Does this reflect your daily view of God? When you question, complain and covet, have you forgotten that God deserves your awesome wonder and not your opinion of how He can do better? An awesome God calls for awesome wonder about that God.

I believe that the awesome wonder of God is largely missing in our culture, and yes maybe even in the Church, today! If I am being honest, I know that is true for myself even. There is no way that I walk in the realization of the awesome wonder of God at all times. I have ebbs and flows of reverential awe that wash over me, but nothing consistent (I am ashamed to confess). So as I write this, I understand the tension and conviction one could feel with this type of content.

Download Awesome Wonder Is Your Name

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Our time with God, and our relentless pursuit of Him, cannot be compromised if we desire to stand in awesome wonder of the greatness God in our lives! If you are struggling to remember the last time you stood in awe of God, the wonder of His holiness, then I would submit to you that you have not spent enough time being still in His presence reflecting only upon who He is and what He has done. Take this time to meditate on Him and not your own needs and requests.

This book is dedicated to our awesome God, from whom all our blessings flow. It is because of my love for His Word that I was able to write this book. After reading this book, it is my prayer that your spiritual journey will be enlightened and your faith enhanced after seeing what God has done for others, knowing that He will do the same for all of us. God bless.

There is none like you among the gods, O Lord, nor are there any works like yours. All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name. For you are great and do wondrous things; you alone are God.

3. He is the one you praise, he is your God, who performed for you those great and awesome wonders you saw with your own eyes. (Deut. 10:21)

This takes me back to a season of harvest (and innocence) when God brought some singles into our singles group who came to know Jesus. It put me in wonder of His power in them for I had the privilege to help disciple them one on one so I got t see first hand His life in them as a babe and then growing over the years, and the delight they had for God-oh.

If you need to make changes to your reservation, please email and provide the following details: name, order number, and your preferred new date and time. Additional cost may apply.

Are you curious about the meaning of your name? Sit down with a family member and talk about your name. How did they come up with your name? Do they know what it means or what language it came from? We hope you learn something new about your name!

You're lucky enough to have two words that make up your name, Abby! :) Some names served the purpose of describing a location or person. For example, someone with the last name "Westwood" might have lived west of the woods! We are so glad you are WONDERing on your own about your very special and important name, Wonder Friend! :)

Hi there, Jeff! We value your comment about the names Wonder, thank you for posting! We bet you're determined in other ways, perhaps in school or in a sport? We hope you have a great day, Wonder Friend! :)

Not to worry, Wonder Friend! There are so many great names in the world that only a few were able to be shown in the top ten! You can rest assured that your name is unique to you and your name and personality make you who you are today! :)

We love that you're WONDERing about what's in a name, Jeff-- and you've even discovered the meaning of your own name, too! What a SUPER discovery about yourself and how your name has shaped you! We love your suggestions and connection to the importance of naming. Thank you for sharing your comment with us! :)

How exciting that you've researched your name before, Emily! We think admiration can come in many forms, like admiring others when they do their best, or acting as a great role models for others to admire. We think it's SUPER to learn about the meaning of your name! :) Great guess and suggestion-- we love your Wonder-filled ideas! :)

You are SUPER awesome for researching your own name, Gracie! We LOVE how interested you are in different names and how they have changed over the years. You are a GREAT Wonder Friend-- we are so happy you enjoyed WONDERing with us today! :)

We love that you continued to Wonder on your own, Katie! Learning about the origin of your name is exciting and WONDERful, especially if the name has been in your family for a while! We are THRILLED that you shared your findings with us-- thank you! :)

How COOL that you can relate your friends' names to our Wonder today, Carlos! We love that you have so many WONDERful friends who you can imagine with at school! Thank you for commenting and WONDERing with us today! :)

Hi Zach, we are SUPER excited that you enjoyed today's Wonder! We love learning new things about ourselves and how we identify one another! Thank you for commenting and sharing the meaning of your name, too! We hope you have a WONDERful day! :)


Cost: 400

Technology Required: Masonry

Other Requirements: None

Rendered Obsolete By: None

Traits: Industrious, Religious, Agricultural

Effect: Places a granary in every city on the same continent. Tourist Attraction.

Culture:  4

Analysis: Along with the Colossus, the Pyramids are one of the first wonders all civilisations are able to build, and as such almost all players will have found themselves building the Pyramids at one stage or another, you can hardly fail to notice their there. The usefulness of the Pyramids tends to depend on the level of difficulty your playing the game at, and how capable you anticipate being able to keep your citizens happy. A granary in every city on the same continent is a massive bonus to growth, and can ensure that all your cities reach max population within the first couple of dozen game turns, which obviously is a major advantage. Certainly if your planning on pumping out workers and settlers, playing an extreme expansionist strategy, then the Pyramids is a good choice for a wonder, your cities will grow at double normal speed, thus, as long as you have adequate production in all cities, you can expect to be able to produce workers/settlers in twice the normal numbers without bringing your cities down to population 0. And a hefty culture value, and tourist attraction flag, as well as never becoming obsolete means that the Pyramids will continue to be useful for the entire game, so they are definitely worth considering for construction.

There are really only two main drawbacks that need to be considered. 1) Their expense: at 400 shields, the Pyramids are the second most expensive wonder of the Ancient Era (along with the Great Library) and it requires serious consideration about whether their bonus is worth the significant effort and wasted build time, most probably in your capital city, which it takes to build them, particularly so early in the game. This is the single main reason why I tend to avoid them. A granary in ever city is very powerful, but at the very start of the game you really need to be more concerned with building workers, settlers, warriors and your early infrastructure, not a 400 shield wonder. So be wary of how much you may be sacrificing to build the Pyramids, especially when you may not succeed to even get them at all. 2) There is, of course, a hidden drawback to double population growth, particularly on the higher difficulty levels. Higher growth means more citizens, and more citizens inevitably means more unhappy citizens and greater chance of civil disorder (or if your using entertainers, then gross waste of that extra pop. that makes the wonder a lot less worthwhile). If you feel that your not going to be able to keep all those extra people happy, particularly if your low on luxuries, or intend to use a democratic government, then be wary of Pyramids, it may actually hurt you more than help you, or at least enough to make it not worth the investment.

Woo, hoo! We appreciate hearing that you had FUN while you were learning in Wonderopolis today, McKenzie! It's awesome that birds are your favorite animals! We have some really GREAT BIRD-related Wonders we bet you will like:Wonder #440 - How Can Down Warm You Up? -can-down-warm-you-up/Wonder #483 - What Is a Raptor? -is-a-raptor/Wonder #462 - Are Bald Eagles Really Bald? -bald-eagles-really-bald/Wonder #167 - What Is a Swallow? -is-a-swallow/Wonder #108 - What Is a Raven? -is-a-raven/Happy WONDERing! :-)

We agree, Becca...hummingbirds ARE awesome! Thanks for stopping by today's Wonder of the Day and sharing your comment with us! We can't wait to learn interesting new things from tomorrow's Wonder, either! :-)

He's the God of all creation

And He rules every nation

Yes He knows your situation

And He's got the key solution

He'll ensure your satisfaction

In His presence, You will find rest

He's an awesome wonder

The name on your reservation must be the same as what's printed on your passport or other official proof of nationality. Double-check if you've recently gotten married or go by a different version of your name.

I love the concept of reading through the Bible with your hubby. What a wonderful practice! I too seem to have lost my wonder at times. Thank you for the good reminders to rekindle that sense of awe in the spirit and name of the Lord.

It was not without controversy. Many people disagreed with the outcome. However, the votes were cast and the wonders were named. We have been to them all and must admit, we agree with most. There are other amazing places on earth, but the place below definitely filled us with awe and wonder. 17dc91bb1f

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