftool-2 to actually update the desktop background. Is there a new way to do this under Unity?

This answer is an edit of the original answer. As I've progressed in my Ubuntu and Linux studies, I've discovered a variety of approaches and deepened my understanding of how setting a background works in Ubuntu. This answer is my attempt to document as best as possible what I've learned thus far, and is done in hopes that this material can be useful for others.

The way Unity works is such that there is bare X desktop below, and above there is Unity's desktop window (which in fact is a special instance of Nautilus's window , the default file manager of Ubuntu ). Thus, when you call

There's also GUI alternative to that, nitrogen. The feh and nitrogen approaches can be used with desktops other than Unity, such as openbox or blackbox. The gsettings approach can be used with Unity or other GNOME-based desktop.

What exactly does gsettings command do ? Well, first of all, there exists dconf database of settings for each user, which is intended as replacement for deprecated GConf, and it is accessible via either dconf command or gsettings. In particular , we're dealing here with org.gnome.desktop.background schema and one of its keys, picture-uri.

URI, that file:///home/JohnDoe/Pictures/cool_wallpaper.png, actually stands for Uniform Resource Identifier, which originally was created for internet usage, but there is file URI scheme , which is what we see here. What's cool about URI is that it gives byte-encoded path if you use a non-english locale, for example with my Chinese desktop, I have following URI for my backgroun: 'file:///home/xieerqi/%E5%9B%BE%E7%89%87/Wallpapers/moon_moon.jpg'

Of course, this is not the only way. Python has an API for Gio ( which is the main library behind gsettings ). I've written a gsettings_get and gsettings_set functions, which were quite useful for other projects such as Launcher List Indicator. In case of setting a background, it can also be used and I've used it just recently for this question. Here's a simplified version of that same approach:

I am having the same issue. In my environment, if I am watching a Youtube video, whether or not I have other Youtube tabs open, another video, not from the tabs I have open, starts playing in the background. Then I have to pause the video I am watching and go into the Media controls to close that second video playing.

I do not think this is an option, but you can easily change the background color by right clicking the desktop, choosing "Personalization", choosing "Desktop Background", and choosing "solid colors". Alternatively, you can make a 1px x 1px image of the color you want, and set as a tiled background image.

How many times have you walked up to a system in your office and neededto click through several diagnostic windows to remind yourself ofimportant aspects of its configuration, such as its name, IP address, oroperating system version? If you manage multiple computers you probablyneed BGInfo. It automatically displays relevant information about aWindows computer on the desktop's background, such as the computer name,IP address, service pack version, and more. You can edit any field aswell as the font and background colors, and can place it in your startupfolder so that it runs every boot, or even configure it to display asthe background for the logon screen.

When you run BGInfo it shows you the appearance and content of itsdefault desktop background. If left untouched it will automaticallyapply these settings and exit after its 10 second count-down timerexpires.

Fields: Selects what information appears on the desktop, and theorder in which it is displayed. For networking fields (NIC, IP, MAC,etc.) a separate entry is created for each network card on the system.Use the Custom button to add special information you define yourself.

Background: Selects the color and/or wallpaper to use for thebackground. If you select the Copy existing settings option thenBGInfo will use whatever information is currently selected by thelogged on user. This option allows end users to personalize theirdesktop while still displaying the BGInfo information.

Desktops: Selects which desktops are updated when the configurationis applied. By default only the User Desktop wallpaper is changed.Enabling the Logon Desktop for Console users option specifies thatthe wallpaper should be displayed on the logon desktop that is presentedbefore anyone has logged onto the system. On Windows 95/98/ME systemsthe same desktop is used for users and the login screen, so this optionhas no effect. Enabling the Logon Desktop for Terminal Servicesusers option specifies that the wallpaper should be displayed on theTerminal Services login screen. This option is useful only on serversrunning Terminal Services.

Bitmap|Match Display: Creates a bitmap with color depth matchingthat of the display. Because the bitmap generated by BGInfo is notupdated when a user changes the display's color depth you may seeunexpected results (especially dithering of the text and background)with some combinations of bitmap and display depth.

On a Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Session Host with the Desktop Experience feature enabled and the desktop wallpaper disabled, users wish to configure own color schemes and define an own desktop background color. However, I seem unable to find an easy way to change the desktop color via the GUI.

I would expect the settings to reside under Appearance settings -> Colors -> Advanced Appearance Settings but those are unavailable in Windows 8 and Server 2012. Is there a replacement GUI dialog for this or do I have the ability to allow users to create their own design schemes containing the appropriate desktop background color?

Users can still change the desktop background color in Windows Server 2012. Note that you need to have Desktop Experience installed. You also have to allow users to change their colors and desktop background in Group Policy.

The first tile is Automatic and Windows will derive the colors from the desktop background wallpaper. (Assuming all the bugs are fixed.) Selecting any other tile will allow customization.

in GNOME it was easy to set background by just right clicking on the desktop and choosing a wallpaper. now i no longer use Desktops, rather i use a Window Manager, "stumpwm" or "ratpoison" and there are no menus in Window Managers

Conveniently, many image viewers support rendering images as background, so you will only need to tell the image viewer to render it as background (like the -x parameter to qiv, and the --bg-scale to feh).

Use the background remover software for Windows, Mac & Linux to remove image backgrounds in bulk in seconds. Whether you are creating product photos for e-commerce websites, car images for dealerships, portraits - and more - the desktop app is the fastest tool on the market to remove backgrounds, providing high-quality results even for some of the trickiest bits, such as hair.

Unlimited capability - looking to remove large amounts of backgrounds, but worried it might take forever? With our desktop app, you can drag & drop unlimited files in bulk & count on it to get the job done in the blink of an eye.

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