Variables and Expressions: Explains how to: 1) create and use variables; 2) use expressions for math and string operations; and 3) use built-in variables. See Functions for how to define functions, pass parameters to them, and receive return values from them.

A_AhkVersion In versions prior to 1.0.22, this variable is blank. Otherwise, it contains the version of AutoHotkey that is running the script, such as 1.0.22. In the case of a compiled script, the version that was originally used to compile it is reported. The formatting of the version number allows a script to check whether A_AhkVersion is greater than some minimum version number with > or >= as in this example: if A_AhkVersion >=

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AutoHotkey is a free and open-source custom scripting language for Microsoft Windows, primarily designed to provide easy keyboard shortcuts or hotkeys, fast macro-creation and software automation to allow users of most computer skill levels to automate repetitive tasks in any Windows application. It can easily extend or modify user interfaces (for example, overriding the default Windows control key commands with their Emacs equivalents).[6] The installation package includes an extensive help file; web-based documentation is also available.[7]

More complex tasks can be achieved with custom data entry forms (GUI windows), working with the system registry, or using the Windows API by calling functions from DLLs. The scripts can be compiled into standalone executable files that can be run on other computers without AutoHotkey installed. The C++ source code can be compiled with Visual Studio Express.

The first public beta of AutoHotkey was released on November 10, 2003, [1] after author Chris Mallett's proposal to integrate hotkey support into AutoIt v2 failed to generate response from the AutoIt community.[13][14] Mallett built a new program from scratch basing the syntax on AutoIt v2 and using AutoIt v3 for some commands and the compiler.[15] Later, AutoIt v3 switched from GPL to closed source because of "other projects repeatedly taking AutoIt code" and "setting themselves up as competitors".[16]

In 2010, AutoHotkey v1.1 (originally called AutoHotkey_L) became the platform for ongoing development of AutoHotkey.[17] In late 2012, it became the official branch.[18] Another port of the program is AutoHotkey.dll.[19] A well known fork of the program is AutoHotkey_H,[20][21] which has its own subforum on the main site.[22]

In July 2021, the first AutoHotkey v2 beta was released.[23][24] The first release candidate was released on November 20, 2022, with the full release of v2.0.0 planned later in the year.[25]On December 20, 2022, version 2.0.0 was officially released.[26] On January 22, 2023, AutoHotkey v2 became the official primary version. AutoHotkey v1.1 became legacy and no new features were implemented, but this version was still supported by the site.[27] On March 16, 2024, the final update of AutoHotkey v1.1 was released. AutoHotkey v1.1 has now reached its end of life.[28]

When AutoHotkey is used to make standalone software for distribution, that software must include the part of AutoHotkey itself that understands and executes AutoHotkey scripts, as it is an interpreted language. Inevitably, some malware has been written using AutoHotkey.[44] When anti-malware products attempt to earmark items of malware that have been programmed using AutoHotkey, they sometimes falsely identify AutoHotkey as the culprit rather than the actual malware.[citation needed]

Currently, there are plenty of AutoHotkey forks and versions. The first step to do it choosing the right one.Of course, it depends on your skills and what you want to do, but here are some pros and cons.

This fork is based on the original AutoHotkey code, and it is developed by Lexikos (Steve Gray). Contrary to AutoHotkey classic, it is still actively maintained.Bugs are usually fixed quickly (given you report them), however, sometimes a change introduces a new bug.

AutoHotkey.dll is a DLL version included with AutoHotkey_H. It can be used to run AutoHotkey_H code from within other scripting or programming languages. There is a COM interface, so it can easily be used from AutoHotkey_L, AutoHotkey_H, AutoHotkey v2, VBScript, Javascript, etc.

A version information like AutoHotkey_L or later or AutoHotkey_L or similarly newer versions indicates a feature is supported in AutoHotkey_L as well as in AutoHotkey_H, AutoHotkey v2 and AutoHotkey_H v2, as those versions derive from AutoHotkey_L.

Each hotkey is prefaced by a description of what the hotkey does. For those not familiar with scripting, you can change the hotkey assignments and inputs like notebook name or tag name to suit your setup. If you have questions, just ask. I think there are a number of users on here who are familiar with AutoHotKey.

I use the !!Daily tag for notes containing everyday small tasks. Every morning, I'll duplicate the prior day's note, and remove the !!Daily tag from the prior day's note and move it from my Todo NB to my main filing NB - by keeping historic daily tasks notes, I can track how successful I am at accomplishing these small daily tasks, which gives me information I can use in tweaking those tasks.

So now in the morning, I just run this new shortcut and my prior daily tasks note is sent to the filing NB and a new daily tasks note is created and prepped and ready to go. I can post the script if anyone is interested.

This is a bit tricky because EN's Windows app doesn't provide keystroke access to the Reminders. Even after clicking the Reminder icon, you still don't have keystroke access to navigate the menu to add, change, clear or mark as done. So all of this has to be done using mouse navigation, so the pixel counts used for said navigation will differ for different resolution monitors.

Once you have it set up, the thing to note is if instead of typing in a date, you navigate to the calendar with the keyboard, that doesn't register until you hit the spacebar. (It seems the entire Reminders function was written solely for mouse operation.) Once you hit the spacebar, you'll see the date change.

You motivated me to give it a shot with Reminders and PhraseExpress. The coordinates in the below are based upon a two monitor set up where EN is always open on the right monitor. Fortunately the reminder icon does note move around. So one could adjust the coordinates to one's monitor set up.

Interesting decision to use text string activator. I wrote it so that Evernote had to be the active application (so you can't accidentally change a note's reminder using the hotkey while working in another app).

You should come to the dark side of AutoHotKey. Way more powerful and more robust - e.g., searching for the reminder image vs relying on static location and mouse coordinates. With your PhaseExpress solution, if the note taskbar is changed resulting in the remindor icon moving, the script has to be changed. With AHK's imagesearch function, as long as the reminder icon is somewhere in the EN window, it will be found. As creative as you are with shortcut hacks, moving from PhraseExpress to AHK will be like trading in a 10/22 for a Ma Deuce.

is it possible for the script to be coded dynamically such that when it detects a different resolution, the offset will be adjusted accordingly? I have 3 different setups - 4K, 1440p, and 720p. Would prefer to have 1 set of code rather than running 3 separate AHK code if possible.

You can probably do this, but it seems kinda drastic: it's going to be pretty tedious for a person who's actually validly editing a note (and it won't do anything for right-click menu-based cut/paste operations). Unless you're trying to prevent deletion from the note list, in which case you might be able to constrain the dialog to only pop up when those keys are pressed in the note list, but again, right-click Delete is not prevented either in that case.

In the mean time I have a first AHK script that prevents accidental deletion within a note or the complete note. The search box is excluded and can still be used as before. I'm really getting exited about AHK's capabilities and will improve my script that you can easily switch on-off the protection. 152ee80cbc

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