I have been asked to enhance my ExB app. I have a List Widget that has a trigger set to perform the 'zoom to' action on the Map Widget. I don't see an option to set an action to open the pop-up on the map. Since the pop-up is not a part of ExB, I am wondering: would this be a reasonable enhancement request? I really don't want to use the Feature Info Widget because I don't want to take up the screen space for that (especially for medium and small screen devices).

When I have a project with a query in it, and I press 'Run project', the resulting table would be opened automatically in SAS EG 7 in a new tab and the focus would be shifted to that tab automatically as well. When I do the same in SAS EG 8 the result of my query is not shown when running the project.

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I thought there would be an option like in SAS EG 7 to disable or enable this. This option was found under Tools -> Options - > Results -> Results General "Automatically open data when generated" in SAS EG 7 but I can not find it in SAS EG 8. When going through the documentation on SAS EG 8 and its' new features I was also unable to find anything...

Thank you for your reply, but unfortunately this did not solve my issue. Even when I have the 'Output data' as default tab to display the resulting dataset from my query is not displayed in a new tab after I click 'Run project'. The dataset is visible in my project but I want SAS EG to open the resulting dataset automatically in a new tab and shift the focus to that tab as was done in SAS EG 7. For more context, here is an older question in which a user wanted to achieve the opposite of what I want in SAS EG 7:

SAS EG 8 creates an Output Data tab for each project or program run and creates a click-to-open icon with the dataset name for each dataset created. AFAIK there is no option to automatically open any of these. Most SAS projects / programs will product multiple datasets and the Output Data tab only allows you to open one dataset at a time. If there was an automatic "Open Dataset" option, which one should it open?

In SAS EG 7 the last output object would be automatically opened when running a project. If I would have a project with 2 queries and a 1-way frequencies task as the last step in there it would open the results from the 1-way frequencies task automatically and shift focus to the tab. You would also automatically see the results in the same way when selecting a single task in a project and right clicking on it to run the task.

You were able to change this behaviour under Tools > Options > Results > Results General > 'Automatically open data or results when generated'. When this was toggled off you would see no output, much like SAS EG 8 when either running the whole project or running a task separately.

In SAS Enterprise Guide 8.2, there is the When output tables are generated, automatically open option under Data > Performance that might be what you are looking for. You can choose to automatically open the last table, the first table, or no table the first time that output tables are generated.

Thanks for your response, but this has not resolved my issue. This option was already enabled in my SAS EG 8.3 instance. It seems that this option only opens your output data automatically when you open the task in the project and run it. When I right click the task in the process flow of my project and click run no tab is opened. There is also no tab opened when I simply run the whole project.

In SAS EG 7, no matter how you ran the task, the output table of the last task would be opened automatically in a new tab and the focus would be shifted there. I want to replicate this behaviour in SAS EG 8.3.

Yes, I think this option applies only the first time that the output tables are generated. I'll check with the development team to see if the behavior that you are looking for is available and post back here if I learn anything that could help.

Also open the EG process summary window and see what happens when you run your project. It will automatically show a green traffic light if it runs without error. It also shows the number of SAS notes, warnings and errors in your log.

Was there ever any update on this? I have multiple novice users that find it frustrating that in the move from v7 to v8 this option is no longer available in the same way it was for v7 and none of the other solutions listed here are acceptable to my users.

As an aside, I have found it somewhat entertaining that when EG was released that we had a number of requests on how to disable this automatic opening of output. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

Have you had any luck solving this issue? I just upgraded from SAS EG 7 to 8. This is EXTREMELY frustrating! I have nothing to indicate that the program has finished running except that all the colors are gone from the icons. With sometimes 20+ processes inside one program, this is really a pain point. I want the final output to open up automatically after all of the program has run...

@bradmeadows - Open the Submission Status window in EG 8 (on the EG menu select View - Submission Status). This provides a list of all processes / programs that are running or have run in the current session. Does this meet your needs?

Hello everyone! About 6 months ago we migrated from SAS 7 to SAS 8, this behavior of SAS 8 gives us problems, we don't know when a process ends. We have complex processes that take time to execute and we have had to repeat them simply because we do not know if one is finished or not. Please SAS do something to fix it.

In case anyone comes looking for the solution, what Dominik suggest above works with Windows shortcuts in addition to the command line. Just go in to the properties of the shortcut and add the database path after the exe path. i.e.

Two notes: (1) as stated in the command line documentation, if your path contains spaces, make sure it's in quotes (2) if you have the shortcut pinned to the start menu or taskbar, make sure to unpin first, then change the proprieties of the shortcut in "All apps", then re-pin.

Also, if any of the devs are reading this, it would be nice if there was an option for this so the shortcut hack wasn't necessary. In addition to "Remember and automatically open last used database on startup" have "Open the following database automatically on startup:"

Over the last weeks, I have noted a strange pattern with Dropbox (Version 82.4.155; Windows 10): On every Windows startup, my Dropbox folder opens automatically in the Windows Explorer. This usually does not happen after standby. My question: I do want Dropbox to start automatically as service upon startup, but I do not want the Dropbox folder to open automatically. Does anyone have an idea how to do this?

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Allow me to clarify: I do want Dropbox to start upon system startup. However, I do not want Dropbox to automatically open the Dropbox folder in the Windows explorer upon startup. Therefore, unfortunately, unchecking "Start Dropbox on system startup " does not solve the issue at hand. From my understanding Dropbox usually should not launch the Explorer upon startup - or am I missing something here?

If you find that the desktop app is popping up every time you start your computer, could you please have a look if you have both the Start Dropbox on system startup and Open the desktop app when you start Dropbox options checked?

I usually do not have the option "Open the desktop app when you start Dropbox" activated (because I want Dropbox to sync my files in the background once I sign on). Following up on your comment, I have switched this option on. It results in my system first opening the Windows Explorer with the Dropbox Folder and then the Dropbox App opening as well.

Finally, I also have tried both options (Open Folder in [1] Dropbox App and [2] Explorer). They both result in the Windows Explorer opening up automatically when I start the computer (i.e., they both produce the problem I described initially, irrespective for whether I have "Open the desktop app when you start Dropbox" activated or not-activated).

In more detail: Unchecking "Start Dropbox on system startup" and "Open the desktop app when you start Dropbox" causes Dopbox to continue to start on system startup but prevents it from opening the Dropbox folder in the Windows Explorer upon startup.

After two days, Dropbox again automatically opens the Dropbox folder in the Windows Explorer upon startup. This also happens when unchecking both "Start Dropbox on system startup" and "Open the desktop app when you start Dropbox". In other words: Dropbox automatically opens the Dropbox folder in the Windows Explorer even when Dropbox is not started (i.e., the Dropbox icon does not appear in the system tray). 152ee80cbc

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